Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • The right ratio of plums to sugar gives you bright plum flavor without overwhelming sweetness.
  • Keeping half of the plums in large pieces produces a jam with nice chunks.
  • Macerating the plums a day in advance means less cooking time on the stovetop, which leads to better flavor.

Before my first summer spent in a house with a backyard, I never really understood the need for jamming. I mean, I understood it theoretically: You have more fruit than you can eat or give away, so, rather than let it go to waste, you find a way to preserve it for future use. But simply knowing those facts is different from being faced with a tree that drops five pounds of fruit per day into my backyard, in the same way that reading about hang gliding is different from being shoved off a cliff strapped to a flap of canvas.

When I lived in the city, I got my fruit from the farmers' market or the supermarket in easy-to-manage batches. If I was going to make jam, I had to plan on making jam in advance. This summer I made jam because, aside from letting the fruit rot on the ground, I literally had no other choice.

I gave away as many plums as I possibly could to neighbors. I packed bags of them and brought them on road trips. I ate plums three meals a day. I even fed plums to the dogs (don't worry, not the pits). It wasn't enough. Over the course of the three weeks during which the tree was bearing ripe fruit, I picked over 80 pounds of plums. That's a lot of plums.

As you can imagine, I got quite a bit of practice at making jam. This is a summary of what I learned, along with some step-by-step instructions on how to make it yourself using your own plums (or plums from the farmers' market or supermarket).

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (1)

The Keys to Great Plum Jam

Here's the most important stuff I learned after making many batches of jam.

  • Start with super-ripe plums. The riper the better. I mean it. It's better to have plums that are on the verge of decaying than to have plums that are too firm. If you get your plums from your own tree, the best plums are the ones that hang like water balloons and fall off at the merest touch, or, better yet, the ones that have fallen to the ground already, if you can get to them before birds or bugs do. At the farmers' market, see if your farmer has crates of overripe fruit under the tables or left over at the end of the day. You can usually get a discount on it.
  • Macerate overnight. Some recipes have you combine plums and sugar directly in the pot and start cooking right away. Eventually the plums break down and you can make jam—but the process is much easier if you macerate the plums the day before and let them rest in the fridge overnight, so that the sugar can draw out flavorful juices and dissolve. Your finished jam will cook faster and thus have a fresher, less-cooked flavor.
  • Keep the sugar level low. I use about a pound and a half of sugar per four pounds of plum flesh. For jams, this is pretty low on the sugar spectrum, but add much more and the jam gets cloying. (You'll need more sugar if your plums are anything less than perfectly ripe, but why would they be?) Because sugar contributes to proper jam texture, you need to add a secondary gelling agent that works even without sugar. I use Pomona's Universal Pectin, which uses calcium to activate gelling, precluding the need for tons of sugar.
  • For refrigerator jam, skip the lemon juice. Since plums vary in acidity, most plum jam recipes call for lemon juice to ensure safety (as well as for flavor balance). After trying jam with lemon juice and jam without, side by side, in various quantities, I've found that even a small amount distracts from the fresh plum flavor. So, if you do not plan to can your plum jam for long-term storage, I recommend skipping the lemon.
  • Use a wide pan to cook. The wider your pan, the more easily water will evaporate, and the more quickly your plum jam will reduce. Quick reduction leads to fresher flavor.
  • Keep it chunky. I cut my plums into quarters and let them break down naturally as they cook. This creates a nice chunky texture with juicy pieces of plum in the final mix. If you like a bit more jamminess to your preserves, you can run half of the plums through a food mill (we like the OXO Food Mill).

How to Make Plum Jam, Step by Step

Step 1: Pit and Quarter the Plums

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (2)

If you're using a loose-stone variety of plum, you can simply cut them around the equator, twist the halves apart, and discard the pits. But for clingstone varieties, like these elephant heart plums, it's easiest to cut the pit out with a knife.

