The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, TUESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1946 11 BOOMS AS LABOR, CRISIS LOOKS BRIGHTER A Highest Levels in 15 Years Reached--Steel Truce Is Reconversion Is Almost Completed Wall Street Correspondenre The Republican New York, Jan. 11-Today's stock market was saying that United States Steel and the CIO were only cents hour apart in their wage increase controversy; that there would be no steel strike: that the worst of the labor situation has been seen; that the stock-minded public got notice from President Truman in his press conference Tuesday that his administration the was impossible not going and to would continue authorize an increase in steel selling prices. Today industrials, rails utilities, on trading, all made new recovery closing highs. Since the President made his steel price Announcement Tuesday, the closing average industrial stocks, includIng one RoOf LIE Saturday ANY CO session of two hours, has advanced no less than 11.72 points to the highest level since 1930. Arst by the official statement that Today's market also, was influenced reconversion has been 90 per cent completed, placing industry in strikes A position to go ahead when are over, and next by the official estimate that national income this year ill be between 140 And 150 billion, much more than had been Ay Hits Labor Strife "Industrial strife is delaying reconreducing production, and unemployment." Leonard L'.

version, Ayres, economist for the Cleveland causing says in his regular monthly bank letter. Reviewing the hizn epots in labor situation, Ayres now faces a task of "Congress It great must pass legislation which will importance and much ditticulty, undo the deadlock of these strikes which are rapidly paralyzing industry and In his rapidly last radio speech, President becoming intolerable." Truman sought the aid of the public in getting Congress to authorize his fact-Anding program. In today's dispatches, however, it apptars that in returning to the capiWashington after the 23-day holiday, conto gressmen speed action on legislation to curb are showing no inclination strikes. In the meantime, Wall stfeet's information is that the administration's price position in the controversy between United States Steel and the CIO has developed a situation where President Truman may have to And a price administrator. Last autumn President Truman issued his directive 10 the effect that while wage increases would he welcomed, there would be no increase in prices unless the necessity for such action was proved by past operations; that otherwise there must a period of six months, after which prices would advanced only if higher wages thade operations unprofitable.

That was the situation up to, the time United States Steel refused to even discuss the $2-a-day wage increase demand of CIO until steel prices were raised. Today the position of the government is to grant a $4-a- ton increase in steel prices based. on past operations. Hence the conclusion is warranted that the administration's wage-price position will be determined by what happens in wages and prices in the United States Steel controversy. That is where the new development in the OPA situation comes in.

Wall street's information is that Price Administrator Bowles went along with the administration in agreeing to Praise steel prices 3 ton to permit higher wages only on two conditions. 'The increase in steel prices not be considered a pattern for price increases for other industries and in other industries the head of the OPA must be given power to gay whether or not prices are to be increased. In making these reservations, Washington reports today, Bowles intimated that unless they were granted he might resign. Ayres is right that the labor situation is rapidly becoming intolerable, It is as simple as two and two that what is needed today is increased production of civilian goods. It is perfectly plain, that the a average wAge in industry going to be increased; that black markets resultins from shortages are thriving; that the threat of more inflation has steadily grown worse.

R. L. BARNUM. Stock Market Sale of Stocks New Fork Stork 10,000 New Tork Curb exchange. 1,110,000 Stock exchange 26.266 Sales in 100s 3 3 Ahhntt Tah 10 Do pt 62 ACE -Brill Mot 5 ACMA Sti 35 Adams Exp Adams-Millia Admiral Corp 18 Air Reduction 50 Alaska Juneau 147 Alleghany Corp 32 Do nf Do pr pl 41Ag Bud sit Allen Industries Allied Kid Allied Mills 73 Allied Stra Do pf 26 Allis Ch Mfg Do pi Alpha Com Amal Leather Am Ag (h Del Airlines Am Rank Note 39 Am Bosch Am Brake Shop Cable Rad Am Can Do pt ...199 Am Can Fay Jin nt Am Ch Cable .50 Do nf Net High Low Close Chg.

95 114 114 22 48 19 70 70 70 36 10714 59 143 1 33 1114 3 -12 9214 30 40 533 10 40 103 10 103 16 16 1:91 1'9 48 03 3912 40 147 117 117 1 Hayden, Stone Co. STOCKS BONDS COMMODITIES Third lat. Bank Bide. Springfield D. LORING POPE, Mgr.

Members of New York and Boston Stock Exchanges New York Curb Exchange and Other Principal Exchanges BOSTON PORTLAND NEW YORK Direct Private Wires Telephone: SPRINGFIELD 7-2671 HOLYOKE, Enterprise 4126 Sales In 100s High Low Close Chg. Sales in 100s High Low Close Chg. Sales in 100s High Low Close: Chg. Net Net, .60 Am Chicle 17. Do pi 43 46 Lily Tulip 12 Am Crystal 8 29 28 49 36 Crucible Steel 49 6 Link Belt 62 63 Am A Colortype 29 29 29 .40 Do pt Lima Locomotive 87 85 87 1.30 Do pt 107 104; 10)7 3 Do nt 112 112 11 Lion Oil 35 34 35 12 Am Distill Si 4.70 Cuba RR pi 44 45 3 Liquid Carbonic 39 Am Fincaus Til 834 Cuban-Am Sug 28 361 Do pf 110 Am Leather 88 11 54 341 11 5434 5 Cutler-Hammer 38 6 Louis pt EA 103 30 103 30 10 Export 40 Cuneo Press 59 Loew'a Inc 364 35 5 10 Am European 19 19 19.

