The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 THE SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, SATURDAY, OCTOBER C. 1945 11 MARKET IS FIRM AS A WHOLE WITH MINOR EXCEPTIONS Pepsi-Cola, Johns-Mansville Continue Gains Woolworth Earnings Show Striking Change in Trend Wall Street Correspondence Net Sales in 1 100's High Low Close Chg. 22 Am SI 1.40 Do pi 9.3 9714 3 Safety Raz 26 06 1 Ain Seating 30 10 Am Smelt R. 424 Do pt 168 10 Am Stl dra Ant Stores Ani Sug Ref 47 Sumat Tob 38 Ani el Tel A Tobacco 81 Am T'ob 90 SE .30 Am Tob pl 107 137 137 Am Type Fdrs 193 Ain Viscose 62 3 Am Wat Wks 18 8 Am Woolen 221 22 Am Wool pi 101 Am Zinc 1 Am Zine prut 46 Anaconda Cop .80 Anacon Vi The Republican Anchor Hock Gl 38 38 38 New York, Oct. 3-Johns-Manville Anderson Clayt 4014 closed up 3 points and Cola Andes Copper 1ti 16 16 added points to its recently son- 3 A Arch Dan P'rod 29 20 sational gains, but the stock market 54 Armour Co 104, 107 a whole merely held firm.

Kaila DO pr pi 11742 1171 the average gained .10 for the day. Arnold Armstrong Const Cork 1 Industrials closed up .88. Artlooni Corp F. W. Woolworth's earnings for .10 19 Assd Dry Gouds ....128 31 124 September, published here early to- Atch day, showed striking deeruless in Do pi 113 11212 113 trend.

For September it 10 3 All Coast Line 704 491. of 1.8 per cent in sales coli- 14 AtI Refining Indies 33 397 33 Att decline pared with the like period of 194. Atlas Corp 20 l'or tho nine months there was an .60 Atlas loud 821 3.1 per cent. 9 1 Aust Atlas Tack Nichols 244 increase of Wall street people putting. in Aust Nich pr A in 130 150 Washington telephone noon 100 3 Aviation Autorar C'o 2014 20 814 told by the company that Corp today were there was delay of seven hours, the call could be put 70 19 Balt Bald Loco Ohio 22 18 mcaning that in again at 7 o'clock with the chances Halt Ohio pi 33 of even a further delay.

During any Ar 19 19 business day there is a steady stream .30 Bangor 724 of telephone calls between Washing- .10 1 Barker Barber pf Asph 53 63 53 212 ton and al. parts of the country hav- 28 Barnsdall oil ing to do with reconversion. A work 14; Bath Ir WkS 161. which stoppage the of union said telephone would he na- Beech 12 1:78 1 employes, Rayuk Cigars 4314 York at 1. 1 33Belding-Hem Brech-Nut Pack 126 18 136 17 120 18 2 tion-wide, began in New A ing oll dispatch the from news that ticker telephone Washington hel'e operators appear- around 19 3 Bell Bell Bondix Airc How Avia midday said jobs at noon, 13 Hen Ind In there hind left their Best (O two hours in advance of the four- Best Foods 2318 2234 hour stoppage called by hortationa 10 Seth Do pf Steel 91 91 Federation of Teicphone Detroit quot- Bigelow-Sant 69 69 officials at RI Deck 283 48 25 ed before the close of the stock mar- -Knox ket here as saying that the resump- Hoeing Bloomingdale Air 26 tion of work at Kelsey, Hayes Wheel Bon Ami 42 62 would permit Ford plants to reopen Hond Strs 32 some 01 the truck and passenger car Do pi 153 assembly lines next Monday which Borden Borg-Warner Co 41 611 41 have been idle since the Kelsey- Boaton Maine 73 CS strike started on September Braniff Airw 447 16.

"We have been doing everything 14 Bridgeport Brass. 167 possible," it Ford official was quoted 12 Briggs Briggs Mfg Strat 511 51 in al Detroit dispatch as saying, "to Bristol Divers 63 63 kEep as many men at Work as we 6 Rklyn Un Gas 324 31 can. Al'e are anxious to get all Brunswick Balke 3412 341. 3411- others back As fast as we can. 20 27 Bucyrus Erie 173 keep them working 9.60 Budd Do pt Mfg 94 181 14 Whether we can depends upon the settlement of 8 Budd Wheel 20 strikes at other plants of other part Bullard Go suppliers.

W'e nope conditions In 17 Bulova Burlington Watch Mills 33 327 33164 those plants will permit us to put Do pi 10612 323 all our men back to work by a week 36 Burr Add Mach 171 from next Monday." 8 Bush Term 916 Chairman Krug of the War Pro- 11 Butler Bros 243 2412 duction board said today in discuss- Butte Do pi Zine 107 107 12 be ing uation the that existing the wage WI'B had and price worked sit- a .10 Byers Do pt (ASI) CO 49 2312 1 99 12 23 year to reconvert industry oniy to 6 Byron Jackson 294 233 1 have it tied up. by the wage- price problem. "It is not for the WI'B to 11 1 Calle Callahan Packing 7-Lead 36 86 36 1 7A 1 decide who is right or wrong. Krug 17 Hec said; "the problem the automobile Campbell Wyant 76 industry hats been working at has not .10 1 Can Dry Ale 43 441 teen solved yet. The industry is not 70 Canad Can Dry l'acific pi ...1254 163 oing -and it should be." Cannon Mills 59 58 58 Reconversion including contract 3 Capital Adm A 1312 15 151 termination, Krug said, had peen .80 Caro Carpenter St 125 40 127 4012 oing pants had along veen surprisingly cleared of well; machinery that 12 3 Case Carrier (JI) C'orp Co 42 301, 42 29 4 nad toois used in munitions produc- 1 Caterpil Tractor on and new machines and tools put Celanese Corp 34 adding, "But the strike situation .10 17 Do Celotex nf Corp 211 20 Asked getting what no should be done about 13 Cent Cent Aguirre Foundry better the prices being held by the Ofice of Cent RE NJ 151 Price administration att 1912 ceilings, Cerro Century de Rib I'ac 10 chairman of the WPB replied: 43 Certain -teed Pro 41 14X 14 If wages al'e increased I assume 450 Do pf .......110 110 110 prices must be.

