Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (2024)

I've had a flurry of emails from readers since I featured three low-carbohydrate recipes on this blog in recent months, all from people who've been inspired by South African sports scientistProfessor Tim Noakes' recent conversion to a low-carb eating plan.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (1)
My version of Indonesian Gado-Gado (recipe below)

People on this regime seem to struggle most with finding interesting, satisfying vegetable dishes. 'It's so difficult to enjoy a dinner without potatoes, rice or pasta,' one person told me. 'I need something more exciting than a pile of steamed vegetables.'

I reckon that if you embark on a restrictive eating plan like this, possibly as a long-term lifestyle choice, you definitely need some excitement on your plate. And what better way to pleasure your brain's food-centre than to introduce thrilling flavours that punch you in the tastebuds and deaden any residual cravings for sugar and starch?

So: I've puttogether this list of 35 of my original low-carb recipes, and I hope you find them useful and inspiring.

Note: I'm not affiliated in any way with Professor Noakes, nor am I endorsing his eating plan, which remains contentious.

However, I find myself drifting closer and closer to its general principles because I love eating this way. I've never been a great fan of starchy, sugary things anyway, and every time I've embarked on a low-carb diet I've shed kilos quickly. However, I freely admit that I've put some of the lard on again: it's difficult to sustain this diet for more than a month at a time, when thunderous cravings for mashed potatoes, wine gums (oh, okay, wine) and chocolate set in.

If you'd like to know more about how to follow this low-carb lifestyle, I can recommend this articleby Professor Noakes.

Postscript, 8 February 2014:I have lost 22 kg in four months, mostly by following a Noakes-style low-carb regime. But more about that in a future blogpost.

Postscript, 23 March 2014: Here is the future blogpost I mentioned above:Hello diabetes, and how I have had to adjust my cooking style

Cottage Cheese, Herb and Olive Oil Smothering Dip A useful, all-purpose, verygarlickycold sauce that packs a powerful flavour punch. Pour it all over whatever you're eating hot, and the warmth of the chicken, fish, steak or veggies will release the aromatic flavours of garlic, herbs and olive oil. I always keep a lidded plastic container of this in my fridge and use it in place of mayonnaise.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (2)
Cottage Cheese, Herb and Olive Oil Smothering Dip

Low-Carb Green Bean, Tomato & Prosciutto Salad with Basil OilA really easy and delicious throw-together salad featuring beautiful young green beans. Click through to my recipe to find a sneaky way of top-and-tailing a lot of beans in seconds!

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (3)
Bean, tomato & proscuitto salad

Oven-Roasted RatatouilleI make a huge tray of this at least once a week in summer, because everyone in my family loves it hot and topped with grated Parmesan. It also makes brilliant leftovers: enjoy it cold, with shavings of Parmesan or cubes of feta cheese or shredded fresh basil. Or whizz it up with some vegetable stock to make a soup or a sauce for pasta.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (4)
My Lemony Green Beans with Aïoli. Image by Michael Le Grange
© Random House Struik 2012. Bowl by David Walters.

Lemony Green Beans with Frizzled Prosciutto, Fried Breadcrumbs & Aïoli
Strictly speaking, you should leave out the fried breadcrumbs if you're on a low-carb diet. In the picture above, I've used toasted flaked almonds instead of breadcrumbs. This is a dreamy combination and one of my family's favourites.

Marinated Mushrooms with Green Beans and FetaI first learned how to makemarinated mushroomswhen I was twelve years old, and here I've adapted the recipe to bulk it out with squeaky-fresh green beans and feta cheese.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (5)

Warm Marinated Olives with Lime, Thyme and ChilliYou won't be able to serve this with warm crusty rolls, as I've suggested in the recipe, but you can add cubed feta and halved cherry tomatoes just before you serve it to create a flavour-crammed starter or snack for a summer meal.

Braised Baby Leeks with Halloumi 'Popcorn' An adventurous dish with knock-out flavours and textures. Leave the out the bread crumbs if you're on a strict low-carb regime.

Salad of Warm Baby Leeks with Blue Cheese and Chilli CroutonsAgain, you'll have to forego the chilli croutons. For this salad, baby leeks are simmered whole in water, with a little olive oil and some herbs and garlic. By the time the water has evaporated, the leeks are as tender as a mother's love. They are then left to colour slightly in the remaining oil, and served warm with crumbled blue cheese.