16 Cudahy Pack 49 30 65 Lockheed Airc 43 44 38 Am Pow Curtis Publish 231 6 Lone Star Cem Do 2 pt 39 381 38 27 Do A 28 18 Lorillard 30 30 Do pl 1 Do pr pt 731 6 Long-Bell A 30 30 Do $7 pt 11814 163 Curtiss- Wright 8 3 Locke- Wil Biscuit 7312 73 1 Do 103 Do pt 57 57 57 D- 8 Louis Nash t7 66 67 Is A Ice Home Prod 1419 13 104 125 109 Davega Davison St Chem 28 224 Lukens Sti 28 Am 17 Am Interna 15 13 .20 Dayton pt 112 Forb 42: 42 .10 Am Inv 111 LA Decca Records 12 Mack Trucks 15 54 Am Loco 34 Deere Co 46 8 Macy (RI) Im M. Fdy 3734 5 Do pf. 39 38 381 18 Magma Copper 26 10 Met 19 19 Deisel-Wem-Gil. 33 33 Manati Sugar 38 Am Metal 21 Del Hudson 49 4. 10 Mandel Bros 184 .90 Am Am l'ow News Co Lt 81 15 81 Detroit Hillsdale Edison 15 75 CC 13 Maracaibo DO pt 142 .142 117 Del Lack West 15 SE 147 10 Manhattan Shirt 44 43 ,30 Det 39 Marine Midland Do $6 pt .....106 103 11; 10 Devoe Ray A 314 3.90 Market St Ry pt 18 18 Do pt 977 Diamond Match Marshall Field Am Rad st 19 6 Diam Motor 20 (GL) no 6.80 Do nt 9814 28 Dist Dixie Corp-Seag 101 50 30 Martin- 24 61 Am Roll Mill 32 31 3 3 Am Nafety Raz 381 35 4 Do A 55 55 53 Mathieson Alk 32 32 Cup Masonite Corp G1 Am Seating 30 30 19 Doehler- Jarvis 29 283 10 May Dept Strs 58 58 12 1.30 Am Am Smelt Ship Bldg 1 67 67 19 Dome MineR $3 27 1 11 Maytag Co 17 Dow Douglas Chem Aircraft 93 167 934 167 Do McCall pt Corp 55 501 53 1 .10 Do pt Am Snuff Fdra 20 Do pl 28 28 McCrory Strs 33 33 341 Am Am Sti Stored 31 31 28 Dunhill Dreaser Int Indust 32 5.60 Do Do pt 136 Ain Sture 1.70 pl ....110 Am Sugar Ret 511 du Duplan Pont de Corp 190 2 1 Mccraw Mcintyre Hili Pore 34 34 34 A 26 Am Sumat Tob 491 .30 Duq Light pt A Tel ..193 193 Mckess Rob 47 45 47 t9 A Tobacco 911 Michellan Stra 27 9 Do 26 Eagle Pich 0316 23 Do pl 119 3.30 72 Am Do Type pi Fdrs 29 14, 6 East Kastern St Air 1 118 37 Mead Mengel Corp Co 27 23 Am Viacome 71 Eastman Kodak 234 232 232 69 1.40 Do 5 pl 80 80 80 167 Am Wat Wha Eaton Mfg Tr "8 38 38 Do pl 109 10978 Edis Bros Stre 53 Mesta Machine 60 60 16 Amt Woolen 40 12 39 39 1 .30 DO pt 108 66 Miami Copper 13 Do pf 144 114 5 Ekco Prod 381 45 37 Mid.

Cont l'et 167 Am Wat Wka 27 27 27 .30 Do pi 5 Midland 8 Pr 61 138 .1 Zinc LES 1234 25 Elastic Stop 13 121 .10 1 pt 1601 1601 58 Anaconda ('op 48 4816 -18 12 6 El Auto Lite 0014 12 Minn lion Reg .80 Anacon Re 60 60 60 15 Elec Boat .10 Minn Hon pt 112 112 112 6 Anchor Hock 4914 481- 17 El Mus Ind 6 .10 112 112 3 Anderson Clayt 42 El Power It 144 114 6 Minn 17 4ti 47 Andeg Copper 213. 214 Do $6 pt 39 Minn Moline 14 API I'rod Do $7 pl 155. 155 Do pt 120 120 120 Arch Dan 09 El Storage Rat 5 1 54 Minn SIR 81 81 8134 233 Armour Co 1 El Paso Nat Gas 16 Minn Do pt 137 137 137 42 Emer El MI 10 Mission Corn 34 34 Arnold Artloom Const Corp 20 23 .70 56 Eng Do Pub pi Serv 106 106 36 33 2 Do Mohawk pt Carpet 44 31 Armstrong Cork 59 Emer Ph 37 198 Mo Kan Tex 15 14 Assd Dry Goods 48 .10 Do $6 oft pt Bldg Mojud Hos 34 34 Do pt 140 139 140 35 Equit 21 20 21 Monarch .50 Do pt 136 13t 473 Erie RR Monsanto Chem 127 127 127 11 Atch 109 109 24 Do Eureka pt A Clean 22 89 21 89 Do pi .110 110 13 Do Coast pt Line 120 50 120 18 120 15 Evans P'rod 40 40 Moore Montgom Malin Card 79 4 Indies 6 Ex-Cell-0 G1 Morrell Co 74 54 54 AtI Refining 40 393 40 Motor Products 32 1.40 Do pt 6 Fairh Morse AR 14 6814 Motor Wheel 33 33 22 Atlas Corp 16 Fajardo Sugar 3514 34 34 3. 5 Mueller Brass 4714 46 Do pt 56 54 3A Farna 12 19 191- 31 Mulling Mtg .40 Atlas Fond 04 Fed Trac Munsingwear Inc 45 .10 Do Fed Smelt 433 434- 42 Murray Corp 21 2 4 10 Atlas Tack 27. 26 20 Fed Mot Truck 181 Do pf 24 Aust Nichols 12 Federat Strs 63 62 1 Myers Bro 63 1 .20 Do pr A 126 1251 126 Do pf 1067 12 Autocar Co 5 Fid Ferro Fire Enam Ins 62 32 62 62 92 Nash 340 Aviation Corp 11 11 25 Firestone 7614 76 18 Nat Acme 37 37 2 Do pi 63 First Nat Strs 59 38 59 Nat Airlines 33 12 39 Nat Auto Fib 19 18 5 1 42 Florida Flintkote Pow 18 18 Nat Aviation 28 120 Bald Loco 39 37 3.5 Stl 15 Nat Battery 34 34 94 Balt Ohio 28 281; Follansbee 13 73 73 10 Nat Biscuit 34 34 HE 65 Do pi 43 1.40 Food Do pt Fair Strs 307 39 Nat Bond Shr 28 287 Bangor Ar 24 24 24 Machinery 76 76 53 Nat Can Barber Asph 481 48 4913 20 Food Foster Wheeler 46 26 Nat Cash Reg 4214 411 3 Barker Bros 4516 20 Do 6 pi 27 11 Nat Container 29 34014 27 Barnsdall Oil 23 23 30 Francisco Sugar 31 32 23 Nat Cylinder 20 21 Bath Ir Wks 231 Sulph Nat Dairy Pred 38 5 1 3 Bayuk Cigars 45 44 45 24 Freeport Fruehauf Tra 43 425 15 Nat Dept Stores 42 8 Beatrice Cream 88 Nat Distillers 32 Beech Airc 13 Nat Enam Stpg 53 .10 Beech Creek 41 41 41 75 54 Gair Gabriel Co (Robert) 35 Nat Gypeum 2 Belding-Hem 22 Do pf Do pi .108 108 103 19 Bell Airc Gamewell Co 15 Nat Lead 36 Bell Howell 3 Gardner -Denver 2734 .20 Do pl A ......197 197 197 1 .10 Do ....:110 110 110 Gar Wood Ind 00 Do pi 34 24 3414 34 14 Bendix Aviat 568 Do pt 61 62 Nat Cal 13 13 Beat Renef Foods Ind Ln 28 10 Gaylord Cont 81 42 79 39 81 41 266 -16 Nat Nzt Oil Pow Prod Lt 61 14 64 11 76 Beth Stl 101 1034 Am pi Invest 19 19 14 3 Natl Steel Do 3 Rigelow-Sant 76 73 76 14 Gen 3 Nat Sug Ref Decker 3614 Gen Am Trans 637 108 63 108 62 34 Nat Supply 103 103 103 11 Blaw-Knox 24 34 045 18 Gen Baking 133 .30 Do pf pt 3014 .70 Bliss Binomingdale Laugh 31 44 Gen Bronze 263 14 Nat Tra 50 Certain-teed Pr 1611 FAR 33 6 Do A 42.