I do not look for 03 Chain Belt 30 30 1 any insuperable difficulty there. It 29 ('hos (Chez cCorp Ohio Va 16 5774 16 5711 16 575 quite apparent that some indus- Chi Ee Ill 8 Cries can give wage increases with- Do A ut price increases and some call- Chi Grt West lot." lie cited the steel industry as Do Do pf wi which could not increase wages 12 Chi Ma Order 31 25 31 267 me Ithout a price increase. All througn Do pf 69 68 war the steel industry was pro- cChi 447. 433, 44 raising its selling prices Chi Do pi Pneu Tool 703 693; 70 12 bited from lespite the many increases that were eChi Yell Cab 191 to steel workers. 15 Chickas Cot Oil 1944 19 Immediately after the war in the 10 ('hilds C'hrysler Co Corp 673 125 Pacific ended the middle of August, CIT Finan 543; 541 the government began wholesale can- cCity Ice fuel 23 celation of war orders in the aircraft, City City Invest Stores 451 153 43 shipbuilding, ordnance and other in- 8 Equip 59 5878 59 dustries, creating much unempioy- Clev Graph Ir 59 On top of this unemployment situa- Coca Cola Peabody 493, ment.

continued since Cancelation the of middle war of August. has "i 10 Climax 1.0 pf Molyh 4114 108 4074 108 41 C1 tion, hundreds of thousands of of men Colgate- Palm ......182 181 19. 18 3 and women are now out work .20 Do 102 1023 throughout the country as a result Collins Aik of strikes. .10 Col Fuel de 1r 3014 All of which throws light on why Column Breast 1 pf A 43 4314 today's earnings statement of Wool- Colum worth showed a striking change in C'ol GQE 6 pf 107 10; 107 trend. .30 ti Column Do Pict pf 10.1% 10.

Another surprise is found in the Column Carbon 30 407 403 30 action of the stock market In not Comi Credit selling off sharply on the existing 10 49 Com! pf situation, which Chairman ('om' with Solvents Edis 32 19 3174 32 1-78- Krug the WPB frankly says is 251 Com'wIth Sou wage- -price throwing a monkey-wrench into the Conde Do nf Nast 44 14 1101 1103 reconversion problem. That problem Nairn difficult enough to handle with- 3 Consol Congoleum Cigar 40 1 wag out stoppages the existing resulting nation-wide from strikes. work Cons Do pl Coppermin 102 The explanation for the action of the Cons Edison stock market is found in the wide- Consol Do Film Ind 5 5 spread helief that advances in both Do pi wages and prices are ahcad and that Cons Cons Nat Laundries 13 133 13 Gas the result definitely will he more in- Consol RR 1934 dation. R. L.

BARNUM. 18 Cons Cons Vultee Vultee pi 24 23 Stock Market Sale of Stocks New Fork Stock exchange 1,420,000 New York ('arb exchange 0.0,000 Boston Stock exchange 19,507 Net Sales in 100'8 High Low Ciose Chg. DENY Adamg Millis 381; Address0g Mult 00 253 6 Air Alaska Reduction Junpau 718 50 Alleghany Corp 11 Alleghany 11f 3134 1 16 Alleg Lud Sti 12 Allen Indus Al Ch 182 162 16 Allied Kid 183 6 Allied Milla 3114 314- 16 22 Allia Allied Do pt Ch Stra Mfg 1:8 128 Alpha Cent 33 56 en Amal Leather Do nf 4834 Amerada Pet ..123 119 123 Am Ag Ch Del 6 Ani lines 1014 2 Am Bank Note 31 014 31 Do pt At Bosch Am Brake Shoe .30 Do pi 130 129 129 40 Am Cable Rad 14 12 AIl Can 107 109 .10 Do pt 8 Am Car Fdy ti1 003 61 8 Ch Cable 3645 ,60 Am Chicle 144 1 3 Am Am Crystal Colortype Sug 21 3434 .10 Do pt 10 Am Distill 42 AM AmEncausTiling European Ant Export 1, 391, 26 All For Pow Do 86 pf pi 14 Do pi 30 Am Hawaii S8 434 4.1½ 194, Leather Do nt 531 11 Am Iome I'rod 85 C6 Am Ice 1014 1 20 Am Invest Ill 113; 113 Do pf Am Locomotive 371 33 16 Am Am Locomot pt 30 11534 9 Am 17 4 Am Metal 31 .30 Do pi 135 137 2 30 Am 87 Do $6 pi SS Am Do $5 Abbott Lab 80 80 ACF Adamns Brill Mot 167 143 Net Sales In 100's High Low Close Chg. Sales in 100's High Low Close 7 El Pow Lt 142 142 10 Motor Wheel 3014 Storage Bat 49 497 49 Mueller Brass 431 434 4 Paso Nat Gas 431 A Mullins JIg 1618 34 Emerson EI SI 13 Murray Corp Emer Rad Ph Do pi 101 10 .30 Nash 21 45 Endicott John TO 43 Nash-Kelvinator 39 Eng Pub Service 12 Nat Arme 28 43 23 Do $3 pf 101 101 3 38 Nat Airlines A .10 Do pi 9. Nat Auto Fib 138 Do pr 104 Nat Aviation Ex Cell Nat Container SE Erie Equit RR Off Bidg 16 Nat Nat Biscuit 3212 26 Evana I'roducis 2258 Nat Cash Reg 383 Eureka Clea 145 Nat Can 1734 Exchange Buffet 613 Nat Cylinder 16 20 Nat Nat Dept Dairy St Prod 30 327 30 Farna Tel Morse Rad 38 Nat 1 Fairbanks 28 Enam Distillers St 463; 32 Fed Do pt 109 1004 213 20 Nat Gypsum Smelt 41 Nat Lead 3134 31 Fed Mot Truck 1.30 Nat Lead pi 181 19014 181 Federat Strs 401 41) .30 Nat Nat Mal Lead pi Stl 164 32 173 1.34 Do pt 103 309 31 32 12 Fid Ferro 10 8 Nat Natl I'ow Steel Lt 79 79 13 Firestone I' Fire Ins 39 Nat Sug Ret 03 63 5 Not 273 27 First Nat Stra 5t 00 3.80 Nat Supply 15 184 Flintkote Nat Sup $2 103 103 Florence Stove 31 31 31 1 3 Nat Supply pi 1 Florsheim Shoe A 40 40 40 1 Tea Co .20 pf 36 Nehi Natomas Corp Food Fair Stry 24 Neisner Bros 1 3 Food Machinery 64 461.

