Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)


World rights reserved. MASS. Cash Grain white 2 heavy No. white 67; extra No. hestra mixed heavy CHICAGO or soybean sales.

Corn No. Merelibeet, 1.30½. Oats Soybean oil Details of Meetings of the City Council of lowa City OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Proceedings of The City Council MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING JULY 16, 1963 The City Council of lowa City, lowa, met in regular session on the 16th day of July 1963, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Doderer presiding.

Members present were: Doderer, Hubbard, Lewis, Maas, Yocum. Absent: None. The minutes of the meetings of July 2. July 9 and July 12, 1963, were opproved as read subject to correction. The Mayor announced that this was the time set for a public hearing on the Electrical Code.

There being no interested persons present, the Mayor announced the hearing closed. The Mayor announced that this was the time set for a public hearing on 42.7 the disposition of the E. 3 ft. of the W. ft.

of Lot 8, Block 58. There So being no interested persons present, the Mayor anAnounced the hearing closed. The Mayor announced that this was time set for a public hearing on the the disposition of the E. 100 ft. of alley in BIk.

4, Lyon's Add. There being no interested persons present, the Mayor announced the hearing closed. The Mayor and City Clerk are 10 draw up the necessary papers for the of the alley in BIk. 4, disposition Lyon's Add. The Mayor announced that this was the time set for a public hearing on the plans, specifications and estimated cost of the SW Interceptor Sewer.

There being no Interested persons present, the Mayor announced the hearing closed. The Mayor announced that this was the time set for a public hearing on the plans. specifications and estimated cost on the storm sewer. There being no interested persons present, the Mayor announced the hearing closed. The Mayor announced that this was the time set to receive bids on the SW Interceptor Sewer.

The following sealed bids were received. Wendell M. Matheny Co. Inc. $60,914.00 Omaha 31, Nebraska M.

L. Von Fosson Const. Co. 66.618.00 Ottumwa lowa Giellefaid Associates Inc. 45,332.00 Forest City, lowa Schroeder 50,455.00 Jim Bellevue.

Iowa Bros. Inc. 51,367.00 Hennessey Marion, lowa bids were referred to the Public The Works Director for -recommendation. The Mayor announced that this was time set to receive bids on the E. the 100 ft.

of the alley in Bik. 4, Lyon's 1st Add. The following sealed bids were received: Woodburn Sound: Service $100.00 lowa City, lowa The Mayor announced that this was set 10 receive bids on the The time The following sealed bids storm sewer. were Schroeder Const. $17,385.00 received: Jim Bellevue: Iowa bid was referred to the City The Engineer for recommendation and signal of report.

The petition for a traffic and Summit was referred 10 for study and recDodge the City Manager ommendation. Wendell Simonson. to The petition park a conservation unit was First granted. ChrisThe communication of the Church concerning a Humon. Relatian Committee was received and filed tions meeting was set for July 31, and a 1963, of 1:30 P.M.

The communication of the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning rethe rezoning of the Klenk Property was ceived and filed and the property owners were to be notified of the recommendation. communication of the Planning and The Commission concerning the was re- annexation of the Tauber Property Zoning -hearing was- set- -for August ceived and filed. A public to. rezone the Tauber. Property.

6, 1963. The petitiondot the Horace Mann 1o close the street by N. Market Square filed and referred "to was Planning and Zoning Commission and received and the a public hearing was set for August 6, 1963. The Planning and Zoning Commission Is to consult with the Park Board concerning the transfer of the property of N. Market Square to the School Board, The communication of Powers and Associates concerning a report on parking wos The City received of and lowa City is to tiled for study.

Into a contract with the firm of Veenstra and Kim to appraise the Water DistrituSystem in Coralville with to the lines present and lines to be laid in the future. The bills were allowed as audited. General Government 7.39 Boker Poner Co. 99.01 Mr. Barrow.

Postmaster Prosser Co. Berminghom Warren Buchan 32.76 Glen V. Cash Fund 18.12 Advertising 30.85 Economy Florist Inc. 11.49 Eicher John Franklin 20.00 55.59 Frohwein Supply Co. The Goodfellow Co.

114.17 Hardware 1.13 Gray's Towel 11.40 lowa City Clean lowa City Grain Feed Service 18.20 Ind. Towel Uniform 10.92 lowa City lowa City Press-Citizen 502.39 Lampert. Yards 65.35 Lenoch Cilek 1.00 Henry Inc. 11,76 Lone Mashaw 28.42 Porrott Sons 160.43 Matt Jim Montgomery 8.54 Finance Officers Assn. 3.15 Municipal New Process Laundry CleanInc.

5.64 ing Radio Communications 5.00 Ralph Taylor 7.00 Tom Taylor 22.00 Streets Forestry Ed Balley 29.82 L. R. Beats 51.03 Co. Inc. 4.00 00 Capitol Propane Gas Glen V.

Eckard-Petty Cosh Fund 75 Minnesota Mining, Mfg. Co. 40.20 L. Pelling Co Inc. 126.00 Public Satety Barron Motor Supply 7.29 Breese Co.

13.43 Glen V. -Eckard-Petty Cash Fund .57 Ewers Men's Store 24.47 -Frohwein Supply Co. 4.13 Mrs. Carl Harned 16.50 lowa City Cicon Towel 25.46 Fire Dept. 120.00 lowa City lowa City Fire Dept.