4114 Natomas Co 28 3 1 Gen Cabie Boeing Airplane 307 .10 Do pt 147 1472 Nehi Neisner Corp Bros 44 61 64 3 Bohn Brass 71 71 Gen Cigar 35 35 1 39 .50 Bon Ami A .118 106 108 83 Gen Elec Newherry (J.J) 109 109 Bond Stra 40 40 6 lien Foods 5.5 55 13 Newmont Min 48 47 48 1 13 .50 Do nf 109 19 Do pi Co 190 19044 3 Gen Mills 48 6 Newport Indust Borden 51 50 51 2 3 Gen Mills pt 123 122 123 3 12 Newpt Newsship 17 Borg-Warner 64 101 Gen Motors 6 NY Air Brake 4.3 Boston Maine 10 10 10 no pt 129 129 211 NY Central RR 33 Bower Roll Bear 59 59 59 10 Gen Out Adrt 41 23 16 NY Louis 58 58 3 18 8 Branitt Airw 29 33 33 Gen Prec Eq 39 101 1 Do pf 126 46 Brewing Bridgeport Corp Br 173 28 Gen Pub Service NYC Omnibus 3458 13 Gen Ry Signal 4.3 NY Dock 20 Mfg 501, 34 Gen Real Util 9 00 Do pf 59 59 39 10 Briggs Strat 277 28 13 Refract 33 31 .10 NY pt 5 Bristol-Myers 38. 37 38 Gen Shoe 29 NY Shipbuilding 20 Bklyn Un Gas 35 3514 .30 Gen Stl Cast pf 1 Noblitt-Sparks 30 50 50 Brown Shoe 77 77 771 5 Gen Tel 4.20 Nort Western 256 2.32 235 3 10 Brunswick- 24 24 Gen Times Inst 10 No Am Aviation 15 18 Bucyrus-Erie 8 Gen Rub 4314 37 North Amer Co 32 Do pf 124 50 Gillette Sat 26 26 1.30 Northern Central 53 Budd Mig 26 1 Do pt 104 104 104 75 Northern Pacific 23 Do pi 30 Gimbel Bros 63 .30 Nor Sta Pow pi 23 Budd Wheel 25 24 Glidden Co 44 42 44 3 5 Northwest Airl 57 6 Bullard Co 43 43 2 41 Goebel Brew 1 Northwest Tel 54 54 54 8 Bulova Watch 431 42 43 16 Goodall-Sant 38 Norwalk 1614 16 21 Burling Mills 45 9 Goodrich (BF) 76 1 Norwich Pharm 191, 19 22 Burr Do pf Add Mach 109 109 109 20 Goodyear 111 66 111 67 0 67 2 Do pt 48 Ohio Oil 007 16 Bush Term 14 133; 14 9 Goth Hosiery 39 391 Bush Bldg pt 68 88 88 382 Graham-Paige 14 25 Oliver Corp 28 Butler Bros 27 14 Granby Con Min .40 Do pf ad 119 32 Do pi Grand Union 34 34 34 23 Omnibus Corp 1673 12 Butte Cop 43 Granite City sti 233 23 Do pi 1.80 Do pf 102 102 31 Gt Nor Ir Ore ct NASA 25 Otis Elevator 33 33 37 33 18 Byers A 281 3 Grant (WT) 33. 33 4 Oppenheim Col 1 Byron Jackson 22 Northn Ry pt 63 60 1 Outboard 19 Gt Weat Sug 33 33 4 Owens Oll Glass 79 10 3 Calif Packing 5376 3 Green (HL) 86 86 2 3 Pac Am Fish 1834 1814 .90 Do pt .174 172 72 Callah Do pf Lead 33 35- 42 Greyhound Corp 34 33 11 PAC Coast 21 52 10 Calumet Campbell Wyant Hec 3.5 9 34 37 Grum Guantan Airc Sugar En 12 5034 121, A 25 Pac Gas Elec 631 43 3 Do pi 148 SEE 2 Do 2 pf 38 381 Can Dry Ale 48 4634 1 .90 Do pf 104 103 103 P'ac Mills 731 3 Pac Lighting .60 Do pt 130 129 12 29 Gulf Ohio 26 1 Pac Tel Tel .149 18 Can Sou Ry 25 22 Gulf Oil 62 .10 Do pf 173 17: 170 328 Canad Par 231 41 Pac Tin Cons 914 5 Cannon Mills 41 12 Hall Print 1 3 Pac West Oil 30 12 30 6 Cap Adm A 43 42 43 Hamil Watch 26 2414 245 Packard Motor 12 113 9 Crown Zellerb 311 301 31 Harb Walker 97 Pan Am Airways 24; 261 .30 Caro ..130 130 130 Hart Sch Si l'an Am Petrol 181 Carpenter Sti 49 32 Hat Corp Am A 13 Panhand EPL 38 Carrier Corp 29 294 33 Hayes. Indust 16 Panhandle 160 Do rt 121 MEg Paraffine Cos 81 811 6 Do pt 73 73 33 Hazel Atlas GI 134 134 134 93 Param Pictures 59 Carriers Gen Hecht Co 34 34 34 12 Park Tilford 69 69 15 (JI) Co 46 .60 Do pt .105 39 Park Utah ConM 50 Do pi 175 175 175 Helme 9 Parke Davis 381 10 Caterpil Tract 76 74 Hercules Motors 3 Parker Rust-Pr 30 13 Celanese Corp 2 Hercules Powd 30 Parmelee Trans 2 Do lot pt Do 133 135 135 1 43 Patino Mines 23 6 Celotex Corp 23 'pf 2 Penick Ford 69 3.80 Do pt 21 1 Hershey Choc 139 Penney (JC) 151 27 Cent Foundry 113; Hewitt Rub 29 36 3 6 Tenn 0 15 15 33 Cent Aguirre 28 .20 Do cv pl ......139 15 Penn Cent Airl 454 9 Cen Hud 3 Hinde Pap 61 36 61 61 11 Penn Dix new 30 26 Cent RR NJ 197 Holland Furn Penn GI Sand 30 30 Cent Violeta 39 40 Hollander Son 31 40 Pen 2612 27 14 Cerro de Pas 49 Holly Sugar 53 50 Penn RR 46 48 3 Chain Champ Belt 33 301 46 7 Homestake Houd-Hershey Min 24 1 Penn Peoples Salt 44 44 .10 Do pt 113 113 113 Do pt 62 62 30 30 62 Peroia 37 37 37 Checker Cab ....111 111 111 16 Household Fin 107 107 73 Pepsi Cola Ches Corp Va 21 21 21 Do pt 107 22 l'ere Marq 28 59 Ches Ohio 91 Houston Houston Oil Do nt 90 89 89 21 Chi 111 13 14 31 Man 9 Do pr pt ....112 112 9 Do A 03 7 23 Hudson 22 1 00 Petrol Corp 12 12 12 19 Chi Grt West 8 Do pt 36 10 Pfeiffer Brew 13 Chi St 37 Hudson Motor 33 28 Phelps Dodge Do pi 31 16 Huds Bay 19 Pfizer, Ch Co 108 Do pi 76 92 Hupp Motor 1.10 Phila Co pf 74 7:4 Chi Chi Do Mail pt NW Order 73 42 37 3 Idaho Illinois Pc xer Central 43 37 23 Phila Do $1 Elec pref 29 2014 29 Chi Pneu Tool 1.90 Do IT, 94 94 91 18 Philco Corp 45 2 Chi Yell Cab 25 25 Do pi 85 85 83 3 23 Philip Morris Childs Chickasha Co Cot 0 14 Indpla Indust Rayon 74 1 Phillips Phillips-Jones l'et 3.3 35 35 ('hile Cop 43 2 Inger-Rand 14t Phoenix Hosiery 40 40 40 25 Chrysler Corp 3 Inland Steel Pillsbury Mills 34 ('IT Finan 3414 24 InspiratCon Cop 34 Pitt 13 1.10 City Invest 797 79 2 Interchemn Corp 54 38 Pitts Cons Coal 2: 23 3 City Ice Fuel 203 201 Insuransh Cti 101 10 Do pf 101 104 10 City Stores Intercon Rubber 16 Pitt Forgings bu Clev El 111 pt 113 1131 16 Int Harvester 10) 100 19 Pitt Plate Gl 4414 Clark Equip 71 2 201 Interlake Iron 193 16 30 .30 Pitt T'itt Ft Way Bolt. pt .203 203 203 11 Clev Graph Br Spl 64 57 57 4334 57 .40 Do IntHydro-Elec pt A 12 66 Pitt Steel 19 Clev Pitt 31 40 Climax Molyb 4014 Int 33 33 33 10 Do 3 nf 120 Cluett l'eahndy 38 11 Int Mining 7.30 Do pt 77 73 Coca-Cola 184 190.