Cauliflower Salad with Crisp-Fried Chorizo Sausage and a Warm Lemon Dressing An easy tapas-style dish with sensational flavours and textures: shaved raw cauliflower with crumbled fried chorizo, crisp breadcrumbs, a whisper of garlic and a warm lemony olive-oil dressing. Leave out the breadcrumbs if you're evangelical about this diet.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (6)
Make an open sandwich using a grilled chicken breast as a base, or pack the filling
between two breasts and secure with a skewer.

Low-Carb Mediterranean Chicken 'Sandwich'
I used grilled chicken breasts instead of bread slices to create this nutrient-packed lunch dish, which is packed with lovely sunny ingredients including feta, scorched tomatoes, olives, artichokes and rocket.

Spiced Baked Aubergines with YoghurtA plain dish with simple flavours, but you'll love it if you're a big fan of aubergines.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (7)
Pea & Pea-Shoot Salad with Bacon & Eggs

Pea and Pea-Shoot Salad with Bacon and Eggs Peas do contain some carbohydrates, but this lovely warm-and-cold dish contains just half a cup of them per serving, so I figure that's permissible If you can't find pea shoots, use fresh rocket, mustard greens, spinach or bok choy.

Halloumi and Beef Carpaccio Salad with Fried CapersThe ultimate in indulgence when it comes to a low-carb salad, in my opinion: crisp-fried halloumi cheese, thin slices of seared beef fillet and crunchy fried capers on a bed of peppery rocket. Here's another, similar salad:Halloumi Salad with Lemon-Caper Dressing.

Egg and Fennel Salad with Nasturtium-Leaf MayonnaiseThis salad of boiled eggs and shaved fennel,dressed with a caper & anchovy vinaigrette and a nasturtium-leafmayonnaise, is surprisingly light and delicate, considering how much oil andegg it contains. If you can't find nasturtium leaves, mix a handful of chopped fresh herbs of your choice into the mayonnaise.

Double-Egged Crustless Spinach & Bacon TartIt's difficult to believe that such a substantial tart contains very few carbs, but there is not a speck of flour, cornflour or added sugar in this easy recipe.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (8)
Warm Duck Salad (see below)

Warm Duck Salad with Crackly-Topped Beetroot
Duck is very expensive, but you can stretch two breasts between four mouths in this gorgeous salad. You'll need to leave out the dried cranberries if you're on a strict regime. See my comments about the glycemic load of beetroot below.

Roast Baby Aubergines with Rocket and Peppered Cream Cheese,and a Tahini Dressing A scattering of toasted pumpkin seeds gives this salad a satisfying crunch and a good nutritionalkickin the pants:they, along with the sesame seeds in the tahinidressing,are among the most wholesome plant foods on earth, in my view. Here's a similar recipe:Warm Grilled Aubergine Slices with Chilli and Pesto

Slow-Cooked Courgettes & Cherry Tomatoes with Melty Feta A lovely, bright dish that's good both hot or cold. The half-teaspoon of sugar is there to counteract the acidity of the tomatoes, but you can leave it out and add a tiny pinch of bicarbonate of soda instead.

Pretty Little Individual Tuna SaladsI designed this recipe for kids, but this makes a lovely starter for a low-carb feast, and looks so tempting in its perky collar of cucumber.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (9)
Salad of Fennel, Apple & Smoked Mackerel

'Carpaccio' of Kohlrabi with Radishes and Blue CheeseAdapted from a dish in Anton Mosimann's 1991 book Naturally, this is a most unusual starter with its combination of creamy blue cheese, crisp, paper-thin kohlrabi and peppery radish.

Salad of Shaved Baby Fennel, Apple and Smoked MackerelIf you've never been a fan of fennel, do try it raw in this salad, which is wonderfully nutritious, containing as it does oily fish. You'll need to leave the chilli-dusted croutons out of the recipe, though.

Wine-Braised Baby Fennel in Crisped ProsciuttoDelicate little fennel bulbs with a wrapping of salty ham. Okay, this recipe does contain wine, but all the alcohol boils away during cooking.

Roast Beef Fillet with Creamy Celeriac-and-Horseradish-Cream Salad Celeriac isn't very starchy, which makes it a great substitute for potatoes. Here, I've combined it with a creamy remoulade-style dressing to make a cool topping for roast fillet.