120.00 lowa City Towel Unif. 4.97 lowa City Press-Citizen 10.92 Lenoch Cilek- 3.00 Henry Louis, Inc. 2.68 Maher Bros. Transfer 13:56 Medical Associates $7.50 Me Too 18.70 New Loundry Clean7.38 ing Inc. Putnam Welding Service 23.03 Rodio Communications 62.00 Sanitation Ed Kennedy 140.51 National Chemsearch Corp.

73.10 Visiting Nurses Assoc. 416.67 Barron Motor Supply 33.06 Municipal Enterprises John Franklin 25.00 Recreation Aero Rental 5.00 Dave Anderson 40.00 N. V. Anderson 15.35 Boyd Rummelhart 20.27 Brennemon Seed Store 84.00 Warren Burger 85.00 in Vaults. ina.

p.m. Friday, July 26, 1968-lowa City -13 Living Costs In June Hit Record High WASHINGTON LP; Living costs in June rose four-tenths of one per cent to a record high, the labor department reported today. The rise was the highest for a single since September of last year when an increase of six-tenths of one per cent. was recorded. The June index at 106.6 compared to the 100 base for 1957- 59, and was 1.2 per cent above last year.

The figures mean that it cost $10.66 to buy in June the same living cost items which could be bought for $10 in the 1957- 59 period. Arnold Chase, assistant commissioner for prices and living conditions in the bureau of labor statistics. said the June increase was due primarily to higher prices for food, housing and medical care. In addition, sales taxes were increased in several cities. Sharply higher sugar prices were a of an advance in food prices averages in June.

Sugar prices rose by :32 per cent and were 44 per cent above a year earlier. On the whole, food prices averaged 1.4 per cent higher than a year ago. Restaurant meals were 2.2 per. cent higher. CLASSIFIED RATES FOR CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS 7 Days a Word Days 22c a Word 10 Days 28c a Word One Month 75c a Word Additional Charge for Keyed Ads Minimum Charge $1.50 Card of Thanks $5.00 $1.82 Per Inch.

The Press-Citizen reserves the right to reject any advertising copy. Lost and Found. Travel, Work Wanted, and Card of Thanks ads are pavable in advance. Ads having box numbers are confidential and information concerning them can not be qiven out. Line ads and classified display ads for Help Wanted received before 10 a.m.

(Saturday 9 a.m.) will be published the same day. Deadline for all other classified dispiry and rummage sales in local display is noon the day before. The Press-Citizen Is not responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of any classified or display ad or legal notice. Dial 7-3181 Ask for Want-Ads 1. Funeral Service OATH OUT Since 19 27 2720 Muscatine Ave.

TEN EICK Funeral services Joseph Ten Eick were held at 2 p.m. Friday at the Oathout Funeral Chapel. Rev. Eugene Hanco*ck officiated. Burial in the Brick Chapel cemetery.

BECKMANS funeral home, 507 E. COLLEGE OVERHOLT Jim Overholt. Services pending at. Beckman's. MeNEILL Ralph McNeill.

Services and burial at Port Byron, Illinois. IOWA CITY funeral directors will help you select on lowa City Fiber vault. Made locally. 1 Govern Dwyer DIRECTORS 506 College Street ROONEY Tressa Rooney, 93. 71812 South Dubuque.

Funeral mass will be held at 9 a.m. Saturday at St. Patrick's church. Burial Lenox cemetery at Lenox. Iowa.

Rosary will be recited at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. Jones Memorial Chapel 2619 Muscatine Ave. Notice OVER TWO million interments have been made Wilbert Burial Send for: free booklet Facts Box 649.. Cedar Rapids.

No obligation 3. Instruction WATER SKIING Beginners, slalom, trick, jumping. Coral. Marina. Dial 337-2068.

4. Personal Service TRY. DIADEX TABLETS Former name Dex-A-Dict. only 98c. Osco SPENCER SPIRELLA Corsetiere.

Alice Berg. Dial. 337-2075. FOR FULLER Brush products, dial 338-8001. WATKINS PRODUCTS.

Dial 6. Travel RIDE WANTED 16 Cedar Rapids. Five dav week. Dial 338-6723. 7.

Pets SELLING Siamese kittens. seal point. Dial- 338-6778 WANTED Homes for four 8 week old part Persian kittens Diol. 338 1532. DARLING BLACK miniature French poodle puppy for sale, AKC registered.

Dial 338-7488. Hog Peak Paid Freely CHICAGO UR Prices were changed in the butcher hog market today with trade active. Mixed No. and 2 grades weighing 190-225 lbs. topped at $20.

The peak was paid fairly freely again. In a slow slaughter steer market, prices were steady to 50 cents lower with lb. weights showing the broadest decline. Mixed high choice and prime, including some mostly prime, went at Hogs butchers steady; 1-2 190- 225 lb. butchers 19.75-20.00; mixed 1-3 190-260 Ibs.

19.25-19.75; 2-3 250-270 lbs. 19.00-19.50; 1-3 300-350 lb. sows 16.75- 18.00; load 275 lbs. 18.25; 350-400 Ibs. 15.75-16.75; 2-3 400-450 Ibs.