121 Int Nick Can 10 Do pr pt Do nf A 66 titi (iti 61 Int t'aper 45 45 Pitt Weat Va 33 3:: 12 Colgate-P'alm 48 46 Do pi 2 34 Pittston Co 23 .10 Da pf 105 54 24 Int By Cen Am 2: Plough Inc 27 11 Collina Aik A Int Shoe 48 48 1 Plymouth Oil 94 Col Fuel Ir 204 Int Tel Tel 3 Poor Co 21 4.300 Col South 44 39 10 3 19 Do for ct 19 Pressed Stl Car 26 26 1.30 Do pl 38 :16 34 38 10 Int Dept Stra 6 Procter Gam 67 .10 To pi 39 38 38 3 Intertype 112 Pub Sve Column Br'cast A 1.50 Do 8 nf 114 144 Do pf 43 22 Jacobs FI 22 Do 7 pt 13416 135 2 430 Colum F1 10 Jewel Tea 47 1.40 Do 6 pt ad 13 Colum Pict 273 28 Johns John 38 39 Pullman 2 .30 Do pi Johns-Manville 1484 .10 Pub pt 11514 Do .30 Do pi 1.70 Do $5 pf Colum Carbon 40 114 Jones I. Stl 48 33 Pure Oil 23 23 20 Comi Credit Do pf A 101 104 104 Do 5 pi 112 112 112 27 Comi Solvents 25 Do pi 142 3 Purity Bak 33 34 21 Com'with Edis 3.1 3514 16 Joy Mig 30 30 2122 South 1241 37 4 Quaker Sta Oil 02 6 Conde Naat 52 52 12 Kalam Stove 33 17 Do pt Congoleum-Nairn 3534 22 Kan Do pf City South 63 30 63 3 136 Radio Corp 53 Cons Coppermin 7 14 Kayser 50 497 A 3 Do pt 92 91 92 Cone Edison 3.3 35 Hay Wh A 33 219 Radio 0 18 18 Do pt Kelsey 283 14 Do pt Cons Laundries 19 19 Do Kennecott Cop 6234 1.80 RR 37 37 371 6 Cons Nat Gas 41 44 2 45 Kimberly Clark 73 .10 Ralston Rayonier Pur Inc pI 100 24 19 ConsolRRCubapf 47 Kinney R. Co 17 17 26 Cons Vultee .10 Do $5 pt 90 90 90 11 Do pt 38. 38 3 Container Corp 3924 19 2 Kress Kregge 48 35 48 48 4 Real Silk Hos 28 Do Consum pf Pow pt 37 1131 113 37 37 16 Koppers Co 40 41 12 2 19 00 Do Reading 1 pf Co 30 30 AS 10 Cont Rak 9 Kroger Grocery 49 .30 Reis (R) Co pf 118 115 117 21 ('ont Can 481 10 Reliance Mfg 52 51 3616 517 14 ('ont Diam Fib 17 161 Ieming Rand 3 Cont Ina 567 561 114 Laclede Gas Reo Motors 174 Cont Motors 223 211 13 Lambert Co 50 5.5 14 Repub Avia 17 30 Cont Oil Del 41. 17 Lane Bryant 38 38.