Roast Ratatouille Soup with Basil Mayonnaise This glorious brick-red soup, one of my favourite recipes, contains neither starchy veggies nor any flour or similar thickening agent. It's easy to make, and tastes even better the day after.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (10)
Salmon, Beetroot & Rocket Salad

Low-Carb Salmon, Beetroot and Rocket SaladThis is a simple salad, but so satisfying: the combination of roasted beetroot, peppery rocket, meltingly tender flakes of salmon and little bursts of tart sweetness from the pomegranate seeds makes me want to eat it every day. Beetroot has a moderately high glycemic index value of 64, but itsglycemic load is only five.

My Aunt's Avocado Mousse I see that Professor Noakes includes avocados on his list of low-carb foods, so I bring you this retrolicious dish:a wobbly, creamy mousse of the palest green, pepped up with a subtle crunch of fresh chives.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (11)
Michael Le Grange's photograph of my Peri Peri Calamari with
Chouriço Sausage.Image© Random House Struik 2012.

Peri Peri Calamari with Chouriço Sausage
Peri-peri is one of South Africa’s favourite flavours. Feel free to add more fresh chillies if you appreciate a blisteringly hot sauce. (Thisrecipe is taken from my cookbook Scrumptious Food For Family and Friends.)

Calamari Salad with Thyme, Lemon, Chilli and OlivesThis light, summery seafood salad, sparked with lemon juice, red chilli and fresh herbs, takes just ten minutes to make and keeps very well in the fridge for three to four days.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (12)
My version of Gado-Gado. You'll have to forego the potatoes.

This delicious and unusual dish of cooked vegetables, crisp salad ingredients and boiled eggs smothered with a piping-hot, spicy peanut sauce is my take on Gado-Gado, a dish popular all over Indonesia. Peanuts have a very low glycemic index value, but please leave the boiled new potatoes out of this recipe!

Tomatoes Baked with Garlic Butter and CreamA sinfully rich dish because it's loaded with fat, but it's low in carbs, and brilliant as a special treat with bacon and eggs.

Asparagus with Egg Mimosa, Butter and Breadcrumbs Based on a classic ‘Polonaise’ dressing, this topping may be old fashioned, but it’s a time-tested classic for good reason. Cooked, sieved egg yolks are called ‘mimosa’ because they resemble the fluffy yellow flowers of the plant of the same name. The bad news: you'll have to leave out the breadcrumbs. (Another recipe from my cookbook.)

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (13)

Rainbow Trout en Papillote with Lemon and HerbsLight, bright and singing with clean flavours, this is a dish that I make often, using a variety of fresh, sustainable seafood: farmed trout, angelfish, yellowtail, snoek and black mussels.

Easy Chicken, Feta and Bacon Roll-Ups in a Tomato and Rosemary SauceChicken breast filletsstuffed with feta, garlic and sage, rolled in bacon, crisped in a hot pan and then simmered in a rich tomato sauce. A bit fiddly, but well worth the effort if you're cooking for a special occasion.

My Aunt Gilly's Egg 'Bavarois'Okay, you'll have to leave out the sweet-chilli sauce topping. Butthis delicate, old-fashioned buffet dish, lightly jellied and subtly flavoured with bay leaves, onion, cloves and nutmeg, is delicious with small, snappy gherkins and other pickles.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (14)
Seared Tuna with a Tomato & Caper Dressing

Seared Tuna with a Burnt Tomato & Caper DressingThis is an easy and interesting dish starring just a few beautiful ingredients - spanking-fresh tuna, olive oil, capers, baby herb leaves and Rosa tomatoes at the peak of their ripeness.

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (15)Print Friendly

Low-Carb Recipes: 35 Scrumptious Dishes from South Africa (2024)


What is the national dish of South Africa? ›

Another dish thought to have been brought to South Africa by Asian settlers, bobotie is now the national dish of the country and cooked in many homes and restaurants. Minced meat is simmered with spices, usually curry powder, herbs and dried fruit, then topped with a mixture of egg and milk and baked until set.

What is the most popular food in South Africa? ›

One of the most popular foods in South Africa, boerewors, or farmer's sausage, is a type of sausage made from beef mince that is enjoyed throughout the country. While they may seem simple, these delicious sausages follow strict guidelines and must contain 90% meat to count as boerewors.