14.75-15.75; 450-600 lbs. 13.75-15.00. Cattle calves none: slaughter steers steady to 50 lower; load mostly prime 1,325 lb. slaughter steers 26.00; mixed high choice and prime lbs. 25.25-25.75; choice lbs.

24.25- 25.25; mostly choice with some prime lb. slaughter heifers 24.75-25.00; choice lbs. 23.75-24.50; utility and commercial cows 14.50-16.00. Sheep 200; hardly enough for a price trend; few choice and prime spring slaughter lambs 20.50-21.00; good and choice 18.50-20.50; cull to good shorn slaughter ewes 4.00-5.50. Oils, Big 3 Motors Gain; Trading Slow NEW YORK (P) Oils and Big Three motors made moderate gains in an irregular stock market late this afternoon.

Trading was slow. Volume for the day was estimated at 2.5 million shares compared with 3.7 million Thursday. Gains and losses of key stocks went from fractions to about a point. 1 p.m. Stock Quotations: (Furnished by White S.

Dubuque Street.) Aldens Maytag 3558 Allied Ch Mont Ward Am Can NY Central Am Mot AT Phillips Pet, Am Tob 723 Anaconda 473 Radio Cp Bendix Sears Roeb 87 Beth Sti 301 Sincl: Oil Chrysler Std Oil (Ind) 593 Corn Prod 551 Std Oil (NJ) 3 Deere Stud Pack Du Pont 23014 Swift Co 40 Ford Mot Texaco Gen Elec Union Pac 383 Gen Mot 683 Unit Air Goodyear 34 US Rubber int Harv US Steel la-Il1 Wilson Co Kresge Woolworth Dow -Jones Averages Industrials 687.92; up .21 Rails 166.12; up .20 Utilities 138.65; Up .41 OVER THE COUNTER Bid Asked Super Value Younkers 40 43 Waiston Greater lowa Mid America Pipe 19 21 Life Inv. of lowa Standard Fruit Ottumwa Hogs OTTUMWA Hog market steady; 190-240 lb. butchers 18.00-18.50; 270-300 lb. sows 16.00-16.50. Produce Market CHICAGO A Butter steady: wholesale buying prices unchanged to higher; 93 score AA 92 A 90 89.

cars 90 89 57. Eggs mixed; wholesale buying prices unchanged to lower; 70 per cent or better grade A whites mixed mediums standards dirtles and checks 25. PSYCHIATRIST: SOME SLEEP WHILE AWAKE TORONTO (P) A Toronto psychiatrist says the person who claims to get along on only a few hours sleep fooling himself. He gets his sleep during his ly waking hours. Prof.

John W. Lovett-Doust explained at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychiatric association that the person who spends a relatively short time in bed at night picks up the missing sleep during the day every time his mind wanders. "Day-dreaming is sleep," he said. Woman Is Elected To Top Friends Post RICHMOND. Ind.

(P). The general: conference of the meeting of Friends elected a woman Thursday as presiding clerk. the highest post to which a Quaker can be elected. Mrs. Helen Walker of Whittier, Calif: the first woman to-, be chosen, succeeds Arthur Watson.

who is. retiring AS president of William Penn college at Oskaloosa. Iowa. NIKITA AT LUNCHEON MOSCOW (Pi. Soviet Premier Khrushchev attended an Indian embassy luncheon in Moscow for Indira Gandhi, daughter of Indian Prime Minister, Nehru.

OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OFFICIAL PUBLICATION BUDGET ESTIMATE AND RECORD OF FILING COUNTY ESTIMATE NOTICE--The board 5. 1963, at 10:00 A.M.. for or against the ning January 1, 1964. FUNDS Selling Hits Most Grains CHICAGO Wheat futures developed a little firmness at times today but other grains and soybeans had fairly heavy selling pressure and turned weak on the board of trade. Losses in soybeans ran to about three cents a bushel in the early afternoon.

Corn, oats and rye were off more than 0 cent in spots and wheat held small gains. Carlot receipts today were estimated at: wheat 86 cars, corn 104, oats 48, rye none, barley 34, soybeans 2. Wheat closed cents a bushel higher, September corn lower, September oats 1- lower, September cents; rye lower, September soybeans cents lower, August Interior Markets DES MOINES (USDA) Estimated receipts today at lowa and southern Minnesota packing plants, important concentration yards and buying stations actual receipts Thursday week ago year ago 43,000. Barrows and gilts steady to mostly 25. lower; sows mostly steady instances 25 lower.

Barrows and gilts No. 1, 200-220 18.50-19.25; No. 1, 220-240 18.40-19.25; No. 2, 200-220 18.25-18.85; No. 2, 220-240 18.00- 18.85; No.

2, 240-270 17.25-18.60; No. 3, 220- 240 17.75-18.50; No. 3, 240-270 17.00-18.25; No. 3, 270-300 16.25-17.50; No. 2, 200- 220 18.25-19.15; No.

1 2, 220-240 18.25- 19.15; No. 2 3, 200-220 18.00-18.75; No. 2 3, 220-240 18.00-18.65; No. 2. 3, 240- 270.

17.25-18.50; No. 2 3, 270-300 16.50- 17.85; No. 1 2 3, 200-220 18.25-18.85; No. 2.3, 220-240 18.00-18.85; No. 1 2 3, 240-270 17.25-18.60.