I start by slicing down one side of the plum parallel to the natural seam in the fruit, a little bit off center. This matches the orientation of the pit, so it maximizes the amount of fruit you can get off in one stroke.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (3)

Once you've taken off both sides, you can then trim around the pit with the tip of your knife to remove any excess material.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (4)

You should end up with a pit with just a bit of flesh stuck to it. (Feel free to suck on those pits to get at that flesh—it's tasty!)

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (5)

Five pounds of plums should leave you with about four pounds of plum flesh when you're done trimming. And keep those skins on, because much of a plum's aroma lies in those skins!

Step 2: Macerate

Transfer the plums and any juices from the cutting board into a large bowl (the largest you've got, most likely), and add a pound and a half of granulated sugar and one tablespoon of pectin for every four pounds of fruit. Toss the plums, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate overnight until they've released their juices.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (6)

The next day, things should look nice and soupy.

Step 3: Freeze Spoons

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (7)

Put a few metal spoons in the freezer before you start cooking. These will help you determine when your jam is ready down the line.

Step 4: Start Cooking

Because you've already extracted so much liquid, the plums will break down very quickly when you start to heat them on the stovetop. The key to great flavor is to use a really wide-mouthed pan.

I used either my wide Dutch oven or my sauté pan, depending on how big a batch I was cooking.

Add the plum mixture to your pot, and stir in four teaspoons of calcium water. (Look for the instructions on your pectin package for proper dilution rates for calcium water.) Place the pot over medium heat and cook. Make sure to stir frequently as the jam cooks to prevent any scorching on the bottom.

Step 5: Mill the Plums

As soon as the plums have broken down slightly, they should be tender enough to mill. Running them through a food mill will break them down to give you a smoother texture in the finished jam.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (8)

I mill about half of my plums, then scrape them back into the pot.

Step 6: Keep Cooking and Skim

Keep cooking the plums—you want to cook them down enough that they reduce by about one-quarter.

As they cook, a layer of foamy scum will appear on the surface. Skim it off if you want your jam to stay nice and glossy. A small amount of butter added to the pot will also help reduce foaming.

Step 7: Test for Doneness

As the jam starts to get thick and glossy (this should take 15 to 30 minutes or so), it's time to check for doneness. Place a small amount on one of your frozen spoons and return it to the freezer.

Let it rest for five minutes, then check on the jam. It should be firm, but not rubbery, and should just cling to the spoon if you tip it.

At this stage, you're pretty much done. You can chill your jam, store it in the fridge, and eat it within a few weeks, or you can process it in jars to store at room temperature for several months.

Step 8: Clean and Fill Your Jars

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (9)

To start canning, wash all of your jars in hot soapy water, rinse them out thoroughly, and place them on a round rack in a deep stockpot. Fill the pot (and jars) with water to cover and bring to a boil. This will sterilize the jars and get them piping hot. You want the jars to be hot when you're filling them to prevent thermal shock, as well as to ensure the jam gets heated thoroughly during processing.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (10)

If you have a canning funnel, go ahead and use it, but I find that a plastic deli container is the best device for scooping food from one location to another with minimal dripping.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (11)

Wipe off the rims of the jars once they're filled.

Cover the jars and screw on the lids until they're snug but not overly tight. Screwing the ring of a canning jar too tightly will actually create a weaker seal: A tight ring keeps hot air inside the jars from escaping while processing, resulting in a weaker vacuum when they cool.

Step 9: Process the Jars

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (13)

Process the jars in a boiling-water bath for 10 minutes.

Carefully take the jars out of the bath and let them cool at room temperature. Do not try to rush cooling by placing them in the fridge or under running water (unless you like jam and broken glass everywhere, that is).

If a proper seal has formed, the buttons on the tops of the lids should depress as they cool—and they'll make a really satisfying ping as they depress.

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (14)

Once the buttons have depressed, unscrew the lid rings so that you can clean around the lids with a damp cloth one more time. If you have a good seal, there should be no risk of those lids popping off.

Finally, screw the rings back on, let the jars cool naturally, and remove the lid rings once again for storage. Storing with the rings off ensures that you're aware if one of your jars loses its seal.