143 Repub Steel Cont Steel 44 44 44 3 Lee Rub xd 5012 Do pl A ....112 112 112 Cooper Bess 291 37 Lehigh 16 Rev Cop 2 54 sti 2 Lehigh Port C. 43 42 28 Reynolds Metals 6t Do pf 53 52 53 434 Lehigh Val 51 2.20 Do pf 130 122 130. 1.20 Corn Exchange 65 63 3 46 Do pi 573 19 Reynolda Spring 11 Corn Products 67 68 105 Leh Val RR 14. 1.60 Reynolds Tob 46 46 A 13 Cornell- Dub HI 25 24 35 10 Lehman Corp 561 143 Do 411. 10 Corning Glans 3814 38 381 Lehn Fink 37 Do pi 103 105 103 8 Coty Inc 117 111 113 Lerner Stores 331 3 Rheem m.Mfg 10 Coty Internat 67 14 Lih-0-F Glass 6934 68 69 90 Richfield Oil 17 46 Crane Co 403 42 83 Libby, McN L.

133 3 Ritter Co 33 1 31 ('ream of Wh 353 34 35 Life Savers 36 36 36 45 Roan Ant Cop 11 16 Cork 62. 6O 62 Lizgett 97. 97 1 Roya: Type 29 29 1 Crown Ck $2 pi 3214 521 324 15 Do 93 40 Ruberoid 48 48 2 4: Sales in 100s High Low Close 4 Ruppert (J) 33 22 Safeway Stores 2712 A 446 St Savage Joseph Arms Lead 56 31 Schenley Distil 124 16 Seab Al RR 36: 4 Seaboard Oil 31 5 5 Seab Arr nf 10 Seagrave Corp 13 156 Sears Roebuck 1 17 Servel Inc 24, .20 Do pt 54 Shamrock 24 21 Sharon StI .40 Do pl 100 100 8 Sharp Dohine 25 15 Shell Sheaffer Shattuck Union (F Pen G) 33 741 33 129 21 Silver Sinclair Simonds Simmons (Dil KingCoalit Co sti 203 403 40 121 12 Skelly Oil 6014 24 Sloss-Shef Stl 2 1 Do pt 6 Smith Corp, 90. 90 1 42 Socony-Vacuum 17 32 Sou Am $13 So Rico Sug 57 56 .50 Do br 176 176 2 6 Sou Sn'east Cal Edison GreyhL 39 38 Sou Nat Gas 00 Southern Pacific 613 14 Southern Ry 59 79 Do pi 22 1 Sparks Withing 12 Spear Co 183 181 .40 Do pt 021 921 2 Spencer Hell 26 Sperry Corp 1 Mfg 81 81 81 32 Spiegel Inc 1.10 Do' pf 97 97. 1 Square Co 661 Squibb Sons .10 Jo pt 113 18 Stand Brands 1 245 Std pt 45 2 $6 pr pt 132 131 132 Do $7 pr pf 119) 147 2 96.67 Stand oil Cal 49 15 Stand Oil Ind 44 54 Oil 69 68 13 Stand Oil Ohio Do pt.

.......107 107 107 83 Std Sti Sprg 21 Sterling Drug 44 41 25 22 Stokely Stewart Warn Camp 3 Do pf 39 Stone Webster 23 213 23 38 Studebaker Corp 333 21 Sun Chem .90 Do pt ...107 107 107 3 Sun Oil TI 71 1 1.10 Do pf ....123 123 123 58 Sunray Oil 834 9 26 Sunshine Mng 20 Superheater 35 34 13 Superior Steel 42 42 Sutherland Pap 004 Sweets Co Am 60 60 60 17 Swift Co 383 17 Swift Intl 33 33 33 6 Sylvan El Pprod 41. 40 40 51 Syming-Gould 14 11 Tenn Corp 18 1.30 Tenn pt 111 111 29 Texas Co 61 14 Texas Gulf Prod 17 Texas Gulf Sulph 26 Tex Pac Re 26 Tex Pac Trust 18 11 Tex Pacific R.y Ea Thatoher Mfg .30 Do cv pl 61 81 61 3 The Fair 17 17 39 Thermoid Co 16 1.40 Do pt 633 43 2 1 Thompson 1814 181 181 8 Third Ave Tran 6 Thompson Prod 65 7 24 Thompson Star 23 Tide Wat A Oil Do pt 571 .10 Do pt Timken Det Axle 49 Timken Rear 6.1 25 Transamerica 21 21 5 Trans West Air 68 tiT 67 Tri Cont Corp 11 .60 Do pt 11 Truax Tubize Traer Rayon Do pf 92 9 Twent Do pt Fox 541 474 3 Twin City Rap Tr: 167 167 1634 Do pr pt 533 .20 Do pf 159 150 139 1 Twin Coach 1 Underwood 13 251 251 34 Union Carbide 1081 26 Union Oil Cal 27 3 Union Pacific Do pf 113 115 113 Union Tank Car 41. 40 8 United Air Lin 33 United Aircr 36 United Biscuit United Carbon 82 81 82. U'n Cig-Wh Strs 12 3. United Do pr Corp pt 24 5 04 24 379 Do 50 18 United Drug 2714 United 33 United United Elec Dyewood Coal United Fruit 1131 29 United Gas Imp 52 51 6 United 9 United Paperbd 3 US For Sec 28 2.20 Do pf 107 107 6 US Freight 2434 1 US Gypsum US Hoffman Mich 31 31 .60 Do pt 70 69 TO Us US Indus Leather Chem 111 Do A US Lines 16 15 16 Do pi 11.