8 Foster Wheel 35 4 Newmont Min Do 4 pt 261, 264 3. Newpt News Indust 19 19 Newport Francisco Sugar 18 NY Air Brake Ship 19 37 37 32 Fruehaut Sulph Tra 13 4014 40 59 40 201 NY NY Central 281 20 Freeport .30 Fruehaut pt 140 132 140 Do Chi pt St Lo 1301 311 NYC Omnibus 34 34 03 Gair Gabriel Robert Co 9 9 Shiphuilding NY Dock Noblitt-Sparks 48 3 Do pi 19 19 19 .60 Gamenell Co No Nort Am Western 257 Garduer Denver 20 20 North Aviation 10 pi 71 71 71 244 Amner Co 271 26 12 Gar Wood Ind 11 34 Northern Pac Gaylord Cont 28 28 28 Norw Northwest Airl 55 48 47 47 Geit Am Invest 34 Norwich pt 55 53 Gen Ain Trans ti0 50 60 Pharm 17 31 Gen Baking 0 Hi Gen Bronze 211 46 Ohio Oil 18 Gen Cable 8 Oliver Corp Do Do A pi 135 10 Do Omnibus pf Corp 1081 108 1'Gen Cigar 331 Oppenheim Col 1418 14 Giell Gen Elec Foods 48 48 Otis Elevator 31 3: El 49 Ow ens-Ill Glass 6914 69 69 Gen Gen Mills 44; 1 1.30 IM 5 pt 1254 2 Pac Am Fish Gen Out Motors Advt 1948 .20 1.90 .30 P'ac l'ac Pac Cst Coast Coast 2 1 pf 13 Gen P'rint Ink E4 7A 13 29 05 Pac 413 Prec 203 pt 301 11 Gen l'ub Service 358 .300 Pac Pac Lighting 38 38 Geil ly Signal 39 381 39 pi 1703 17034 11) Do pi ....140 144) 141) 212 Pac Tin oil Real Util Pac West Gen Refract 28 Packard MTr Gen Shoe 203 203 Pan Am Airw 217 2113 1.20 1161 1 Pan Am Petrol 151 Gen Tel Panhand EPL Time Inst U5 Do pf 1071 10711 Gent Rub 20 Panhandle 36 Gillette Saf 113 Param Picts 39 3 Do pi 1402 102 102 Park Tilford 461 47 24 Gimbei Bros 3134 3616 1 Park MI Do pf 5 Parke Davis 341 17 Glidden Co Parker Rust Do cv of 33 33 33 'armelee Trnspt 113, 10 Goebel Brew Patino Mines 193, 1914 193 Goodall-Sant 34 337 34 Penney (JC) 126 Goodrich (BF) 1 16 Penn-Cent Airl 35 35 Do pf 102 Penn Coal 133 13 Goodyear 61 61 l'enn-Dix Cement Goth Hosiery 261 51 Penn RR 39 39 3916 Graham-Paige 93. l'enn Peoples Salt Drug 38 39 38 391. 38 39 20 11 Grand Granby Union Con Min 3 Peoples Gas 86 86 City St 2812 Peoria East 14 4 Granite 4 Pepsi -Cola 4 Git Grant Nor Ir (WT) Ore ct 1 Pere Marquette 28 28 28 25 Gt Northn Ry pf 76 .00 44 Petrol Pfizer Chas Corp 91 28 9 Gt West Sug 314- .10 Do pf ..168 108 .80 Phila Phelps Co Dodge ti; 331 tit Green (IlL) 70 TO Do $6 pi pf Grey hound 21 11 10 Phila Elec 113 23 Grum Guantan Airc Sugar En 39 38 Do 01 pref Gulf Ohio 21 3 Phil 142 Read Gulf Oil 991 Philco Corp 89 21 Phillips Pet 54 Pillsbury Mills Hack Water 31i 36 Pittshurgh Coal 61, 8 Hall (WF) Print 33 3412 Pitt co*ke Ch 91 91 Hamil Watch 1934 193; L'itt Forgings 2173 10 Hamil Wat pt ..105 1041. Pitt Ser Bolt Hanna (MA) pf 20 1P P'itt Steel 12 Harb- Walker .20 l'itt Steel 3 pt 6414 17 Hart Sch 37 l'ilt West Va 34 34 Hat Corp 12 14 Pittston Co 19 188 187 .10 Hat Corp pf new 100 100 100 1'lymouth Oil 2113 2034 2112 Hayes Indust 14 1334 14 I'vor Co 1012 101.

Hayes Mfg Pressed Sti Car 221 Hazel- Atlas 11! 1194- 12 Procter Gam 61 631 3 Hecht Co 38 Pub Svc NJ Helme 8. 83 83 Do 8 pf 140 140 Hercules Mtrs 274 Do pf .....12112 1214 Hercules l'wdr 108 100 .50 Do pi 1143 Hewitt Rub Do $3 pf ....108 Hires (CE) 281 Pullman 64 1 Hollander 80 I'ure Oil 201 5 Homestake Min Do 3 pf 110 00 Houd Hers! 6 Purity Bak 33 51 32 Household Fin 2631 Do pf oil 1043 Quaker Sta Oil 17 102 Houston 171 Howe Sound .45 443; tiT RadioCorpofAm 133 151 37 Hudson Man 301 Radio-K-Orph 1:1. Do pf 151 18 1.10 Radio-Keith-Opf 109 Hudson 301 .20 RR SecIllCenStk 32 32 1 Hudson Mtr Mtr 29 1.10 Ralston Purinapf 105 Hupp 37 1 Raybestog-Man 39 14 Rayonier Inc 23 18 Illinois Do pf Central Reading Co Idaho Power 37 Rayonier Inc pt Inger Rand 6 Reo Motors Inland Steel 99 111 Repub Avia Indpls Pw Lt 29 293 We 22 Reming Reliance Rand Mfg 32 311 33 6 Inspirat Con Cop 14 41 Repub Steel 274 Interchem Corp 51 49 1 50 2 Rep Steel pt A 37 Intercon Interlake Rubber 81 10 Rev Br 01 203: 1 Iron 111. .20 Do 1.14 Int Do Harvester ..183 011 903 91 1 Reyn Metals 114 Int Int Hydro Elec A 3 Reyn Spring DE 153 .30 Do pf 108 Inc pi 1 11 Rey Toh 3814 39 Do C'h 0 .10 Reyn Toh 4014 Min 69 Int Nick Mining Can 3 Do pf 101 19 Int J'aper 3234 Rheem Mig Do pf 1041 10478 Rich Oil Int Do pt Am 21 191 Roan Ant Ritter Co Salt 50 114 Royal Type 281 24 14 Int Shoe 43 50 4.3 02 Rupert J. 44 81 Int CA 2.

Rupert Rustlegs J. Int Dept Island Coal 41 14 Safe Strg 1 Inter Corp St Jo Lead 44 Jewel 'Tea 41 42 92 Sav Schen Arms Dist 69 79 671 12 Jones Sti 39 391 Seab Seagrave Oil Corp 25 H12 816 Johns-Manville .143 140 143 3 Scott Pa .30 John pt 1141 110 110 Joy Mfg 25 18 Sears Servel Inc Roebuck ..140 138 pi A 971 971 A 13 Kan City South Sharon Sti Corp 433 Kelsey Hay A 311 31 Do pf 93 81 21 A Do 27 16; Sharp Dohme 19 183; 19. Kennecott Cop 43 7 Do pi Kinney (GR) Co 12 16 Shattuck 20 .60 Do Koppers $3 Co pi 31 834 Shell Silver oil 281 18 12 Kresge (8S) 29 29 Simmons Kg Co Coalit 5 Kroger Grocery 44 1 Simonds 41 4114 Sinclair Oil 17 17 Laciede lambert Gas 1 Skelly, 'Shet Oil St! 49 49 49 1712 1 Co 37 37 Lane Bryant 34 Do pi Lee Rub Tire 42 6:2 1 33 Smith (AO) Cp 20 Lehigh Smith Cor Ty 34 1 Lehigh Port 391 391 86 Socony Vacuum 161 19 Lehigh Val Coal 31 Sou Am 3 Do pf 49 483, So Rrico Sug 404 45: 10 Leh Val RR 1134 12 PA So east Geyh 12 Lehman Corp 4411 Sou Cal Edison 3 Lehn Fink 40 Sou Nat Gas 22 Lerner Stores Southern Pacific 6 Lib-0-F Glass 6534 6. Southern rRy 49 30 Libby. McN.

