EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (2024)

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EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (2)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:26:00 -[1]

I'm starting to see more posts about Corp Theft. While this is a shame there are things people can do to help control corp theft. I'd like to see corporations and individuals post ideas here for controling corp theft. What do you do as a CEO or Director or Member to maintain Asset Protection in your corp?

Post your ideas so others may learn from your expertise and experiences.

Thank you,


EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (5)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (6)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:26:00 -[2]

I'm starting to see more posts about Corp Theft. While this is a shame there are things people can do to help control corp theft. I'd like to see corporations and individuals post ideas here for controling corp theft. What do you do as a CEO or Director or Member to maintain Asset Protection in your corp?

Post your ideas so others may learn from your expertise and experiences.

Thank you,


EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (9)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (10)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:37:00 -[3]
Edited by: Zolcan on 29/08/2004 15:48:57

Corp theft can have a devestating effect on corp morale. People see their hard earned assets vanish before their eyes. Likewise there are people who will infiltrate a corp, work for months to gain trust and rank, then clean it out in one swoop.

There are some measures corps can take to prevent this. It isn't just corp CEO's and Directors who need to take precautions from Members its also Members who need to take personal precautions from CEO's and Directors.

The CEO is the "ultimate authority". Appointing someone else to a Directorship is a risky move. Our corp has three Directors including the CEO and we all know each other in RL. We've actually gone so far as to write up a little "legal" document between us three that none of us will steal from the corp. I know that sounds excessive but its a good prevention measure. There will be no more Directors at our corp. We are the three founders and are "it".

Hangar security is important. The general corp membership (which is small) only has access to two hangars. LOOT and SHIPS1. Loot is where basic modules and loot that is of lesser value is stored. SHIPS1 is where basic ships including Frigates and Industrials are stored. Everything else is restricted. EQUIPMENT, DIRECTOR, SHIPS2, MINERALS, SKILLPACKS are all restricted hangars with only Director access. All members can see into these hangars but only the three directors can remove items. Its just the way it is. Any member can put an item back into the hangar but they can't remove it. Still most members keep items in their own hangars, keep their own ships in their own hangars and keep their own money so the corp hangar is more a trading point then anything.

Members are assigned ships for particular tasks. For example if a newer member graduates to Cruisers and wants to go mining we'll give them a Maller and send them on their way. The only condition is they have to "pay" for the ship in Minerals before they keep any money themselves. Normally we'll just specify they deposit X amount of Veldspar and Scordite to pay for it into a Directors private hangar. When its paid for the ship is theirs. Likewise if they see something they want they can borrow it and a Director will place it in their private hangar.

The three directors each run a certain area of the corporation. Each has overall access to the corporate wallet. Each director has a set amount set aside for their divsion. Still the corporation balance isn't that high because we're a corporation of individuals and keep most of what we make.

Even the newest members can exercise personal corporate security. While new members don't have alot of personal assets (unless they're veteran players) they need to protect what they have.

I'd be wary as a new member of a corp that requires everything I do and make be given to the corporation. While pooling can work with new corps its important to get something back. I can understand a new corp wanting to build a nest egg but as a new player I'd never give more than 50%. I've heard horror stories in Help Channel of newbies who joined a corp a month ago and have 20,000isk in their wallets because the corp took all the money. You can give something but protect yourself too.

Individuals that come to the corporation with their own assets have a choice to make. Do you donate / loan everything to the corp or maintain control yourself. Personally there is no such thing as a loan because once you turn over control of your item (mostly BP's) to someone else, even a Director, its not yours anymore and is subject to theft.

If new players have BP's the corp wants to use they need to make copies for the corp to use. Do not turn over original BP's to the corp. Thats asking for trouble. We have a couple wealthy members who have alot of BP's and they individually have maintained control of them all individiually (they are both Directors). They run copies for the corp to produce.

Same goes with ships. If you have a ship and someone wants to borrow it get collateral. Even if its a ton of Veldspar get something to hold onto until you get your ship back. As EVE has proved you can't trust anyone. You'd like to think that guy you've known ingame for four months is your friend but you really don't know do you?