Us Wiry US Play Cd 63 103. 3 62 UR Plywood 4914 24 Real Imp 414 10 US Rubber 734 7118 Do 1 pf 175 US Smelt 76 Do nf 3 8634 130 US Steel 19 Univ Pict 48 47 47 .20 UnivLeafTob pt .190 190 190 59 3 8 3 US Univ United United Do Do Do Univ-Cyclops pt nf pf Lab Tobacco Stores Stockyds Stl A 118 26 83; 118 52 26 20 8 15914 814 118 26 7 Van Norman 23 3 Van Raalto 53 51 53 16 Vanadium Corp 34 33 33 Vertient-CamSug 2454 24 Vick Chem 67 3 Vic Chem Wks 42 40 42 3 44 Va-Caro Chem 3 Do 6 pf 82 80 82 .30 Va $5 pt 122 12131 122 9 Virginian Ry 1 Do pf 4134 Waldorf RR pt 19 19 3 Walgreen Co 41 1153 24 Walworth Co 144 12 Ward Raking 13 .54) Do pf 1043: 98 Warner Br Warren P. 49 Warren Pet 20 1012- Wash Gas It 3014 Waukesha Mtr 33 33 Wayne Pump I Webster Tob Wesson 38 Do pf 87 87 87 8 West Ind Sug 40 40 .80 .70 5 WVa West Do Western 6 WestPennFow Penn pt AirL E1 Pap 7pt pt 118 117 112 118 117 118 112 117 WE Western AirL, rt West Auto Sup 61 6034 61 1.30 1'o pt 14 West Maryland 12 13 12 69 Westing Elec 38 39 44 3 3 9 1 West West Do Weston Do Do Westing pt Tac El ni UnTelA Airbr Inst 41 9134 3016 511 30 91. 51 01 30 313 PEN 3 Westvaro Chior 401 40 40 10 .70 Do Wheeling pt Steel 10.7 50 Do pr pf .....101 1003 101 5 White Dent 3034 303 34 White Motor 43 10 White Sew Mach 16 .30 Do pf 88 88 83. 61 1 Do pr nf 34 34 34 Wilcox Oil 100 Willys Overland 14 24 29 Wilson Co 8 181 2 Wilson Jones Woodward Iron 28 Woolworth FW 55 54 19 Worthing 64 1.50 Wright Aero 95 93 96 1 Wrigley Jr 80 80 80 9 Wyand Wor 26 24 2 Yale York Young Corp Spg Ah Towne W.

264 4611 :32 46 25 5 2 A Youngst St1 Dr 7 16 Zenith Radio 42. 61 Zonite Products Springfield Clearing House Clearings and balances at the Springfield Clearing house Monday, compared with the corresponding day last year, 1915 Clearings $802,101 $618.665 Balances 101.851 70,425 Standard time WAS adopted in the United States Nov. 18, 1883. Net Chg. 3 3 NE 1 117 192 300 12 130 12 33 12 117 21 37 8 18 16 1 5 Bond Market New York, Jan.

14-(AP)-A lively rally in rails of all types kept the bond market active and at higher levels today. of the road Missouri Pacifies loans, paced the moving up to points on heavy turnover. The action followed word the road's chairman would undertake to appeal a court decision approving the reorganization plan of 1913. Other rails ending up better than point included Baltimore Ohio stamped convertibles of 1960, Central of New Jersey 5s, Chicago Alton Rock Island 4s and Rio Grande Western 4s and 5s, Illinois Central International Great Northern adjustment 6s, Lehigh Valley and 5s, Katy 5s, New Orleans, Texas Mexico 5s. New Haven 4s and and Frisco 4s and 5s.

Higher priced corporation bonds had a good day and United States gOVernments kept moving ahead, ending up 2-32 to 15-32. American Telephone 3s were ahead points. Armour added a a fraction and Commonwealth Edison moved up a point to 139. Foreign dollar bonds were steady. Principal interest was in South Americans, including those of Brazil and Chile.

Sales of $9,120,000 compared with $9,450,000 last Friday. Following is a list of bond transactions: Sales in 1000'g High Low Close TT. S. GOVERNMENT BONDS 11 Treas 21s 62-59 Dec 102.15 102.12 102.12 Do 62-79 ...102.13 102.13 102.13 19 Do 72-67 Dec 103.7 103.9 103.9 16 Am FP 38. 2030 21 Am 75 Do 3836 13214 Do 80 1045 25 Am Tob 107 2 Do 39 69 1061 4 Arm Co 75 '1061 48 ATSK 4695 1 ACL sti4 1144 5 1st 48 1044 57 Do 95 A 95 7 9714 Do 0.

1003; 1001 51 Do 2000 6S Do 06 9431 163 Do cv GO 82 7034 62 2 Do 4g 48 107 15 Do ST 50 Do TC 49 59 .103 103 103 13 Bell Pa 58 410 1311 131 131 Beth Stl 10414 10414 Bost Me 70 803 703; Do 43 60 25 But 37 st 87 86 142 5s 34 Can perp 113 Celanese 38 67 106 10614 48 Cen 59 59 24 233 24 43 Do cn 5s 45 18 Do 1st 08 45 99 Cen 4g 61 103 14 Cen l'ac As60 13 Cen D' 1st 1349 102 CRRNJ 33 87 73 317 96 279 3s 49 40 59 CB 83 inc 97 81 8012 801; 11 COW 1038 7918 17 Do 43 88 Ch WI 4s 52 33 Chi 1 53 66 04 Do 4s 47 CASP inc 2019 104 Do cv 2044 91 23 Jo 48 94 101 NW 99 33 CRIP 52 A 18 78 230 Do 60 CA 19 Do 45 88 .100 100 109 Do 69 34 13 CCCSI. 9818 3 CI CIENI UT 3s 1401 19 Do ....108 Col 80 62 Coi 58 61 1041 Com Ed 38 139 130 1:9 Do As 1024 5 Con Kid 18 102 102 10. Cuba 42r 49 49 49 11 Del IT 4s 63 105 105 3 Del 100 66 10012 6612 Do inc 93 66 43 Da 48 2012 89 4s 36 14 58 55 16 163 105 DRGW 58 56A. 14 1313 16 69 78 73 73 3 Dug Lt 3 65 105 105 12 Erie 413 2013 0934 Do 2000G Firest TR 10: 208 Fla EC us 74 90 89 90 12 Gen 4.3 69 49 4 Gdrich 65 104 104 1 Gt Nor 110 110 110 Hud 82 37 roso7 78 781. 78 62 Do inc 4034 IC 1021 6 Do 18 Do 06 69 ICCSL A Do 63 9712 Int tis 52 50 Do 1st Gs 54 89 89 Do is 16 83 8: 8:: Do bs 36 81 82 92 Int I 6s 14 971.