978 93; 934 Do pi Life Savers' 70 Spald Bros 17 Liggett Myers 98 09 10 Sparks Withing Pp 993 6 Spencer Kell 14 393 .20 Do pl 187 187 187 Sperry Corp 33 3:14 333 Lima Locomotive 27 Spiegel Inc Link-Belt 57 37 Do pt 9012 891. 9012 Lion Oil 2314 Square Co 474 Liquid Carbonic 34. 20 Squibb Sons pt 110 110 110 Loew's Inc 303 29 A Stand Brands pt 114 114 114 Lockheed Airc 321 3114 19 Stand Brands Lone Star Cem 64 64 64 94 Std $1 pi Long Bell A Do $6 pr pt 94. Loose- Biscuit 37 8 Do pf 1074 107 2 Loriliard (P) Stand Oil Cal 43 2 Loui A 25 Stand Oil Ind 3916 101 Louis Nash 59 11A Oil 6436 1 Lukens Stl 174 174 Stand Oil Ohio 43 Std Sti Spre 1 Mark Trucks 615 Starrett (LS) 3914 39 10 Macy (RH) 43 Sterling Drug 43 Do nf .100 100 100 10 Stewart Warn Mad Gar Stokely Van A Magma t'op 2034 2034 Do pi 13 Manati Sug 91 94 Stone Webster 5 Mand Bros 193 19 Studebaker Corp 10 Mara Expl 434 454 Sun Oil 74 Ma Midland 91 Sunray Oil 1,20 Mar pr pt 161 Sunshine Mng 171 14 Mar (GL) Sup Oil Cal ....107 107 7 Marsh Field Superheater Superior Steel 33 2 Mar-Perry 4 9 Swift Co Mathieson Alk 281 2674 21 18 Swift Sylvan Intl El Prod 3712 34 5 May Dept Do pf 106 106 106 8 Syming-Gould 11 Maytag Co Do P'f 50 50 50 34 Telautograph 1 McCall Corp 49 48 39 4 Tenn Corp McCory Stores 26 1.40 Tenn pt .109 109 McGraw Elec 28 28 3G Texas Co 57 5512 57 McIntyre Pore 58 5734 58 10 Texas Gulf Prod 8 McKess Rob 36 36 14 Texas Gulf Sulph 461 45 461; McLellan Strs 13 Tex pPac Norris 33 Tex Pac Trust 16 16 Melville Shoe 43 Pacific Ry 4144 3 Mengel Co Thatcher Mfg Do 5 pf 72 3.20 Do cv pt 60 59 59 9 Miami Copper .70 Do pf 564 56 16 Mesta Machine 49 4934 N8 Thermoid Co 13 13 Merch Min Tr 38 38 The Fair Mid Cont Pet 29 29 Thompson JR. 3 Midlan St1 Prod 16 46 Thompson Prod 60 39 3 Minn Honey Reg 5612 5612 561- 3 Thompson Star 67 Do pi 159 159 159 FAN ,30 Thompson Prod 1074 6 2 Minn Minn St Moline Ry 6614 1014 68 101 104 1.10 Tide Tide Wat A A pf 10234 191 Mo Kan Texas 6 Transamerica 14 14 14 Minn St A 17 161 Timken-Det Axle Mission Corp 28 08 Timken Bear ti5 ti5 65 Mohawk Carpet -49 49 49 18, Trans A 57 Monsanto Chem 1 Transue Will Do A 113 113 113 18 Tri-Cont Corp 81a Do pt 108 10713 107 .30 Tri-Cont pf 1101 11014 Montgom Ward 68 12 Truax-Traer 1314 Morris Essex 39 38 Tubize Rayon 29 283 20 Do Ct 3834 57 Twent Motor Products 30 30 30 11 Twent C-Fox 12 Chg.

Sales In 100's lligh Low Close Chg. 1: 19 Twin City .80 Twin City pi 43 43 .30 Twin City RT 131 127 131 7 3 Twin Couch 3 13 1 Union Underwood Bag Corp 22 681 11 Union Carbide 98 Union Oil Cal Union' l'acific 137. Do pi 00 Union Tank Car 321 311 41 United Air Lines 48 471- 118 Do pf 178 138 15 United Aircraft 24 United Biscuit United Carbon Unit-Carr Fast 4 23 Ur: Do pr Cig-Wh pt Strs 10 10 87 United Corp 318 3 Do pf 31 United Drug 27 United United Elec Fruit Coal 110 11114 (ias Imp 19 193 NE 12 Un US 5 30 37 A 2 70 Do pf 103 103 1 Freight US Gyps 321 3 Ind loft Chen 21 3034 11 US Leath 97 Do A 365 34 A 13 US Cs US US l'ly Play. Lines Cd Fdry 52 35 14 Real Im Us Ruber 68 US Samelt 70 69 70 Do 1 pf 143 Iti3 163 31 US Steel 7614 76 Do pt me 19 US United Tobacco Stockyds 26 to 12 United Do Univ-Cyclops pt Stores Stl A 115 20 117. 20 115 20 .30 1.10 Univ Univ Do pt Lab Leaf Tob 99 15 634 97 97 1 I 30 Univ l'ict 31 4 Van Norman Vanadium Corp 28 Vertient-Ca Sug Vick Chern AB 611 63 138 Vie Chem 3414 34 3 20 Va-Caro Chem 64- VA -C Chem pt 68 1714 67 Do $3 pf 12014 Virginian Ry 31 1 Do pi 30 39 39 1 Wabash BR pt 1 Waldorf Sys 17 Walker (H; 81 80 13 Co 13 52 War Bak New 11 11 3 4.30 107 Do Warne: pf new BrosPict 20 9,3, 20 93 10 12 Warren Fdy P' 4 39 38 Warren l'et 301 Waukesha Motor 23 Wayne Pump 3716 373 00 Webster Tob 104.