Sows No. 2 3, 270-330 15.75-17.00; No. 1 2 3, 330-400 15.00-16:50; No. 2 3, 400-550 13.25-15.50. Grain Table CHICAGO Closing grains: Prev.

Wheat High Low Close Close Sep 1.77¼ 1.76 81.77¼ 1.7624 Dec 1.82 1.83 1.825 Mar 1.86 1.84½ 1.85¾ 1.85¼ May 1.80¼ 1.78⅛ 1.80 1.78⅞ Jul 1.55¾ 1.53½ 1.55½ 1.54½ Corn Sep 1.24% 1.23½ 1.24 1.24% Dec 1.15½2 1.14¼ 1.14% 1.15% Mar 1.18% 1.17¼ 1.17½ 1.18½ May 1.20% 1.191 1.19% 1.20% Oats Sep 65 Dec 68 Mar 685 May 68 68 Rye Sep 1.26 1.25 1.25 1.261 Dec 1.28½ 1.28 1.28 1.2834 Mar 1.31¼ 1.30% 1.30¾ 1.31¾ May 1.30% 1.29¼ 1.29% 1.31 Soybeans Aug 2.651 2.62 2.62¼ 2.65¼ Sep 2.64¼ 2.61 2.61 2.64 Nov. 2.62½ 2.59¼ 2.595 2.62¼ Jan 2.66 2.625 2.62¾ 2.66 Mar 2.69 2.65¼ 2.65¾ 2.68½ May 2.70¾ 2.67½ 2.67¾ 2.70¾ Policeman Charged In Pedestrian Death ALBIA (P) Ronald Mock. 24, Albia policeman, whose car struck and fatally injured an elderly Albia woman, has been charged with failure to exercise due care to avoid colliding with a pedestrian. Mrs. Walter S.

Moore, 81, was struck in front of her home Sunday. Mock was off, Ft. Madison Escapee Caught at Burlington BURLINGTON (P)- James L. Washington, 28, of Des Moines, who walked away from the state penitentiary at Ft. Madison Wednesday night.

was. picked up along Highway 61 south of Burlington today. The operator of a nearby motel had reported seeing Washington walking along the highway. Pastor Says Church Has New Perspective HUNTINGTON. Va.

(P) Church denominations can no longer be concerned only with their, own affairs, the Rev. Dr. John Coventry Smith of the United Presbyterian church told a meeting. "We are living in a new kind of world." he said. in which "the Christian church has become a worldwide Christian community." supervisors of Johnson County, lowa, will meet August at Johnson County Court House.

Taxpayers wilt be heard estimate of expenditures for fiscal year DOLORES A. ROGERS, County Auditor. Expenditures For Year Balance 1963 Balance 1964 Income Than 1964 Necessary 1964 Year Year 1962 8 U0 Cash For 1961 For tures bered Jan. Estimated Other OXO 8 67.253 254,394 5 261,417 9,976 42,167 42.284 53.365 147.235 166.044 157,364 298.809 223,038 21,746 16.188 12,336 34,766 34,160 41,565 30,390. 26,386 11,623 4,817 2,896 387 20,329 19.657 26.571 9,890 372.070 55,000 84,089 232.981 64,470 8,000 56,470 209.000 35,000 31,000 143.000 383.200 25,000 15,000 343,200 20,000 5,000 2,200 12.800 40.000 5.000 35,000 45.000 20.000 2,250 22,750 15.500 15,500 25,000 6,914 18.086 54,683 54,683 25,000 25,000 5.524 24.334 25,084 32.476 4.740 16.238 11,498 5.327 28.388 30.659 32,000 4,320 16.000 11.680 25,448 213 290 25,948 23,948 2.000 40.000 40.000 96.726 765,638 705,537 846,100 30.000 381.000 88,646 298.765 47.639 738 16.582 5,040 15,000 5,000 10.000 2.695 10.217 3.885 3.559 6,000 1,800 6.599 1.167 1,661 9.500 1,000 80 8.420 329,290 329,290 $564.460 $1.699.193 $1.550,713 $2.590.237 $593.598 of assessed value: Rural $24.30, Cities Towns $13.10.

July 26. 1963 U.P. Acts To Block North Western and Rock Island Merger WASHINGTON (AP) The Union Pacific, railroad urged interstate commerce commission today to throw out the application of the Chicago North Western for authority to acquire stock control of the Rock Island Lines. The Union Pacific protested that the application is defective and the authority sought is against public interest. C.

N.W. proposed the move last month as a first step toward a complete merger with the Rock Island. Union Pacific and Rock Island directors already have agreed on a merger plan which has not yet been submitted for ICC approv- al. IN ITS PETITION today, Union Pacific said the only purpose of the bid is to prevent the proposed Rock Island-Union Pacific merger. "Its aim is to obtain enough assents of Rock Island common stockholders to its proposal to prevent Rock Island from getting the required two-thirds approval of its merger into Union Pacific," the Union Pacific said.

"This is obvious from the applications themselves which show that the does not have the cash to acquire even 51 per cent control of the Rock Island on the basis that it has proposed." UNLIKE THE prospective Union Pacific-Rock Island merger. Union Pacific said. the consolidation would not provide "end-to-end unifications on a functional basis following the present flow of traffic." Union Pacific also contended that the in announcing its plans for acquiring Rock Island stock, "failed to disclose that the proposed transaction would be taxable and that any Rock Island stockholder making a profit on the exchange will be subject to a tax thereon. Union Pacific said the N.W. application was defective because it failed to show from what sources it figured to realize stated benefits of $15 lion a year if the consolidation were approved.

