Games you like but have a fanbase you can't tolerate. (2024)

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TsundeRay HOORAY! from Santa Clara, California Since: May, 2009


#1: Jul 29th 2010 at 2:51:15 AM

Or, in the words of a cut trope, "tained by the fanbase."

I'm going to start with the king queen of this kind of thing: Touhou. Good games, cool characters, countless hours wasted on Danbooru browsing TH fanart, and fun times with some Touhou cosplayers at an anime convention where a TH gathering and 2 panels happened on the same day, but being in the fandom doesn't stop me from taking potshots at it, as I've said on the fora only nine thousand and one times.

Some fans seem to think Touhou is the first danmaku series and every other game with pretty bullet patterns is a ripoff (even DoDonPachi, which was released back when Touhou was only a single Breaking Out game with a minimal fanbase), and I've had many idiotic arguments questioning my use of a pad * or a stick to play the game rather than a keyboard (mind you, I started on a keyboard but switched to a pad later). And don't get me started with arguments over yukkuris...

And finally, in a recent post, I half-jokingly said that Touhou is "50% Fanon, 40% memes, and 10% shooting games." I was being half-serious too. Most fans these days have never touched the games, and the ones that have get thrown off very horribly. Which brings me to another point: people who are competent at the games. Most good players' idea of demonstrating the games is to show them (off) on Stage 5 or 6 on Lunatic difficulty, or on an Extra Stage, which only serves to upgrade the image of the shooters from Nintendo Hard to High Octane Nightmare Fuel.

edited 29th Jul '10 3:07:06 AM by TsundeRay |

feotakahari Fuzzy Orange Doomsayer from Looking out at the city Since: Sep, 2009

Fuzzy Orange Doomsayer

#2: Jul 29th 2010 at 2:55:08 AM

The traditional reference here is Halo, but I'd actually go with Fallout. I'd agree that turning Fallout 3 into an FPS rather than an RPG was a bad move. But the tone is still Fallout, and the humor is still Fallout. You don't get to whine that hard unless you're dealing with a shift like that from Chrono Trigger to Chrono Cross, and maybe not even then.

That's Feo . . . He's a disgusting, mysoginistic, paedophilic asshat who moonlights as a sh*tty writer—Something Awful

Knighted Minimalist Since: Apr, 2010


#3: Jul 29th 2010 at 2:57:32 AM

I agree on the Halo bit, especially with the multiplayer base, they're a pain.

NEETing now.

Comonad This bacon is awesome from 19th Jan '38 3:14:07 AM Since: Jan, 2001

This bacon is awesome

#4: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:02:35 AM

Games you like but have a fanbase you can't tolerate. (5)questioning my use of a pad

Wait, then why are you dodging the knives?

As for me, I'm becoming convinced that you can only be a true Final Fantasy fan if you hate every Final Fantasy game, think they're an insult to existence, and would gladly go back in time and commit mass murder to stop them from ever existing.

Torment liveblog is still hiatusing. You can vandalize my contributor page if you want something to do.

Starbound2 Since: Jan, 2001

#5: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:03:07 AM

Kingdom Hearts. (cough)

KingZeal Since: Oct, 2009

#6: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:04:43 AM

Ironic, to Feo's post: Chrono Cross

Okay, honestly, I don't like the game based on several of its own merits. But there was a time that I at least thought it was okay. What happened? The damn fans.

What annoys me about that community is their eagerness to use Epileptic Trees and Fan Wank to explain just about anything the game is vague about or inconsistent. Also, their claims that people who hate what happened to the Chrono Trigger cast should "just get over it", like Dropped a Bridge on Him is free candy that tastes good for a whole f*cking cast.


  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Metal Gear Solid 2 - 4
  • Fallout
  • Street Fighter
  • Super Smash Bros

ZeroPotential Since: Jun, 2010

#7: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:04:45 AM

^^Second that.

Specifically, the fangirl-shipping. Oh dear God, the shipping...

edited 29th Jul '10 3:04:56 AM by ZeroPotential

KingZeal Since: Oct, 2009

#8: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:15:38 AM

For which, Cross, or KH?