Wesson 0 324 32 Ind Sug 30 30 .10 West l'enn El A .30 West .11612 11612 8 6 Western Air 31 30 West Auto Sup 17 474- 0 West Maryland 101 91g 91 3 Maryland 2pf 264 13 West Pac 47 47 West Pac pt 88 8714 88 10 West Un Tel A 51 50 5034 3 West Un Tel 30 11 Westing Air Br 331 49 Westing Elec 353 35 3, FAT 1.50 White White Westing WheelStl Sew Motor El pr pf Mach pt 4:3 34 101 344 Wilcox Oil -Overland 21 2116 Wilson Co 13 147 pt Wilson Jones Woodward Iron 3014 304 13 Woolworth FAV 4834 Worthing 6251 623 Do cv pr pt 943 943 1.10 Wright Aero 911 891 911 1 Wrizley Jr 81 81 81 1 Wyand Wor Tale Towne 471 37 York Corp 21 21 Young Youngst Youngst 8 27 62. 7 1 Zenith Prods Radio 11 38 10 11 Bond Market New York, Oct. 5-(AP) Mediumpriced rails found support in a slightly more active bond market today, but demand slackened near the close and gains were shaded. number if industrials and utilities scored advances of a point or more in he quiet dealings. Some liens tended lower.

Sales climbed to a total of $6,100.000 for the day compared with turnover of $5,335,000 on Thursday. On higher ground at the close were St Paul convertible ahead at Burlington Cedar Rapids and Northern 5s, up Rio Grande 48, ur, Childs Co 5s of 1957 with 1 point advance to New England Telephone, up at 114: St. Louis San Francisco up 34 at and Boston Maine up at Losers included New York Central down at Big Four don a at and Ward Baking 5169. down 12 at 102. International Great Northern first climbed a point to 76, but the 3s lost 1 flurry of activity in the foreign dollar section sent all Chilean bonds to new highs for the, year, several with gains of 14 for the day.

Other sections of this division were iriogular. United States governments were quict with small changes. In the Anal hour some gains 011 the day were shaded in the rails. Burhell a point piddvance at lington Cedar Northern Lehigh stamped up to close at but Big Four drapped of a point to Following is a list of band Sale in 1000's High Low Close U. S.

TREASURY BONDS 101.9 101.9 101.9 1 62-59 100.22 100.22 100.22 5 2128 72-67 June 100.25 100.25 100.23 CORPORATION BONDS Abit PP 06 33st 109 108 19 Am FP Us 2030 105 Am 39 56 142 142 Do 80 1: Am Tob 3s 62 18 Do 3s 49 Arm Co 73 105 107 ATSF 45 93 ACT. 1st 43 32 Do 04 107 107 Atl Ref 3g 33 104 104 let 48 103 Do 95 A 8:14 81 Do 9.7 881 A Do. 2000 8073 8014 Do 90 807 8078 Do cv 60 49 68 Do 48 48 10314 10: 14 14 I 110 13 10)3 SW St 07 9414 97 Bost Ale 41 70 734 Do 48 101 101 Buf 791 BCR is 34 Can 128 60 1037 10373 00 Cen Do 38 79 ends 45 73 Do 1at 58 102 102 Cen ti1 14NI 100 Cen Pac is 00 105 CARNJ 53 87 1 96 81 38 40 El inc 97 titi titi CGW 4149 2033 7 Chi de 47 8314 CMSPP 35 84 84 Do inc 2019 102 102 100 Do cv 2044 8714 Do 89C 10044 9N 89 89 3 Do 4s 94 :104 CRIP 52A 7731 Do 60 24 24 108 Do 88 10614 105 10614 201 Do 60 69 11 Ch US 63 103 17 Childs 59 37 100 14; CCCSL 77 CI UT 73. 109 108 Do 7 108 Col Col 80 734 61 Com Ed 38 126 126 Do 36 107 10634 107 DayPL 33 70 10034 Del 4s A3 10014 1001 Del PL 3s 73 37 48 36 G8 67 68 Do 18 18 18 Do 53 Do 53 78 63 63 DetEd 370 DuqLt 63 1063; Erie 2013 98 69 72 0338 69 10113 19 r5s 37 69. 69 Hud 33 62 A 81 81 61 46 Do inc 53 3413 34 344 111 Bell 81 ris 53 98 98 Sale in 100'3 High Low Close 31 9 66 881 6 ICCSL 54 63 931 13 Do 63 83 6 Int GN CA 52 42 42 42 16 Do 1st 65 52 16 Do 38 56 70 10 11 Do 58 56 70 70 118 Int HE 63 44 91 91 Int 4125 10312 10712 36 Do 58 53 10478 1031, 61 Leh VHT 39 54 LVNY 50 89 894 893 Leh is 2003st 604 Do 4128 56 5512 38 Do Ag 3003 523 6213 Lorillard 38 63 104:8 59 63 .101 101 101 2003 108 108 1081 44 91 6742 3g 62 A 864 Du a.J 08 G7 Do 78 73 75 Do 1st 4s 90 833 831 49 P' 19 Do 65 84 Do 5s 84 84 15 Do Do 55 SO G.

11 $4 Do 59 81 1 Do gig 13 513 47 4128 12 Do 2000 67 671. 55 32 111 114 NOTM 33 54 9212 9212 921 NYC ros 0013 951 Do 412s 2013 A 89. Do en 43 98 9013 90 9012 NYCHR 97 100) 10014 1004 NYNHH 68 43 69 3 Do 67 67 663. 67 Do 43 55 Do 57 33 NYOW rig 92 21 NYWB 4125 46 3218 17 Norf 58 2014 6012 62 Do 98 99 99 94 Nor 1' 04 2047 147 107 Do 2047 1001 100 10012 19 Do 1s 97 ....1133 Do dis 2047 811, 3 ('h 48 48 Ohio Ed As POX 14 1051 105 1051; Pen 4123 Pen RR 65 120 120 120 49 60 8314 83 8514 P'hil EI Rio GW 1 39 107 107 107 12 Do is 49 StiSF is ti4 1414 Do 18 14 438, Do 4s 50.1 rf DU 86 8ti Sea-AF Us 35A 233 I EB 35 79 So Pac 68 101 140 100 Do 81 101 101 Do 69 Do 4128 Or 144 HAt Sou Ry en is 130 134 Do is 107 105 Tex Corp 35 63 10T 107 107 Do 39 IC 10.7 Til Ave 7a 48 4712 48 1'n Oil Cal is 113 2 Ln Pac 1st 47 1043 10434 104 Wab 91 Do SI 9.7 95 Walwrth 43 33 101 Ward Rak 101 102 16 Sh 43 2361 8t 87 Mid 4 32 107 107 WE l'ac 2011 10714 10814 West 1'n 60 1073, 10734 Do 100 109 1409 65 Wis 48 SD 36 44 FOREIGN BONDS 13 Arg 1s 72 A.p Do 48 102 1412 Australia 33 35 10 3 Belgium tis 10214 10214 Braz 26-57 69 68 68 Buen A 77 12 14 Do Au 76 9114 Canada is 60 Chile JIB 20 20 34 Chile Do fis 0g 20 20 22 20 410 asd 22 21 Do 03 Jan Gia 22 214 Colomb fig TO 77 37 Copenh 58 32 Costa T3 33342 12 Denmk fis 42 97 971 Do 4148 62 941 941 is Do 58 Oslo 118 3. 90 99 Peru 78 10 2534 10 Do lat tis 60 22 Poland 83 50 Do asd 23 14 23 10 Queenaid fig 47 104 13 Cr aj 418 8 79 8.7 8.3 8.3 3 Do aj 9 78 88 Curb Market Curb Market High Low Close ACF-Brill war 614 615 1 Co 1234 123 Aero Sup 414 Ainsworth Air Assoc 1458 14 Air nvestors Air-Way El AD Aireon Mfg 115 Ala Allied Pow $7 pf.