THE UNION PACIFIC placed advertisem*nts in several New York and Chicago newspapers appealing for support of its merger plan from Rock Island stockholders, employes, shippers and the public. The North Western immediaately issued a statement contending that the advertisem*nt "contains many false and misleading statements of material fact." THE ALSO said the advertisem*nt did not receive the proper federal clearance required by law. Its statement said, "We are informed that this advertise- ment had not been filed or cleared with the securities and exchange commission as the law required. The advertisem*nt says a U.P. merger with Rock Island Lines would result in "growth- not shrinkage and retreat." "The North Western offer im-plies consolidation of duplicate facilities, tearing up of tracks and facilities, and a questionable financial future," it contends.

lowa Multi-County Industrial Development Is Seen in Future DES MOINES (P) Jowa's future industrial development will be based on regional development of multi-county areas rather than on individual community development, an eastern research firm believes. Arthur D. Little, of Cambridge, made a study of the state's resources, potential and long-range economic regions for the Iowa development commission. Noting that the state is becoming more urbanized, the report said that "smaller com- Unemployment Climbs in lowa DES MOINES (P) Nonfarm employment failed to increase as much as was expected in June, with the result that unemployment was up 12.300 from the previous month, the Iowa employment securty commission said today. The seasonally adjusted unemployment rose from 2.6 per cent in May to 3 per cent in June.

But, the workforce of 1.233.- 100 was the highest for any. June on record. employment rose only 2,700 from May to. June, No2 compared with a gain 6.500 last year. Manufacturing gained 400 from May to June, construetion gained 3,700 and nonmanufacturing employment increased 2.300.

Government employment declined. The average hourly wage of production workers in industry went up a penny last month to $2.61 over May and was nine cents higher than. June, 1962. lowa Instrument Industry Vital 6 DES MOINT (P) Iowa's instrument industry is producing a number of items important to other industries. a report by the Iowa Manufacturers association shows.

The state's instrument industry consists of 28 plants producing 45 items. These 11- chide instruments for aircraft and missiles, medical and surgical instruments, laboratory goods, photographic equipment and parts for timepieces. This is an example of an industry with a small representation in lowa, but one which has a big contribution to make in support of other industry." said Harry D. Linn, executive vice president of the Iowa Manufacturers association. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION PROBATE NOTICE State of low0 County of Johnson.

In the District Court of Johnson County Notice is hereby given to all persons interested, that the Final Report of Ethel Hruby as Administratrix of the Estate of Stanley Hruby. deceased will come for final hearing and approval in the District Johnson County, lowo. on the Court 12th day August, 1963. at 9:00 clock A.M. time and place any person interested may appear and file ceptions and show cause why said report should not be approved.

WITNESS my hand and: seal of the District Court this 24th day of July A.D., 1963 (SEAL) R. N. Miller. Clerk of District Court-: in and for Johnson County Trott and Robert: Jonsen, attorneys for Administratrix. July 26, 27, 1963 Deed Record Furnished by Johnson County Abstract Co.

And Security Abstract Co. Frank Yeries and wife to Roger W. Manteutfel and wife, Lot 19 Bik. 2 Coralville Heights 2nd Sub. $21.45 rev.

stomps, Martin J. Warren and wile to J. W. Warren and wife, D. Part lots 6 Bik.

46 lowa City. Ralph J. Freeman and wite to Goldie Freeman, D. 50 Lot 11 BIk. C.

H. Berryhill 2nd Add. Roger W. Manteuftel and wite to Paul J. Johnson and wite.

D. Lot 19 BIk. 2 Coralville Heights 2nd Sub. $23.10 rev. stamps.

Leslie H. Miller to Universal Climate Control, Land in Sec. 6-79-6 Coralville. $10.45 rev. stomps.

James R. Fouts to Evelyn J. Monk, D. Lot 2 West Bel Air. $29.70 rev.

stamps. Evelyn Monk to House Corp, of Chi Omega. W. D. Part Lot 5 Bik, 4 lowa City.

$30.25 rev. stamps. George P. Dvorsky and wite to Paul Schuppert and wife, W12 Lot Bik. 3 Summit Hill Add.

$24.75 rev. Robert D. Strub and wife to Warner Barnes and W. D. Lot 11 15 Lot 12 Bik.

9 Coralville Heights. $12.10 rev. stomps. Jasper Wenman and wife to Darel N. Wieland and wife, Sec.

11 NW. Sec. 14-80-8 Oxford Twp. $18.15 rev. stamps.

Anna E. Thomas et al to Bryn Mawr Heights Part SWi4 Sec. 16- 79-6 West Lucas Twp. $96.80 rev. stamps.

Jerry W. Bush and wife to Gilbert W. Schantz and wife. D. Lot 130 Revision Part 2 Court Hill.

$22.00 rev. stamps. Plum Grove Acres Inc. to Duane Nollsch and wite, Lot 22 Part Resub in Mt. Shrader.

$4.95 rev. stamps. Gilbert L. Edwards and wite 10 some WD. Lots 2 and 3 Bik 2 Rapps Sub Oxford.