37 Int 32 1021 Do is 105 13 KC Ft 4s 36 Laut inc 71 VIT 34 801 13 I.el is st 61 69 41 62 Do 2003 To 4.8 2000 3974 Tig 119 119 119 Isl 49 .107 107 107 Lou A 19 2003 10414 1044 1114 13 1.00 2003 10212 10 MSPSSM 91 8012 8 M-K-T 62 A 4.1 23 Do Aj Os 67 10716 109 Do 4 78 9734 971 Do lat 4g 90 99 Mo 49 43 447 Do A 102 Do Do 101 103 Do 56 80 102 102 176 Do 55 81 102 102 Do 46 75 62 Mor 80 73 Do 2000 13 Nat Stl 38 65 101 00 NERR 45 NOTerm 53 108 103 108 NOTM 54 100 100 Do 98 98 43 NYC Us 2013 Do 2013 A 98 97 32 Do cn 4s 98 98 NYEdis 65 104 104 104 116 NYNHH Ga 48 40 Do 67 Do 4s 4 NYOW Do Do 48 4g 37 4g 25 39 12 Do 48 35 NYWB 16 Nort 2014 Nor 3a 2047 108 108 108 8 Do 2017 107 107 107 12 Do 4s 97 1221 122 Do 2047 887 0 LCh 48 27 Ohio Ed 238 14814 103 be GO dis 74 1087 Pen Cen Airl 125 123 Pen Tut Us 73 11 Pitt Con Coal 63 ..1012 5 Rio GW 48 39 110 110 Phil El 71 107 105 Phil l'et 64 10414 Phil Ry 37 l'eo 48 93 9: Do 'is 43 Penn A 13.5 Do. 4 4.0 Do 1281 Do 157 105 103 Do 48 19 87 87 RIA 1, 34 Rutl lat St 1SF 30 Do 78 18 50 A TO TO St LSW rf dg 90 101 1003 89 Sea A inc wi 80 83 Sea-Ab fig 2034 20 So 1023 10234 Do 81 1037 Do 101 Do Or. 105 10.1 PSET 4g 50 145 105 24 So l'ac 116 Do 86B Sou Ry cA 04 13414 Do 48 36 106 Std ONJ 3s 61 107 1043 Tex Corp 3s 05 Do 38 .50 83 Th Ave 38 00 1 Univ 39. .104 104 104 62 Va Ry Is 96 109 Wab 01 03 93 93 Do 48 81 9 TV Sh 48 2361 91 91 Md 43 32 109: West Un 58 60 107 Do 50 1418 Wis 49 49 88 88 Wis. 48 SD 36 39 39 39 FOREIGN BONDS Arg 4s 72 Feb Arg 48 72 Ap Do 103 103 103 Australia 58 Austral 4148 56 102 Buen A 4 3 77 93 Canada.

48 60 111 111 111 Do Chile fiR 60 asd Do fiR Jan Gia 3 Do Ga Feb Gia 21 23 24 Do 68 Colomb 70 60 60 Copenh his 52 94 Denmk 6a 42 62 Grk 6s 68 DE pd 19 Kreug 59 Sales in 1000's High Low Close 3 Mex 6g asd 33 23 Do 4g 01 asd 54n 3212 32 59 Do 48 10 aad 45 30 Norway 65 1st tis 60 30 62 Peru 2d 6g 61 30 3014 Poland 83 50 33 33 Pol 63 and 00 iS Do 69asd 22 92 22 Queensld fig 47 1027 Rio do GA 68 San Fe (Pr) 48 64 48 98 26 Ur aj 79 89 High Low Close ACE- Brill war Alum (o Am 73 Acme Wire Aero Sup 6 Ainsworth Air Aganc Air Investors Air- Way El Ap Aireon MEg 16 Do bf 21 91 Ala Gt Sou 130 130 130 Ala Pow pf 10934 Allied Int In pf 47 471 Ailied Prod 56 54 56 Alum Ltd .133 131 133 Am Beverage 5 5 5 Am Cen Mfg 20 51 51 Jo 471 Do Am Cyan 51 3 Am Len war Am Fork loe 25 AnI Gats EI 441 4.7 Do 11114 1111. Am Gen Do $2 pf 49 49 49 Ant Hard Rub At Land Mch 43 Am Light Tad 25 271 Am Mfg Am Maracaiyo Am P'ot Ch 56 51; 56 Ni Itepublics 16 Am Seal-Kap 914 Am Superpow Do pf 5014 4811 Am Thread pf Am Writ Pap 1014 Anch Post 11 11 Ang- Wupp 1 Apex Elec Mfg 41 Argus Inc 14 Arv Nat Gas 6 Do A Do pf Aro Equip Ashland Oil ASSO Laund 314 3 3 Atlantic Fish Atlas Corp war 04 Atlas Ply Automat Prod 181 Auto Mach 10 10 1014 Avery Sona 20 19 20 Ayrshire Coll 27 Babco*ck Wil 49 Baldwin Rub 17 16 Barium Stl Basic Refract Beaunit Mills Beck, A. S. 24 Bellanca Airc Gav Furn 4 I'dy Blauners 33 Bliss W) 254 Blue Ridge Blunental 32 Boback (HC) 3612 Borne Scrym 41 41 41 Bowm Bilt HI 344 Do 1 pf SO 10 pf Do pf Braz Tr Breeze Corp Brewst Aero Bridgpt Oil 101 Brit Celan 67 Brit Col Pow Brown Brown-F. Dist 4:1 Brown Rubber 1: Ruckeye I' Buf EP pi 10314 Bunk Hill Burma Jad 3 31 Burry Biscuit 12 1134 Cab El Prod vtc Cal EI pow 11 7 11 Callite Tung 11 Can Ind Ac 18 18 19 Can Marconi Cap City Prod 35 311 313 Carman Carnation 39 Caller (JW) 13 1378 137 Casco Prod 21 Catalin Am Cen Ohio St 19 Gen R- SI L't 111 C'en Sta E1 pf 11212 114 Do 6 pi 40 42 Do cv pi 3814 14 Do cv nf 38 39 Cessna.