Prod 41 41 lunt Ltd 1101 111 Alum Co Arn 4933 49 Do nf 111 1141 Alum Goods Am Beverage 60 Am Cen Mfg 19 19 19 Am 51 31 51 Am Cit 63 AnI Cyan 463; 46 16 Am Fgn war Am Fork Hoe 213 2134 Ani Gas El 39 39 Am Gen 1211 Do 02 pf 16 46 46 Am Laun Mch 41 41 Am Light 261 Am Mfg Maracaibo 70 31 3 31 Ant Republics 1414 Am Seal Kap 67 67 Am Superpow 14 1,8 114 Do pi 3:1 Am Thread pt 31; Amt Writ Pap Anch Post 716 Argus Inc Ark Nat Gas Nat (ian .1 334 Ark Gas pt 10 10 .110 Equip Ashland Oil Laund Atlantic Fish Atl Cat Co 73 13 Atlas Corp war 612 A12 Atlas Ply 26 12 254 Automat Prod 1. 13 Auto Mach 8 8 Ayshire Coll 19 34 19 Babrock wil 423 Barium Baldwin rRub StI Bar: Feel A 198: 197 Basic Refract Beck A. 5. 2014 00 20 Bellance Airc Berl: Gay Furn Bickfords Birds Fdy Blauners 184 1) 263 Blue Ridge 43 Bohack (HC) 2034 Bowman-Bilt Do 3 pf 43 Do pf Braz Tr Breeze Corp 1856 184 Brewst Aero Bridgpt Oil Brit Brown Col A 22 24 934 Brown-F Dist 20 301 Brown Rubber Buckeye But I' nf 31 :1 7-16 Do 5 pt 118 Bunk Hill 161, 16 1416 Burma Ltd 2 Burry Biscuit El E1 Prod Pow 1016 (allite Tung 10 9 97 Marconi 37 Casco Prod 19 18 19 Catalin Ant 9 87 Hud 10 10 NY Pow pi 1048; St EI SW 6 pi n. cv pl Do pi Cesana Airc Cham Co Am 1412 141, Flex Shaft 45 Riv Mch 13 Chief Cons Ang 11 113 Childs pt 112 111 111 Cities Service 23 Do 144 1111 142 Do pt 134 Auto Stpg 10 12 Clark Control 2.

(Claude Neon Lts Clayton Lam 174 Clinch Coal 63 83 6.7 Develop 37 Colonial Airl 24 24 243. Fuel war Armi 36 Colun: So pt 91: Comwith wAr 3-3 1-16 1-10 Comm Sve 34 3414 Comin Wat Sve 1 Compo Sh Mvtc 1414 Biscuit 131 GE Bal of 110 Gas Mug Ut Ret Strs 1834 163 Royalty Sti Corp Textile Fdy Mel pr pt 1031 Copper Range 107 Corroa Rey Conden Petro 31; Creole Pet 291, 27 Brew Crowley Milner Crown Pet 8 Crown Drug 5 Crystal Oil Ret Cuban Atl Sug 25 MEg 133 Dayton Rub 31 34 34 Strs 114 111 Dennison Mig A 8 8 Oil 9 914 Gray Ir Mich Stove So atra 28 24 So Corp So High Low Close Domest Dobeckmun Ind 47 Domin Stl Coal Drapert Driver-Har 57 57 Duro- Test East Gas F'. Do uf 56 East Sta Corp Do bf A 62 62 Do 611 East Sue As pi 49 45 49 Easy Wash MB 105, Bond 161 El Bond Sh pt Elliott Co 24 hA Equity Corp Esquire Inc 141; 14 Eureka P'ipe Eversharp inc 34 34 Falrchild Cam 125 Fansteel Met 69 65 69 3, Fedders Fire As Phil 6012 60 Ford Can A 26 2658 Frank Cou Dis Frank Strs Froedt 06 263 Fuller 4 pt 108 148 108 4'arrett Corp 8 Gellman Mfg 11 Gen Alloys 3g Gen Finance 124 1: (ien Fire pfg Gen Out Adv pl 10612 10612 10612 Gen Share 4 (jen Share pt 103. 103 Glean Harv 194 Ald Coal 20 Gobel Inc Godchaux Sug 42 42 Goldfield Con 13-10 15-16 Gorh Mfg 5114 Grahan-Paige pt 30 20 Grav Mfg 17 Grayson Shops 134 Gt Atl nv 102 102 1072. Gt Nor Pap 47 Greenf 18 18 Gro: Str Prod 4 87 9 Gulf St Ut pi 11: Hamilton Bridge Hartf Elec 60 60 60 Hartford Ray Vic ::14 Hat Cor Hazatine Hearn Stre 11 103 11 Hecia Min Helena Rubin 27 Heyden Chem Hoe Holl (R) Gold Co A 11 i Holophane 26 26 26 Horn Hard 39 Do pi 11212 1121.

Hon ard Strs 26 Humble Oil 441 Hum-Rog2 10 Husemann Lig 21 50 47 Do 27 10 13 12 13 Huyier's Hygrade 20 24 111 POw div ct 1884 183 L'o pf 397 69 111 Zinc Oil Ltd 131 13 13 I Th Can 121 113 Ind Swe pi 87 Indus Finance Indus Finan pi 94 94 1118 Co Am 99 99 Ciz Meh Int Hyd-El pt 56 Int l'etrol Int l'rod 103 103 Int Raz 3 3 3 Invest Roy 11 1 Irving Air Ch 912 Jacobs (F. Jeannette Gla 12 12 Jer 106 106 10; Do 1 pi 3 Do pi 110 Ken-Rad 1 A Kidde Co Kings CLigpfD 67 Kingston l'rod 534 Kirby l'et 9 Kirk Lake GM 9-16 19-14 9-16 Krott Corp 2134 Kobacker Stra Krueger Brew 123; 13 1:3 Lake Shore 2014 Lakey Fdy Lane- Walls Lank Un Rk 1014 101. Leonard Gil Dev Line Material 193 Lionel Con 1973 20 fit Bros Locke St1 Ch 2378 Lone Star Do Do. pt 95 99 931. Louis 83 Lynch Corp 11 41 Manati Sug war 31 214 Mangel Sirs 23 DO pl 138 138 138 Na Util Assh 21 Massey Harris 113 McCord Corp 13 13 McWill Tiredg 15i 13 John 195 Gas 5 Merritt -C 1838 181 181 Do 61 6 4 Mesabi Iron 314 Metal Tex 312 Siich Bumper Mich St Tube 16 15.

