Why Is Mausoleum (1983) So Sad

1. Mike's Review: Mausoleum (1983) - The Scariest Things

  • 19 jan 2020 · The film begins with a funeral with young-ish Susan Nomed traumatized by the recent death of her mother.

  • ★★1/2 out of ★★★★★ 1983 just called. Your VHS tape is overdue!

2. Mausoleum - Movie Review - Horror Express

  • Most of the time, the film is corny but very moody. At other times, when the filmmakers forget what decade they're in, it plays just plain corny. The film ...

  • MAUSOLEUM is a film about split personalities that has a split personality itself. At times, it's total atmosphere, recalling some of the greatest Italian horror films and working on our nerves. Other times, it's so absolutely ridiculous, it doesn't work at all. There is no doubt that the whole thing is silly, but just how much that silliness mows over the rest of the film varies from scene to scene.

3. Special Investigation: Mausoleum (1983) - Flixology101

  • 26 jul 2020 · Mausoleum is a possession-based monster movie from the early 80s. Its amazingly bad, but not without its charm. Featuring Marjoe Gortner as ...

  • This is the first of a special investigation series for Flixology101. These investigations are designed to take a deeper dive into a puzzling aspect of our favorite movies rather than the typical review and pairing. Toda...

4. Mausoleum (1983) review - Cool Ass Cinema

5. Drive-In Dust Offs: MAUSOLEUM (1983) - Daily Dead

  • 20 nov 2021 · Some films don't announce themselves to you right away; occasionally one simply doesn't register for many possible reasons – bad mood, ...

  • Some films don’t announce themselves to you right away; occasionally one simply doesn’t register for many possible reasons – bad mood, wrong time, etc. So every now and then I’ll re-watch a film in the hope that I missed something the first time around. This brings us to this week’s Dust Off: Mausoleum (1983), a […]

6. Mausoleum (1983): Touched by a Nomed... - Groovy Doom

  • 2 aug 2013 · Susan is a beautiful 30-something who has inherited her family's fortune. Her life seems to consist of wafting around her giant house in sexy nightgowns.

  • Here's a wacky little flick that I had somehow avoided seeing all my life. It was heavily promoted in "Fangoria" and "Famous Monsters" ar...

7. Horror Movie Review: Mausoleum (1983) - gbhbl

  • 29 nov 2018 · Susan has had a tough childhood as her mother dies when she is ten years old. Racked with grief, she runs away from her Aunt in the cemetery ...

  • Idiotic, silly but so entertaining, Mausoleum is cheesy 80’s horror at its finest or its worst depending on your point of view. Its plot is utter nonsense but it embraces the absurd in a tale of demonic possession that is the opposite scale to likes of The Exorcist.

8. MOVIE REVIEW: Mausoleum (1983) - Shaun Watson

  • 25 apr 2021 · Throughout the movie, there was a running theme of open sleaziness and exploitation in this movie about a demonic possession; they tempered the ...

  • And the only person with sense in this movie was a Black person/POC; go figure

9. Mausoleum (1983) - VHS Revival

  • 4 jun 2021 · Friedkin's controversial opus was a cultural happening so formidable it spawned a whole host of knock-offs at a time when the notorious 'Satanic ...

  • Of all the sub-genres in horror’s multifaceted pantheon, few are as primal, or as intriguing, as the ‘Sex Demon’ sub-genre, which I suppose is technically a sub-sub-genre in the t…

10. Mausoleum (1983) - The EOFFTV Review

  • 5 okt 2018 · It's all very predictable fare, and above all, quite pointless. It's a vehicle merely for John (Carl) Buechler's gore effects which are of the ...

  • A belated and worthless addition to the cycle that began with The Exorcist (1973) and which sputtered on well into the 1990s and beyond. Wannabe Scream Queen and former Playboy bunny Bobbie Bresse …

11. "MAUSOLEUM" Should Have Been Left Locked Away - Rue Morgue

  • 7 jul 2020 · MAUSOLEUM was a film that I was hoping would be akin to Dead and Buried, a unique “cemetery horror” gem that generally gets lost in the wider ...

  • This week in the Sematary: MAUSOLEUM could have been a campy 80's horror classic, if not for it's reliance on ugly racial caricatures and a narrative centered around a white aristocratic bloodline. Heed the film's warning: Don't go into the MAUSOLEUM.

12. Mausoleum - 1000 Misspent Hours

  • The ensuing argument between the girl and her aunt ends with Susan running off through the boneyard in what proves to be the direction of the Nomed family ...

  • Mausoleum (1983) -*½

Why Is Mausoleum (1983) So Sad


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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.