Tarsen Since: Dec, 2009

#9: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:20:56 AM

all final fantasy games fanbases. ive never particularly liked any ff game aside from ffx and ffta2 and ffccrof, (and even ffx isnt a game i regard highly anymore) ive just thought they were average or overly hyped up.

plus zelda. love most of the games, absolutely hate the fandumb.

actually infact there are so many fandoms/fandumb i hate the full list would be impossible. wonder how much of it comes from 2chan or 4chan

AllanAokage Since: Dec, 1969

#10: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:32:32 AM

Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy.


GameChainsaw The Shadows Devour You. from sunshine and rainbows! Since: Oct, 2010

The Shadows Devour You.

#11: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:42:22 AM

The Sonic fandom got so incredibly pissy that I stopped buying the games after Sonic Heroes despite being one of the (apparently few) people who enjoyed the gameplay. (yes, the story was horrible, but I liked the team mechanic.)

The term "Great Man" is disturbingly interchangeable with "mass murderer" in history books.

Talby Since: Jun, 2009

#12: Jul 29th 2010 at 3:49:51 AM

Some of my favourite games are "hardcore" CRP Gs like Fallout 1&2, Arcanum, Vampire Bloodlines, roguelikes and indie CRP Gs, but I absolutely can't stand the kind of elitists you get on sites like the RPG Codex.

WUE Since: Dec, 1969

#13: Jul 29th 2010 at 5:31:39 AM

^ Elitist? The Codex is full of TROLLS, that's the simple truth. Throwing around the word 'sh*tty' doesn't make you edgy, it makes you look stupid, that's it.

As for games that have a fanbase I can't tolerate.Quite frankly, the Final Fantasy fanbase for me is even worse than the Fallout one.

Yup, I said it.

Ricko Since: Jun, 2012

#14: Jul 29th 2010 at 5:31:42 AM

The Command & Conquer fanboys. Oh lord, where do I even begin with them?...

Let's just say that I honestly believe that they became a FAR worse hatedom than "No Mutants Allowed" ever had. C&C4 made some unwelcome changes, and RA 3 was a bit too whacky for some, but the hatred for C&C3 was completely ridiculous.

EA actually made a game catered to the hardcore fans and had also taken the best ideas from Tib Sun, RA 2, and Generals, which is what a lot of the fans wanted, yet they absolutely loathed it. Why? Because it didn't have walls, the Tiberium looked different, there were no walkers, and the Pitbulls had no rooftops. That was really it. Sure it was tank-spammy and the balancing favored them, but that's always been the C&C series little shtick, you know?

edited 29th Jul '10 5:32:30 AM by Ricko

Mammalsauce Since: Mar, 2010

#15: Jul 29th 2010 at 7:19:45 AM

Earthbound. Pokemon. Final Fantasy VI or worse, VII. Ace Attorney. Chrono Trigger. Too many to list.

^^The shift from FO 1/2 to FO 3 is just as bad as the one from Chrono Trigger to Chrono Cross, if not worse. CT => CC at least kept the format of turn-based JRPG. The gameplay genre shouldn't make as much a difference as the setting in in something like FO, agreed, but they didn't do that right either.

Shale Mighty pirate! from Int'l House of Mojo Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: You cannot grasp the true form

Mighty pirate!

#16: Jul 29th 2010 at 7:21:25 AM

Touhou. Also, I like Kingdom Hearts for the Disney crossovers and abhor the original characters. So there's not too much common ground between me and the vocal parts of the fandom...or Tetsuya Nomura, for that matter.

Sarahsuke Cynical Idealist from USA Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: Crazy Cat Lady

Cynical Idealist

#17: Jul 29th 2010 at 7:39:06 AM

While the fanbase is small overseas, the Japanese Ganbare Goemon fandom makes me facepalm something fierce. I'm mostly annoyed by the rabid Yae fanboys who vilify the other two major female characters in the series. Why? Because they think that Yae is more deserving of being the *ONE TRUE HEROINE*. After all, Hiroshi Obi's manga has it that way and you can't argue with gratuitous Yae fanservice! (Seriously, they constantly bring up how sexy she is in the manga and even talk about how they rubbed one out to her during puberty.)

They never once considered that there is no *ONE TRUE HEROINE* and that all three of the girls are important, but noooo. They just want Princess Yuki and Omitsu to be retconned out of the series entirely. And don't get me started on the shippers who bash Omitsu for keeping Yae away from Goemon because that also happened in Obi's manga...

edited 29th Jul '10 7:39:29 AM by Sarahsuke

Tarsen Since: Dec, 2009

#18: Jul 29th 2010 at 7:39:42 AM there any fandom that doesnt overlap into fandumb?