Michigan Sug 21 Do pf 13 131 Microma Hone 2012 Mid St Auto 17 17 17 Do 3 Mid West Corp 1616 Midvale 38 38 38 Mid West Abr 3 Midwest Oil 934 Mid -West Ret 314. Miller Wohl 18 Do pl 34 54 Minning Corp Can Min Min 80 Missouri Sve 30 30 30 Molybdenum 121 Monogram Pict 11 Do pt 101g 101 City Cop Mount Prod Mount st Pow Mur Oh Mfg 27 Muskeg I' Ring 19 181 14 Nat Rellag Hess Nat City Lines Mat url 141 Net Refin 291 Nat Rub Meh 14 14 Nat Tun Mines Nat L'n Rad Nelson HI 143 15 Neptune Met 161 1614 NEPA 6 pi 81 81 81 Mex Ariz NY Auction NY Hon Ros NY Wat Sve mi 74 74 Niag Hud Pow Do pi 110 104 110 Do 2 pt 102 102 Do 8-16 9-14 9-16 Niag Sir Nip'sing Mns Nona Elec Nor Am Lt Pow Do pt Nor Am pr pf Northeast Airl Nor Nat Gas Northrop Airc Novadel- -Ag Ogden Corp Ohio Pow If Okla Nat Gas Pac. Can Fac 6 pi Pac l'ub Sve Do pt Pan Am Airw war Pantepec Cit Ven Penn Traffic Pennroad Pa pl Pa Wat Pow Pepperell Pharis Phillips Pkg Pioneer Gold l'iper Aire Pitney-Bowes l'itts Lake l'itts Metallu l'ilts GI Plouzh Inc Polaris Mng Towdr 4 Alex Pratt Lam Preenier Gid Preased Met Prod Corp Prosperity Co B. pf Pug ed Do pi Pus Ad Quaker Oats PC KKO AI' Rath l'ack Raytheon Mfg Red Bank Oil Heed Roll Bit Reliance EQE R.ce Stix I Gds Richmond Rad Rio Gr Val Roosevelt Fd Hoot Pet Russeka Ave Ryan Aero Kyan Cons ret' Hyerson Haynes St Lawrence pi St Regis Pap Salt Dome Oil Samson Unit Schiff Co Schulte (DA) Do pf Scovill Mig Scran-SBW pt Scullin Sti Segal Lock Seiberling Rub Selected Indus' Do cv Do pr Semler RB Sentinel Radio Sentry C'on Seton Leather Shat-Denn Shaw Sherwin-Wns Silex Simplicity Pat Solar Airc Do Mfg Sonotone Soss Mig Coast Penn oil Ed pi High Low Close South Royal 124 124 Spencer Shoo Stand Brew Stand Cap 291, 20 29 Stand Do pf Dredg 5 St Oil Ky 21 21 St Pow Lt 114 11 Stand Do Sil-Lead Starrett Corp vtc P-16 9-16 Sterl Brew Sterl Eng Sterling Inc Stetson (JB) 17 17 Stroock Stinnes (H) 214 Co Sun Ray Drug 21 Sup Port Cem Taggart Tampa El 3112 Technicolor 25 Textron Inc 144 Tilo Tishman Roof 151 Todd Realty 161 161 164 Toledo Shpyds 91 91 91 Edis pf 110 110 110 Trans-Lux Transwest dil 46 Tri-Cont war 'Tung-Sol 1p 914 Ulen Udylite Realiz Corp 1044 Unit Airc Prod Mfg U'nexcelled 3 Un Cig-WSt pi 121 124 Unit Corp war Unit Gias 1412 14 Unit Hys 2114 Unit Prof Sh 'Unit Shoe 79 Unit Foil Spelties 05 Graphite 14 133 134 Radiator 164 1684 Rub Recl 9 United Stores 34 Unit Wall Pap Univ Cooler Utah Utah- -Idaho Hadio Sug A Do Utility Equit 31 VAlspar pr Corp 98 96 6 Do pi Waitt V'enezuel Bd Pet 89 A 32 1 Wentwth Rak war 37 Ward Mfg W'est W'ey'berg Md I pf 149 149 W'est VA CQC Wolverine Shoe 17 15 15 Woodall Cem 81 814 Wright-Harg Ind 19 19 Am tia 2016 10814 10714 As Elec 4128 33 101 As Do 01s 50 1112 41 42 42. 110 ti9 4114 41 4114 Do 49 403 403 A 35A 105 130 105 Cen Boston Ed 9 1031 10 St EI 34 793 Os 48 78 78 18 Chi Ry 38 27 ct 89 88 89 Cities Ser 58 58 105 105 105 Do a CO 105 1041 105 Cont 58A 48 93A 677 Do 48 03B 36 38 38 Elec 38 2030 107 107 Inters Gatineau Pow 69 Pow 68 32 9414 Do 5g 37 101 10014 Midland Val 48 63 st 73 73 13 Eng 60 933 Eng Us 94 9::14 94 Do Fis 47 Do Os 17 94 837 9414 Eng Pow 54 Do 59 48 1023, 10234 Pac l'ark Lex lahld 3s 64 70 70 Pen Cen 4 128 77 10 105 Phila EI P' 72 114 114 Phila Rap Tr Us 62 .107 107 107 Pow Cor Can 398 10434 So So Ind Cal Ed 38 GO 1061; 1061.

Ry 4g 51 1021. 1021, So'wes (is 2022A 1081 Stand 69 INgt 10616 Do CA 48 cv 8t 1081 1081 10814 10 tig 51 1081 1081, 1081 Do fig 1091 Ho 63 1081; Toledo Ed 68 1031 Waldorf-Ast 3a 5-1 69 to York Ry8 38 47st 10014 Wash. Wat 4 4. 107 Russian 1919 8 Go Do 1921 8 Springfield Clearing House Clearings and balances at the Springfeld Clearing house Friday compared with the corresponding day last year 1944 Clearings $714.946 $732.511 Balances 135,563 39,859 Boston Stock Market (By the Associated Press) Sales High Low Close Cha. 217 MI 18214 Bird Son 26 Boat Aib ...126 126 126 500 East 140 Bos Edis Co 40 45 82 Boston Elev 85 5 Bost Bost Me Per pt pr at 75 Do pt 66 56 56 10 East Dry 1st pt 102 103 763 East SS 17 50 Economy Groc 150 First Nat Strs 500 50 Mass Hath Bak pf 99c 990 99c L'til 2 16 Mergenthaler 72 35 Narra Rae 243 NE pi 60 58.