Now I just need to find someone who'll take 12 quarts of fresh plum jam off my hands!

July 2015

Recipe Details

Homemade Plum Jam Recipe

Active90 mins

Total24 hrs

Serves96 servings

Makes6 pints


  • 4 pounds (1.8kg) pitted black or elephant heart plums, unpeeled, cut into quarters

  • 1 1/2 pounds (675g)granulated sugar

  • 1 tablespoon Pomona's Universal Pectin (optional; see notes)

  • 4 teaspoons (20ml) calcium water (optional; see Pomona's pectin package for instructions)

  • 2 1/2 ounces bottled lemon juice (5 tablespoons; 75 ml; see notes)

  • 1 teaspoon (5g)unsalted butter


  1. Combine plums, sugar, and pectin (if using) in a large bowl and toss. Cover and refrigerate for at least 8 and up to 24 hours.

    Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (15)

  2. Place a few metal spoons in the freezer. Thoroughly wash 6 pint-sized canning jars and their lids. If you plan to process the jam for shelf-stable storage, prepare a water bath and sterilize the jars as described in our canning guide. Transfer plum mixture to a large, wide pot and stir in calcium water. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching. Simmer until plums are mostly softened, about 15 minutes. For a smoother jam, place a food mill over a bowl and ladle a few cups of the mixture into it. Mill the mixture into the bowl. Repeat until roughly half the plums have been milled, then stir the milled plums back into the pot.

    Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (16)

  3. Continue to cook until mixture starts to foam. Scrape off and discard foam using a metal spoon. Stir in butter and bottled lemon juice (see notes). Continue to cook, stirring occasionally to prevent scorching, until foaming has subsided, about 15 minutes longer. Continue to cook, stirring more frequently, until jam is glossy, about 10 minutes longer.

    Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (17)

  4. To test for doneness, spoon a small amount of jam onto one of the frozen spoons and return to freezer for 5 minutes. Remove from freezer and check consistency. The jam is ready when it's spreadable, but not runny. Cook until this texture has been reached.

    Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (18)

  5. Transfer jam into prepared canning jars and wipe any jam from the rims. To store in refrigerator, simply place lids on jars, screw on rings, and let cool completely at room temperature before refrigerating. To process jam for shelf-stable storage, bring water bath to a rolling boil. Place lids on jars and screw on rings until they are snug but not overly tight. Carefully lower jars into the boiling water bath and process for 10 minutes. Remove jars and let cool completely at room temperature. Unprocessed jam can be refrigerated for a couple of months; Processed jam can be stored in a cool, dark place for up to 1 year.

    Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (19)

Special Equipment

Large, wide pot or Dutch oven; food mill (optional); pint-sized canning jars, lids, and rings; deep stockpot for canning (optional); jar lifter (optional); canning funnel (optional)


Use Pomona's Universal Pectin if you want a stronger-setting jam. It's preferable to standard pectin in this case, as it works well even with relatively low-sugar jams, like this one.

If you do not plan on processing this jam for shelf-stable storage, omit the lemon juice for the best flavor.

Read More

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Canning
  • From Jam to Jerky: Water Activity and the Science of Preservation
Homemade Plum Jam Recipe (2024)


Do you remove skin from plums before making jam? ›

I'd love for you to subscribe so we can stay in touch. Or, visit us on Instagram. To make plum jam, you'll leave the skins on. The skins have quite a bit of pectin in them, so there's no need to add pectin!

Can plums be too ripe for jam? ›

Plums: Use fresh, ripe (slightly overripe will work, too!) plums with firm skins and no blemishes/bruising. Any variety will work, though I love making red plum jam.

What are the best plums for jam? ›

European plums, aka prune plums, are mainly grown to be turned into dried plums. Their thick skins, high sugar content, and dense flesh make them ideal for drying, and best for baking and jam-making.

