Watch adorable moment as Michael D Higgins shares sweet interaction with two young fans (2024)



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Watch adorable moment as Michael D Higgins shares sweet interaction with two young fans (3)

Irish News

Watch adorable moment as Michael D Higgins shares sweet interaction with two young fans (4)

Rebecca Fisher


Michael D Higgins shared an adorable interaction with two young fans as he attended Bloom Festival on Thursday.

The President delivered an opening speech at Bord Bia Bloom this week, before being warmly welcomed by two small spectators.

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The sweet conversation had those in attendance in floods, with many in awe of the President Higgins’ kindness.

Watch adorable moment as Michael D Higgins shares sweet interaction with two young fans (5)

Walking off the stage following his speech, the Irish leader was met with two young spectators who excitedly yelled; ‘Hello President.’

Michael D made sure to make his way over to the two youngsters, enveloping them in a hug as he engaged them in conversation.

The president was sure to ask how they were doing and if they enjoyed their day out, with the two little ones clearly besotted with him.

“Hello President” 🥹

A sweet moment at #BordBiaBloom this afternoon after President Michael D. Higgins’ opening speech 🫶🌷@PresidentIRL

— RTÉ One (@RTEOne) May 30, 2024

Higgins was also met with a round of applause after the brief yet sweet encounter.

The public appearance comes just months after he suffered a mild stroke when he was hospitalised back in March.

The President, who turned 83 in April, insists he is almost fully recovered from what he described as his ‘little episode’.

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President Higginswas brought to St James’s Hospital after feeling unwell. He remained in hospital for a few days after feeling what was described at the time as a ‘mild transient weakness’.

But in an interview with theIrish TimesMr Higgins revealed what he suffered was more serious than originally thought.

And he admitted while he was almost fully recovered there were some still health issues that needed treating as a result of his ‘stroke’.

He said: ‘I’m fine now. What I had was a form of mild stroke. It didn’t affect my cognitive abilities. It affected simply my motor side, which was on the left-hand side.’

He added: ‘My left hand is fully back. ‘But [the stroke] somehow exacerbated stuff that I had in my lower back. I’m getting that fixed in the next week.’

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Watch adorable moment as Michael D Higgins shares sweet interaction with two young fans (2024)


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