WUE Since: Dec, 1969

#19: Jul 29th 2010 at 7:50:44 AM

@Mammalsauce : I know. I also know that, quite honestly, while I've read some thoughtful arguments and I like the modding work NMA has produced, the nitpicking over EVERY little detail of the sequels is unbearable. It's like Tim Cain and the crew were gods, and no one else should have been EVER allowed to touch the franchise, never mind that actually FO 2 brought a lot of gameplay improvements and that Tim Cain and the others at Troika showed that they weren't that good with design either.

I apologize for the rant, but I had to take it out.

As for CT/CC, I know there's a feud, but since I haven't played Chross, and since I rarely if ever frequent Chrono's fansites, I fortunately could avoid most of the Fan Dumb.

Enlong Court Dragon from The Underground Facility Since: May, 2011 Relationship Status: is commanded to— WANK!

Court Dragon

#20: Jul 29th 2010 at 9:05:28 AM

Games you like but have a fanbase you can't tolerate. (22)I'm becoming convinced that you can only be a true Final Fantasy fan if you hate every Final Fantasy game, think they're an insult to existence, and would gladly go back in time and commit mass murder to stop them from ever existing.

Wait, but that means...

Dr. Insano is the ONE TRUE FAN!

edited 29th Jul '10 9:05:36 AM by Enlong

I have a message from another time...

Plumbum The Plum and Only from Chichester, United Kingdom Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: And here's to you, Mrs. Robinson

The Plum and Only

#21: Jul 29th 2010 at 11:33:13 AM

Team Fortress 2. Hear me out on this.

I think that the problem lies in hats. Ever since this hat epidemic broke out, I've given up on getting the PC version, and decided to be happy with The Orange Box on Xbox 360.

Curse the ill fortune that led you to me.

TheAdversary Since: Jan, 2001

#22: Jul 29th 2010 at 11:57:39 AM

Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Sonic (I liked the recent racing game even if I dislike the rest of his recent games so it kinda counts), Touhou, Team Fortress 2, (competitive) Super Smash Brothers, Team Fortress 2, Fallout...

You know what? I think it would be easier if I just listed the fandoms I tolerate. Not even like, tolerate.

CactuarJoe It sees you. Since: Jan, 2010

It sees you.

#23: Jul 29th 2010 at 12:16:43 PM

Eh, every fanbase has segments that are best avoided. Even Pokemon, the fandom where people will spend hours breeding 'mons just so they can give 'em away, the fandom where people will take time out of their day to hunt down a rare item for random strangers, the fandom with probably the best self-regulating metagame, has sections I wouldn't touch with a fifty foot pole. Fans who spend their time talking about which critter a Trainer would be most likely to, uh, use their Pokeball on. Fans who have decided that training Pokemon for use in Pv P battles constitutes "turning Pokemon into weapons of war," which is therefore insensitive and I treat MY Pokemon with LOVE AND RESPECT! Fans whose only real purpose in life is to win a battle against you, insult your Pokemon, and in general completely ignore the whole "don't act like a dick" lesson of the game.

Really the trick is to find a community with a mod willing to keep the jerks at bay. Not easy, I know, but every fandom's got idiots.

edited 29th Jul '10 12:17:23 PM by CactuarJoe

But somehow,

EthZee Since: Oct, 2010

#24: Jul 29th 2010 at 2:10:55 PM

Metal Gear Online. The game is funtimes, but there's a lot of very angry people with poor spelling on there. Not to mention the cheaters, or the "PRAO"s.

Thnikkafan ? from Faroe Islands (not really) Since: Jan, 2001 Relationship Status: I made a point to burn all of the photographs


#25: Jul 29th 2010 at 2:14:36 PM

Mitadake High. It's a fantastic game when played right, but with the exception of, I kid you not, less than a dozen players (out of the entire playerbase of this game), they're all either trolls, jerks, or illiterate morons.

Anyone who assigns themselves loads of character tropes is someone to be worried about.


Total posts: 442

Games you like but have a fanbase you can't tolerate. (2024)


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