55c rev. stamps. Frank J. Bittner and wife to Maurice J. Bitter and wife, D.

Lot 58 and Lots 59 60 Kerr's Add Solon. $9,90 rev, stamps. Prospect Land Co. to W. H.

Bartley and wife, D. Part Lot 1 Forest Glen Sherwood Forest Sub. John Rohner and wite to George P. Dvorsky and wite, D. Part Lot 6 Indian Lookout.

$24.20 rev. stamps. Michael, J. Kutcher et al to Raymond E. Kutcher and wife NET NE SEV Sec.

14 NW SWV4 Sec. 13-80-8 Oxford Twp. $7.15 rev. stamps. Plum Grove Acres et al to Albert Van Fossen and wife, Lot 348 Port Court Hill.

$4.40 rev. stomps. Ralph W. Joney and wife to Leland Wade and wife. Lot 12 Bik.

Fair Meadows 2nd Unit. $15.40 rev. stamps. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Campus Record Shop .88 City Electric Supply 60.12 Cook Paint Varnish Co. 17.40 Doctors Supply Inc.

5.14 Economy Advertising Co. 214.35 Economy Handcrafts, Inc. 113.70 The Elliott-Morris 16.13 First Congregational Church 9.00 Frohwein Supply Co. 15.57 Halogen Supply Co. 67.43 Hatfield Duplicating 21.36 Hawkeye Lumber Co.

18.60 lowa City Assn. of Ind. Ins. Agents 30.25 Kirkwood Kwik Clean 104,40 S. S.

Kresge Co. 3.99 Bob Lee 40.00 Lenoch Cilek 26.69 Lind's Photo Art Supply Co. 30.53 Magnus Craft Materiais Inc. 170.91 McCool Tree Surgery 308.00 McKesson Robbins 202.50 Metropolitan Supply Co. 29.80 Mulford Plumbing Heating 1,733.00 Nagle Lumber Co.

51.00 Nate Moore Wiring Service 187.50 National Recreation Assn. 10.00 Pearsons Drug Store 4.08 Plumbers, Supply Co. 8.09 L. W. Rogers 21.66 Seven in One Mfg.

Co. 17.18 Strub Welding Repair 1.06 Western Auto Associate Store 2.54 John Wilson Sports 382.90 F. W. Woolworth 2.90 World Wide Games 1.47 Community Building Paul D. Speer 2,000.00 Iowa City Press-Citizen 75.98 Debt Service First National Bank 175.00 Paving Bonds First National Bank 261.00 Sewer Bond Fund First National Bank 25.00 Trust Agency lowa Employment Security Commission 4,516.97 lowa Public Employees Retirement System 4,056.33 Parking Lots Barron Motor Supply 13.64 Glen V.

Eckard-Petty Cash Fund 1.93 Frohwein Supply Co. 23.86 Dorothy Horton and Charles L. Horton 375.00 lowo City Press-Citizen 10.66 Lampert Yards 1.35 Nagle Lumber Co. 1.50 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co. 3.40 Premier Fastener Co.

30.95 Sewer Rental and Plant Barron Motor Supply 18.85 Frohwein Supply Co. 9.08 Henry Electric Co. 110.50 lowa City Clean Towel 3.05 Iowa City Ind. Towel Unif. 2.50 Naale Lumber Co.

10.77 Plumbers Supply 4.82 Railway Express Agency 3.91 State University of lowa 1.18 Street Construction Globe Machinery Supply Co. 18.20 Johnson County Ready Mix Inc. 84.00 Neenah Foundry Co. 792.00 Operations Allied Motor Parts Co. 60.06 Amana Society-Homestead Implement 42.15 Barron Motor Supply 274.75- Boyd Rummelhart Breese Co.

44.47 Hermon Brown Co. 251.54 Burkett-Rhinehart Motor Co. 56.15 Capitol Implement Co. 92.48 Continental Oil Co. 1,187.34 Dunlap Implement Co.

11.75 Dwayne's Radiator Service 12.75 Glen V. Eckard-Petty Cash Fund 1.10 John Franklin 20.00 Hanstrom-Hubly Tractor Co. 152.55 Hartwig Motors Inc. 59.56 Highland. Ave.

D-X 21.50 lowa. Clean Towel 15.20 Iowa City Ind. Towel Unif, 5.03. Jehle's Auto Small Engine 16.48 Jones-Herriott Stevens 25.85 The Kacena Co. 7.89 Kennedy Auto Market 6.20 Linder Tire Service 287.09 Lenoch Cilek.

1.20 McFall-Shubatt 26.50 Mulford Plumbing Heating 10.43 Nail Motors Inc. 2:29 Peter Pirsch Sons Pyramid Services 54.23 Wicks Oil -Co. 8.10 Water Revenue Barron Motor Supply 113.88 Benner's Towncrest Shopping 1 Center 11.80 Boyd Rummelhart 252.00 City of Iowa City 2,500.00 City of Iowa City of lowa City 1,500.00 City of Iowa City 500.00 Cline Farm Equipment Co. 2.35 Communications Engineering Co. 39.00 Customers Eckord-Petty Deposit Escrow Fund 9,126.41 Glen V.