Airc Chamb Co Am 29 21 07 Cherry-Burrell Chi Flex Shaft 44 44 44 Chi Riv Meh 175 Chief Cons Mng Childs pf 150 150 Cities Service Do bf 148 150 Do pf City Auto Stpg 1634 1612 Clark Control 32 31 31 Claude Neon Lts 814 Clayton Lam 18 Cleve El Illum 19 483 49 co*ckshutt P'low 163 Colon Develop 6 Colonial Airl 40 39 44 Colo Fuel I war Colts 43 4: Colum of 98 98 Comwith So war 5-16 Comm Wat Sve CompoShMvte 19 18 19 Conn Gas 412 43 Biscuit Cons 41 Hal 90 90 90 10 bf Do pf 110 110 110 Cons Gas 1't 10 10 11 Cons Mng dons Het Strs Cons Royalty Cons St1 Corp 37 3:74 Cons Textile 1114 11 Cont Fdy Mich 0 25 Cont pr of 111 111 111 Copper Range 123 1: Cornuc Min 13 Coro Inc 41 43 Corroon Hey Costen Petro 63 DO pf 42 41 42 Creole Pet Croft Brew 4 Crosley Mot 161 11 161. Crowley Milner 17 175 Crown l'et 91 Do Int A 20 20 20 Crown Drug Do pf 30 Crystal Oil Ret 5 Cuban Cuban Tob 37 37 37 Curtis Itg Dayton Rub new 012 Dejay Stra 1-4 14 14 Dennison Mfg Do pr pi 170 170 170 Derby Oil 12 12 Gray Ir 3 Mich Stove 101 Diana Strs 19 199 Dive Corp 40 Dobeckmun 84 Domest Ind Domin Draper S11 Corp Coal Duro-Test Duval Tex Sul Gas Do fi pi 1 Dr pf 99 99 East Mall Iron East Sta Corp Do pi 10 pf A 74 East Sug pt East Wash MB 124 Eron Giro Strs Bond Sh Do pt pt pd Do $7 pi pt nd war Elgin Nat Wat 30 Elliott Co Emero 11 Equity Corp Do $3 pt 5: Esquire Inc Eversharp Inc 5. Fiarchild Cam 1. Fairchild Do pf Fanaleel Met 80 Fedders Mfg 13 Ford Mot Lti Brew 28 28 12 Frank Cou Dis Frank Strs Fuller A Garrett Corn 1134 Gellman Mfg 13 Alloys Finance Firepfg Curb Market Gen Rayon A Gen Share 57 5 Do pf Gilbert A 33 33 33 Glean Harv 2:3 Glen Ald Coal (obel Inc Godchaux Sug 3644 Do pi 103 103 103 Goldfield Con Gorh Mfg 66 63 64 Graham Paige pt 42 39 tirand Rap Gray Olfg Grayson Shops Gt AtI nv 11.1 113 Gt Nor Pap 44 443 Greenf 00 Groc Str Prod 11 HAll lAmp 171 16 Hamilton Bridge 91 lammer J'ap 40 Hartford Ray 1' Hat Cor Am 13 Hazeltine Hearn 1 Stry 1814 Hecla Min 17 Helena Rubin 437 Heller pf ..108 109 103 Hayden Chem 41 Holl Gold 1413 Holophane 231 Holt (Hen) Hormel Co 41 41 41 Horn Hard 42 42 Howard Stre 371 Hubbeli (TI) 33 33 Humble Oil 49 14 45 49 Hum-Ross Hussmann-Lig pi 47 47 47 Haylers 9 Hydro El Sec 5 Hygrade Fd 241 24 Ill Pow Do div ct 191 Do pf TI Zinc 32 Imp Oil Ltd Imp Oil Ltd reg 15 Imp Th Can 1228 Ind Sve pi 92 91 91 Ing Co Am 99 101 101 Int Cig Mch Int pf 62 61 61. Int Met Ind A 281 28 Int Min Ch war 24 44 Int Petrol $3 4 54 Int l'et reg 24 24 Int Prod 1214 Int Raz 51.

Int Util 39 39 Invest Roy Iron Firem vtc 28 Irving Aire Ch Ital Superpow A 31 Jeannette Gia 21 Kawneer 20 191 20 Ken-Rad Key Co 133 Kidde Co 28 Kingston I'rod 814 814 Kirby Pot 91 Kirk Lake GM Knott Corp 33 321 33 Kresse Kohacker Sirs 13 Sirs pt 1021 Krueger Brew 133 133, Lake Shore 2914 Lakey 103 101, Lamson Corn 12 121 1214 Lane Wells 2034 Lefcourt Real Leonard Oil Dev 33 3 Line Tourneau 4.1⅞ 45 47 Le Material 26 26 Lit Lionel Bros Corp 07 3 2844 16 16 Locke StI 27 Lone Is Star Gas Long Ltg Do pf 106 10; 106 27 Do bf 97 95 Louis 5 12 97 Ludw Baumann 19 19 19 Lynch Corp 397 74 Marion Sug War 814 8 Manati Mass Util St Shov 1438 147 Massey Asso Mo Harris pi 133 1378 McCord 911 Do Corp 22 21 pf 47. 43 4.0 Me Will Dredg 18 Mead John 39 7 1299 18 Memph Mercant Strs Gas 914 Merritt 25 Mesa.hi Merritt -C war 916 Iron 9: Metal Tex 111 11 11 Mich 93 Mich St Tube 174 Do Michigan pt SUE I Micromat Hone 23 13 Mid St Rvic Mid West Corp 02 33 Mudvale 3934 40 Mid- West Abr Midwest Oil 12 Mid- West Ref Miller- Wohl 20 30 Miller Mining Corp Can 114 1018 -Wohi pi 8514 Molybdenum 17 1718 4 Monogram L'ict 8 81 Monroe Loan A 4 Mont Montr -Dak lit 19 I Moody Inv pt pi Morris P'lan Corp 10 93 97 Mt City Cop 4 Mount Prod 141 Mur Oh Mfg 25 Muskeg Hing Nat Nachman Corp Bellas less Vat Brew 42 42 44 Vat Candy 39 City Lines Vat Furl 1433 Nat Rub A1ch 19 19 Nat Trans 1418 Nat Tun Re Alines 37 Nat Tin Rad 10 9 Nebr Pow pf 110 110 Neptune Met 22 213 213 NEPA pf 93 11 Clock 42 4. Zinc 81 79 8173 Mex Ariz Id 81 8 NY Auction 93 434 NY Sphd Idsh 19 19 19 NY Wat pi 941 9112 Niag Jud l'ow 934 Do 1 pi 100 2 pf Do war Do Sh 1:3 19 Nip'sing Mns Noma Elec Vor Am Lt Pow Do pi 144 Nor Am Ut Sec Northeast Airl 21 Nor Nat GAS Nor StA PA 4834 Northrop Airc Novadel Ag 08 38 18 Ogden Corn 334 31 Ohio Brass 18 37 Overseas Sec 2314 l'ac Can 14 1414 Pac pt 13 l'ac l'ub Sve 11 Do pf Pan Am Air war l'antepec Oil Ten 121 1214 J'aram Mot 20 20 P'rkrsbe Tenn Dixie Cem war 191 19 l'enn Traffic Pennroad Pa Edis 54 54 54 l'A Edis 83 82 82 l'a A (Continued on Twelith Page) Diversified Investment Fund A SERIES OF NEW YORK STOCKS, INC. Prospectus from your Investment Dealer or HUGH W. LONG CO.


The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.