What is the difference between plum preserves and jam? ›

Fruit preserves refer to fruit or vegetables that have been prepared, canned or jarred for long term storage. Jam refers to a product made with whole fruit, cut into pieces or crushed. Preserves contain chunks of fruits but jams do not; jams contain fruit pulp.

How long will homemade plum jam last? ›

Homemade fruit preserves can last for up to year or even longer if it is unopened and stored in a cool, dry place, such as a pantry or kitchen cupboard. However the flavour and texture of your jam will start to deteriorate after around 6 months, even if you keep them tightly sealed.

Why is my plum jam so thick? ›

So if you use pieces of fruit or whole berries, you are actually using less fruit than if it were mashed, or cooked to a mash and then measured, and you will get a firmer jell. Or you may have used more pectin than the recipe called for. For example, if you used Tablespoons of pectin rather than teaspoons.

Can you freeze whole plums to make jam later? ›

If you are using frozen plums to make jams or cook into a pie, there is no need to defrost the plums first, just start cooking with the frozen plums. Freezing plums allows you to set them aside and turn them into jam or chutney when the weather has cooled down and you have time to mind the bubbling pot.

How do you thicken homemade plum jam? ›

While you can simply reduce the jam to your liking, you can also add commercial pectin or chia seeds to the reducing jam to guarantee thickening.

How do you reduce tartness in plum jam? ›

Continue stirring the plums and sugar until the fruit starts to turn translucent. At this time, taste for sweetness. Take a small amount of the (still liquid) jam in a teaspoon, cool and taste it. If it tastes too sour for your liking, add a teaspoon or two more of sugar and continue cooking.

What cheese goes best with plum jam? ›

Plum Jam – Smoked Gouda, Goat, or Cream. Apricot Jam - Grana Padano, Gran Queso, or Parmigiano Reggiano. Blueberry Jam – Stilton, Manchego, or Goat. Chipotle Jelly – Spicy Blue Cheese, Sharp Cheddar, Aged Parmesan, or Feta.

How long do you simmer jam for? ›

Cook the jam, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon or spatula at first and more frequently as juices thicken until most of the liquid has evaporated and the fruit has begun to break down, about 25 to 35 minutes.

Why is my plum jam bitter? ›

Colleen suspects it's to do with the breakdown of sugars that give that bitter taste. When you're cooking the sugars at high heat you get non-enzymatic browning, which occurs either through caramelisation or something called the Maillard reaction. That is an interaction of proteins and sugars.

Can you overcook plum jam? ›

If, on the other hand, the jam is rock solid, that means you've gone too far and cooked it too long. You can try adding a little water to thin it out, but bear in mind that after overcooking a jam, you can't really get those fresh fruit flavors back.

Is jam healthier than jelly? ›

Jam and jelly have virtually the same nutritional value, fruity taste, and spreadable texture. Thus, you can use them interchangeably. That said, some studies have analyzed the nutritional profile of jams after 9 months in storage and observed no significant losses in their antioxidant content.

How long does homemade plum jam last in the refrigerator? ›

Here's how long homemade jam lasts: For homemade jam, using sugar and processed by canning in a hot water bath, you can expect to get about two years of shelf life when stored in a cool, dry place. Once opened, keep your homemade jam in the refrigerator for up to three months.

Do you need to peel plums? ›

The skin is edible, but if you want raw plums without the skin, drop into into boiling water for around 15 seconds, then plunge immediately into cold water and it should come away easily. If you're cooking plums, they're easier to skin afterwards.

How do you remove the skin from plum jam? ›

Submerge the plums in the ice water for 5 minutes.

The icy water will help to pull the skin away from the flesh of the plums. Make sure that all the plums are fully submerged in the water. If some of the plums aren't submerged in the ice bath, make another ice bath for them.

Do you have to skin plums? ›

The skin of the plum is safe to eat and provides a sharper flavor than the flesh. Slice the plum into wedges for breakfast, salads, or smoothies.

Do you have to peel plums before baking? ›

Not at all. The skin on plums is very thin and breaks down easily while cooking. You don't need to peel plums when using for baking, roasting, jam, crumbles etc.


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