What do South Africans eat for breakfast? ›

It's a tea-and-coffee culture, so breakfast is often a cup of something hot (with lots of sugar added) served alongside something bready. That can be a piece of toast with jam or cheese, a rusk (a thick and tooth-breakingly hard cookie), buttered bread, or even a hot dog bun.

What is the staple food of South Africa? ›

The staple diet of our people is maize. For the vast majority of tribes, the main ingredient in all meals is what we call Mielie Meal. This is quite simply dried corn that has been ground down to a fine powder (similar to Polenta – but white).

What is Africa signature dish? ›

Jollof rice is a popular dish in many African countries. It is typically made with rice, tomatoes, onion, and chilli pepper. Jollof rice is often served with chicken or fish. The dish is said to have originated in Nigeria, but it is also popular in Ghana, Senegal, and other African countries.

What are 5 traditional foods in South Africa? ›

Our Top 5 Traditional Dishes in South Africa
  • Bobotie (pronounced ba-bo-tea) Bobotie is minced meat enhanced with spices, fresh garlic, lemon zest, onions, herbs, salt, and pepper. ...
  • Potjiekos (meaning, food in a pot) ...
  • Biryani (fried before cooking) ...
  • Koeksister (cook-sister) ...
  • Melktart (milk tart)
Apr 21, 2022

What food is only found in South Africa? ›

  • South Africa is a diverse country, has rich culture and the food…? well let me give you a sneak peek…
  • Potjie. A mix of vegetables and meat cubes cooked not a stove, but on a fire. ...
  • Kota/Sphatlo/Skhambane. South African version of the western bugger, but nicer. ...
  • Bunny Chow. ...
  • Chicken feet. ...
  • Biltong.
Feb 10, 2024

What is Africa's most eaten food? ›

With over 60 million West Africans involved in the production of yam, it's one of the most important staple food commodities in African cuisine. Yams are traditionally eaten boiled and mashed into a starchy dough-like paste known as swallow or fufu, often served with mixed vegetables, eggs, and meat curries or stews.

What do South Africans eat for lunch? ›

In South Africa we eat normal food just like the rest of the world do! Our traditional dishes have a wide variety of cultural flavours because of our rainbow nation. These mosty include “pap” (maize porridge), curries and braai meat (bbq) to name a few.

What do South Africans eat for supper? ›

In South Africa, dinner is usually a hearty meal with meat and starch. Main courses are often bobotie (a mixture of curried meat and fruit with a creamy golden topping), seafood, or mutton stew, accompanied by vegetables.

What is the most popular snack in South Africa? ›

01- Biltong

Ah, one of the most popular South African snacks! What is it? The Dutch word “bil” means rump/meat, and “tong” means strip. This South African delicacy is a “strip of meat” that is seasoned with vinegar, salt, pepper, coriander, and spices and allowed to air dry for a week or two.

Can you wear shorts in South Africa? ›

Many South Africans wear short everyday. South Africans even wear shorts in winter! Laughing aside, South Africa and Cape Town is very casual. Most South Africans wear shorts at one time or another.

How do you say hello in South Africa? ›

'Howzit' is a general greeting used by all races, all over the country. It started out as “how are you” but now it's just another way to say “hello”.

What is South Africa's national drink? ›

South Africa: No official drink but Beer, Springbokkie and Boeber are common. Umqombothi a traditional Nguni sorghum beer is a popular drink to celebrate special ceremonies, and more recently rooibos or “bush” tea is referred to as the unofficial national drink.

What is the most popular vegetable in South Africa? ›

Carrots. Carrots are one of the major vegetables consumed in South Africa. Export markets include Africa (92%), the Indian Ocean Islands (7%),and Europe (1%) (FPEF, 2024). Carrots can be eaten raw, whole, chopped, grated or added to salads for colour or texture.

Is fufu South African? ›

In Twi, fufu or fufuo means "mash or mix", a soft and doughy staple food. It is believed to originate in what is now modern-day Ghana, by the Asante, the Akuapem, the Akyem, the Bono and the Fante people of the Akan ethnic group of Ghana and now generally accepted across the country.

What is biltong made of? ›

It is air-cured meat immersed in vinegar and spices. Various types of meat are used to make biltong but it is most commonly made from beef because of its widespread availability and lower costs. Other meats that can be used to prepare biltong include game meats such as ostrich or kudu.


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.