Cash Fund Frohwein Supply 36.12 Gilpin Paint Glass Inc. 52.73 Globe Machinery Supply Co. 27,41 Gray's Hardware 9.42 Griffin Pipe Co. 13,279.02 Hawkeve Lumber Co. 43.96 Hupp Electric Motors 9.63 lowa City Clean Towel 21.20 lowa City Ind.

Towel Unif. 11.93 towa Employment Security Commission 867.94 towa 0 Public Employees Retirement System 834.12 lowa Valve Co. 2,169.49 Johnson County Ready Inc. 68.00 Lenoch Cilek 48.04 Mueller Co. 17.86 Nagle Lumber Co.

25.16 Neptune Meter Co. 317.79 William Neuzil 10.00 Putnam Welding Service 19.90 Plumbers Supply 226.32 Rock Island Motor Transit Co. 4,40 Treasurer -of the State of lowa 1,866.55 The Village Pharmacy 1.65 Water Revenue Bond Sinking Fund Fidelity Savings Bank 220.00 First Notional Bank 38.00 Water Construction Fund Iowa Employment Security Commission 75.24 lowa Public Employees System 67.40 Water Revenue Fund 28,550.01 The following Resolutions were adopted: Resolution approving cigarette permits. Resolution approving Class Beer Permits. Resolution approving Class Liq vor Applications.

Resolution approving Class Liqvor Applications. Resolution approving Class Liqvor Applications. Resolution of necessity sanitary sewer. Resolution' approving plans and specitications and form of contract storm sewer. Resolution awarding contract storm sewer Resolution annexing Tauber Property.

Resolution awarding contract on SW Interceptor Sewer. Resolution adopting 1962 Electrical Code. Resolution naming depositories for city funds. Resolution filing budget. The following Ordinances were adopted: Ordinance vacating the E.

100 ft. of alley in BIk. 4, Lyon's Add. Ordinance vacating the W. 160 ft.

of alley in BIk. 100, O.T. The appointments of Ed Murphy, Roiph Roberge and Louis Loria to the Library Board for six year terms were approved. The Civil Service eligibility list for the Police Department was approved. The Civil Service eligibility list for the Fire Department was approved.

Unon motion adopted, the meeting was adjourned to July 23, 1963. at 7:30 P.M. WALKER D. SHELLADY, Clerk. July 26, 1963 ADVERTISING 7.

Pets SELLING Seal -point Siamese kittens. Dial 338-0061. SELLING Fox Terrier puppies and miniature dachshunds. Dial 337-9594. SELLING Chihuahuas.

Pugs. Boardinq. Dial 338-3057. munities can not continue to go it alone." Because of this fact and because the "vital interdependence of urban and rural areas must be recognized," the study said, "regional development on a multi-county basis in Iowa's future." THE FIRM outlined 12 presently-existing economic regions in Iowa to give the commission what the report called "a manageable framework for future research and technical assistance activities." The report continued that an economic region would have to contain "at least one urban center large enough to offer industry certain important external economies of scale." A minimum level of services also would be necessary. The report said each of the 12 areas offered diversified and relatively skilled.

labor, prompt delivery of materials and services with a generally high level of services for the tax dollar. The urban centers, As outlined in the report, would be Dubuque, Clinton. Davenport. Burlington, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Mason City, Ft. Dodge, Des Moines, Sioux City and Council Bluffs.

Judge Says Hoffa Must Stand Trial NASHVILLE. Tenn. (P. Federal Dist. Judge, Frank Gray refused today to dismiss an indictment charging that Teamsters Union President James R.

Hoffa and six other men tried to "fix" a federal court jury. Overruling several defense motions, Gray held the seven must stand trial before him on charges of jury tampering. Gray set October the date for the trial. Hoffa's attorneys also lost on their efforts to have the trial moved to another city hecause of "slanted newspaper reporting" and to have each defendant tried separately. The indictment charges that the seven men attempted to bribe jurors and prospective Jurors during Hoffa's conspiracy trial in Nashville last year.

That ended with the jury deadlocked. Development Corporation Buys Sioux City Hotel SIOUX CITY (P) The Greater Iowa Development Corp of Waterloo announced the purchase Thursday of the Shara-. ton--Martin hotel in Sioux City. The price was not disclosed. The hotel was owned by the Sheraton Mid-Continent which has divisional offices in Omaha.

Under the agreement, the buyer must not use the property AS A hotel after February 5. 1964. Plans for its future 1150 were not revealed. The assessed valuation of the building and land is $414,000. 8.

Things to Eat WILL BUY, your home grown pr produce. Universi' Athletic Club. HENRY CLAY, yellow transparent apples, $1.00 a bushel. John R. Swartz, Kalona, lowa.

FOR SALE Yellow transparent apples. Amos Miller, Kalona, Route 2. WE WILL open our market Saturday, July 27, with watermelons, cantaloupe, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers and potatoes. W. W.

Singleton Son, Conesville. -SELLING Sprayed eating and cooking apples. Dial 337-3074. FOR SALE Edible wheat. New crop.

George W. Miller, Route 2, West Liberty. MUSCATINE FRUIT Market SpecialsWatermelon, homegrown tomatoes, cantaloupe, sweet corn, etc. Highway 6 in Coralville. Just past Hawkeye Lodge.

YEARLING HENS for sale. 50c each. Henry Brun. Dial 338-3044. TRANSPARENT APPLES $2 per bushel.