60 60 New Eng ..124 124 1317 Old Col RR 3 33 100 Quincy Min 100 Reece Fold 24 550 Rutl Ry uf 30 Shawmut Assn 171 50 I'nion Tw Dr 3: 33 75 Unit Sh Ma 79 34 10 Veremont ..140 140 140 180 Waldorf 1714 ALLEGHANY CORP. RULING Philadelphia, Oct. 3-(AP)-The Socurities and Exchange commission declared today that inasmuch as Alleghany corporation of Wilmington, is subject to regulation under the interstate commerce act, it has ceased to be an investment company within the meaning of the investment company act of 1940. Legal Notices 6 Consol'n Coal 43 .90 Cons pf Container Corp 334 67 ('ont Bak 12 1 Cont Can 49 Cont Diam Fib 14 Cont Ing 33 36 56 Cont Oil Motors A 91 Cont Del 35 Cont Steel Cooper Bess 21 80 Do pf 52 52 10 Copperweld St .11) Do pi 521 2.10 Corn Exch 61 61 I Corn Prods 69 14 68 0914 Do pf 188 1961 188 11 Cornell 5 10 11 Corning Glass 34 .30 Corning G1 106 10G Coty Inc 0 3 Coty Internat 414 Crane Co Cream of Wh 29 2878 287 Crosley Corp 38 39 21 Crown Cork 45 1 Crown Zellerbach 2 Do 103 Crucible Steel 48 4713 Do DE ..1043 Cuba Cuban- Rn pf Sugar 20 4 13 Cudahy Park 337 1 331 C'uneo I'ress Curtis Publishg 21 21 1.70 Do pf 152 152 Do pr pt 7214 67 Curtiss- Wright Do A 241. 1 A Davega Strg Davi Chem .10 Day pt 11014 I Decca Rec 4:134 25 28 Deere Co 42 42 Do pf 36 83 38 Del I.

.80 Del Hud 43 43 19 Det Edis 3.20 Devoe Ray 62 90 Dev rt 3 Diam Match 39 39 39 Do pf 43 433 12 Dist Dixie Diam Corp- Cup Mot 33 233 233 .90 Do A Doehler-Jarvis Dome Minea Douglas Aircraft 901 Dow Chem 144 144 144 Dresser Indust 1 Dunhill Int 3 6 du Pont de 180 186 37 .40 17 Eagle Pich 86 8514 10 Eastern Air 86 Last Sti 2 Eastman Kodak 18 1 laton Mfg titil, 20 13 Ekco Prod 30 30 10 .50 likco Prod pt ..108 108 108 1 Edis Brag St 6 Elastic Stop 9 .20 1 El Auto-Lite 62 620- 27 Elec Biat 174 13 El Mus Ind 1.30 18 El Power Lt 14 1.70 2El Pow Lt ..131 131 8-16 9-14 9-16 91 MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE 14 By virtue and in execution of the Power 21 of Sale contained in a certain mortgage 243, 24 248, given by SAMUEL BERGMAN of Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts, to Athol 131 131 Savinga Bank, a corporation established by 33 53 5.3 law at Athol In tlie County of Worcester 1614 and Commonwealth of Masaachusetta, dated 3R 38 38 April 1. 1931 and recorded in Hampden 91 ty Registry of Deeds, Book 1483, l'age 148, 3314 of which mortgage the underaigned is the 5 3 present holder, for breach of the conditions 113 113 115 of said mortgage and for the purpose of 35 35 35 foreclosing the same, will he sold at Public 25 Auction At two o'clock P. Af. on the teenth premises day of November, 1945, on the 9 9 below described. all and singular.

2614 2614 the premises conveyed by said mortgage, said premises being therein described substantially as follows, to land and buildings thereon situated in said Springfield, and bounded and descrihed in three parcels AA follows: "FIRST PARCEL: Bounded WESTERLI 5414 by Main Street, about one hundred forty 7014 nine (149) feet: NORTHERLY by land now 145 or lately of GAGNIER and ANGERS, about 123 3, one hundred sixty eeven (167) feet: ERLY by land now or formerly of GAGNIER And ANGERS. about one hundred seventy nine (179) feet: and SOUTHERLY by land 18 now or formerly of SMITH et ale, by irregular line, about two hundred (200) 149 148 149 feet. 2114 231 "SECOND PARCEL: Bounded WESTERLI tit by Main Street, about seventy 1701 feet: NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of 43 to the heirs of Z. LOMBARD, about one hun1 9-16 1 9-16 dred sixteen (116) feet; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of the heirs of JULIA 16-16 13-14 F. LILLIBRIDGE, about seventy one (71) 12 feet; and SOUTHERLY hy land now or merly of CLARK LILLIRRIDGE, about one 161 hundred twenty (120) feet.

1064 10 "THIRD PARCEL: Bounded NORTHERLY by land of ELIZABETH K. MORSE. for101. 101 merly of CHARLES ROGERS. 0N10 hundred twenty and (120.88) feet: EASTERLY 3034 30 30 COONEY.

formerly of MARY HUMBAGE, 3 34 3 by land of PATRICK And CATHERINE fifty two and (32.99) feet: ERLY by Marble 1 Street. one hundred twenty Ave and (125.11) feet: and WESTERLY by said Main Street, sixty three (63) 33 433 feet. 1 deed "Being from the the premises conveyed to me dated by mortgagee herein. 4 4 4 April 1st 1931 and recorded in Hampden County Registry of Deeds herewith. 19 19 19 "The mortgagor agrees that he will with7 Ag nut demand pay TEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS on May 10, 1971 and TEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS on the tenth of 24 each month thereafter.

which c*ms the mortgagee will retain in A separate account and apply toward the payment of Interest on this mortgage and taxes (beginning with taxes assessed April 1. 1931 AS the same severally beconie due.) 97 "SUBJECT to any existing leases. 43 "Together with all furnaces, heaters, 121 ranges, screens, mantels. gas and electric fixtures and all other fixtures of every kind 4 now or hereafter installed in and about 13 said premises, all of which It is agreed shall constitute and be treated as a part of 211 said 91 94 The above premises will be sold subject to All outstanding tax titles, municipal or other public taxes, assessments or if. any.

18 Fifteen hundred dollars will be required 12 12 to be paid in cash by the purchaser at the time and place of AN earnest money. 19 10 balance in cash on delivery of deed, deed 1314 to be taken within ten days from the day 13 147 of sale, other terms to be announced at the sale. 161 ATHOL SAVINGS RANK by ROBERT L. DEXTER. Treasurer Present holder of PAid mortgage.

Ellis. Auchter and Kennett, 124 State Street, Springfield. Massachusetts. 31 (September 29, October 6-13) a.

The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.