Dial 338-0082, after 5 p.m. STRAWBERRY. flavor, Dairy in cones Sweet or Is pack- this age. Flavor changes each Monday, Open 11:30 a.m.g weekdays; 10:30 Saturday and Sunday, Close at 10 p.m. weekdays and 11 p.m.

on weekends. Funcrest Dairy Sweet, old Highway 218, north on Coralville Dam rood. Read our ad in the Sportsmen's Corner. EARLY Lodi, duch*ess Wealthy. Pleasant Valley Nursery, 1301 S.

Linn. FRYERS FOR SALE Dial 338-3053. WEDDING CAKES and special baking. Dial 8-7090. 8-A.

Nurseries, Flowers ARTIFICIAL FLORAL dinner centerpieces, bridal bouquets, chapel arrangements. Dial 683-2212. 9. Wanted LAW STUDENT wants room with cooking privileges. Write Z-34, Press-Citizen.

WANTED TO BUY Healthy cats, at least 6 months old for medical research. Also desire some elderly cats. Deliver to Animal House, Medical Laboratory, lowa City, between 8 a.m. p.m. or call collect 338-0511 extension 2405.

GENE JANKO will buy or trade U.S. coins. Dial 338-8521. after 8 p.m. WANTED TO BORROW $5,000 on income property.

interest. Write Z-22, PressCitizen. 11. Farmer's Column 1955 A.C. roto baler: 1954 Ford P.T.O.

FOR SALE Used 76 I.H.C. combine; baler; 1956 860 Ford tractor: 1951 Ford 8N; used Gehl P.T.O, hammermill. Washington County Farm. Store, lowa. FOR SALE Large supply of.

Pax and K-Line feeders and water tanks. See Charles Gaeta, 1132 S. Linn Street, or dial 337-2774. FOR SALE Fancy purebred Polled Hereford bulls, serviceable age. Dr.

E. A. Horner, Lisbon, lowa. FOR SALE 20 acres of alfalfa and clover. Dial 338-2050.

MILK COW for sale. Milton Slaby, North Liberty. FOR SALE 115 head of 75 to 100 lb. feeder pigs. Vaccinated for erysipelas and cholera.

Eugene Salemink, West Liberty, Iowa. Phone Main 7-5617. WANTED Good used hammermill. Dial 338-0000. HIGH BOY custom spraying for weeds, corn borers and grasshoppers: $1 per acre.

W. W. Spraying Service. Phone 2523, Lone Tree, Iowa. FOR SALE December farrowed Duroc boars.

Howard Berry. Dial 338-8008. BALED STRAW for sale. Dial 337-5008. WANTED, TO 3-5675, BUY West Branch.

Young calves. JEEP TRENCHING Water lines, drains. wiring. footing Reasonable and prompt. Edwin Slabuch, Kalona.

Phone 656-2513. FOR SALE Choice quality spotted Poland China boars. Good size and selection Will deliver. Arthur Bailey Son, West Liberty, towa. Phone MA7-5242.

1,100 BU. GRAIN Bin. $249.50 4,400 Bu with dryer and floor Ken's Auto Farm Store Highway 1. West FOR SALE--Registered Duroc boars. George Parsons.

Morse. LIVESTOCK HAULING Local and long distance. Eldon C. Stutsman. Hulls, Town, Diol 683-2282 Sharon.

Flovd Honn, dial 337-7124. GRAIN HAULING--Lyle Crim Trucking Service. Dial 338-8262. 12. Miscellaneous MANS BICYCLE, balloon fires, $10; Diol 338-5656.

FOR SALE Used Lindsay automatic General Court Expense Poor State institution Mental Health County School Soldiers' Relief Bovine Tuberculosis County Fair 4-H Club County Bonds Int. Emergency Old Ace. Sur. Ins. (Fed.) Pub.

Emps. Ret. (State) Bangs Eradication Voting Machines Secondary Rood (309.7) 1, mills Twp. only 2. mills Twp.

only 3. mill all property Rd Clearing (317.19) Weed Erad. Twp. only Domestic Animal Orphans Home Co. Home Const.

TOTALS Estimated taxes per $1,000 water softener, less thon year. old. Dial 337-4519. FOR SALE Child's Trish mail, pedal car. 20 inch tricycle, wagon, propane lantern.

Dial 337-4823. FOR SALE -10 year -old. Remington office typewriter. Excellent condition. Dial 337-5583 after 5 CARPETS AND LIFE too can be beaufiful if you use Blue Lustre Rent electric shampooer $1.

Lenoch Cilek. WRECKING LARGE BUILDING Lumber, structural steel, walk-in type refrigerator and safe doors, glass blocks. concrete blocks, brick. electric freight elevator. brick' rubble free for the haul.

lumber ready to haut now at a cheap price to clean the site. 320 Market St. Dial 338-9638. FOR SALE Amplifier, speaker and cabinet: auto wheels, 15 inches; auto jack; h.p. motor; high chair; venetian blinds; Hotpoint disposal.

Dial 338- 3260. FOR SALE Good used 7-inch hand power saw Miller Bros: Lumber. 325 Kirkwood Avenue. MORE CLASSIFIEDS ON PAGES 14 AND 15.

Iowa City Press-Citizen from Iowa City, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.