In conclusion corp theft is not preventable but the damage is containable. If you exercise good corporation and individual security precautions the losses can be minimized. That goes for both Directors and Members. I like to think every corp is as strong as its second to the weakest member. If that weakest member is a thief the next weakest is the last line of defense. By having all individual Directors and Members play a part in Asset Protection it can be contained.


EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (13)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (14)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:37:00 -[4]
Edited by: Zolcan on 29/08/2004 15:48:57

Corp theft can have a devestating effect on corp morale. People see their hard earned assets vanish before their eyes. Likewise there are people who will infiltrate a corp, work for months to gain trust and rank, then clean it out in one swoop.

There are some measures corps can take to prevent this. It isn't just corp CEO's and Directors who need to take precautions from Members its also Members who need to take personal precautions from CEO's and Directors.

The CEO is the "ultimate authority". Appointing someone else to a Directorship is a risky move. Our corp has three Directors including the CEO and we all know each other in RL. We've actually gone so far as to write up a little "legal" document between us three that none of us will steal from the corp. I know that sounds excessive but its a good prevention measure. There will be no more Directors at our corp. We are the three founders and are "it".

Hangar security is important. The general corp membership (which is small) only has access to two hangars. LOOT and SHIPS1. Loot is where basic modules and loot that is of lesser value is stored. SHIPS1 is where basic ships including Frigates and Industrials are stored. Everything else is restricted. EQUIPMENT, DIRECTOR, SHIPS2, MINERALS, SKILLPACKS are all restricted hangars with only Director access. All members can see into these hangars but only the three directors can remove items. Its just the way it is. Any member can put an item back into the hangar but they can't remove it. Still most members keep items in their own hangars, keep their own ships in their own hangars and keep their own money so the corp hangar is more a trading point then anything.

Members are assigned ships for particular tasks. For example if a newer member graduates to Cruisers and wants to go mining we'll give them a Maller and send them on their way. The only condition is they have to "pay" for the ship in Minerals before they keep any money themselves. Normally we'll just specify they deposit X amount of Veldspar and Scordite to pay for it into a Directors private hangar. When its paid for the ship is theirs. Likewise if they see something they want they can borrow it and a Director will place it in their private hangar.

The three directors each run a certain area of the corporation. Each has overall access to the corporate wallet. Each director has a set amount set aside for their divsion. Still the corporation balance isn't that high because we're a corporation of individuals and keep most of what we make.

Even the newest members can exercise personal corporate security. While new members don't have alot of personal assets (unless they're veteran players) they need to protect what they have.

I'd be wary as a new member of a corp that requires everything I do and make be given to the corporation. While pooling can work with new corps its important to get something back. I can understand a new corp wanting to build a nest egg but as a new player I'd never give more than 50%. I've heard horror stories in Help Channel of newbies who joined a corp a month ago and have 20,000isk in their wallets because the corp took all the money. You can give something but protect yourself too.

Individuals that come to the corporation with their own assets have a choice to make. Do you donate / loan everything to the corp or maintain control yourself. Personally there is no such thing as a loan because once you turn over control of your item (mostly BP's) to someone else, even a Director, its not yours anymore and is subject to theft.

If new players have BP's the corp wants to use they need to make copies for the corp to use. Do not turn over original BP's to the corp. Thats asking for trouble. We have a couple wealthy members who have alot of BP's and they individually have maintained control of them all individiually (they are both Directors). They run copies for the corp to produce.

Same goes with ships. If you have a ship and someone wants to borrow it get collateral. Even if its a ton of Veldspar get something to hold onto until you get your ship back. As EVE has proved you can't trust anyone. You'd like to think that guy you've known ingame for four months is your friend but you really don't know do you?

In conclusion corp theft is not preventable but the damage is containable. If you exercise good corporation and individual security precautions the losses can be minimized. That goes for both Directors and Members. I like to think every corp is as strong as its second to the weakest member. If that weakest member is a thief the next weakest is the last line of defense. By having all individual Directors and Members play a part in Asset Protection it can be contained.


EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (17)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (18)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:43:00 -[5]
nice, there are also some good articles on this on www.eve-i.com
EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (21)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (22)

Posted - 2004.08.29 15:43:00 -[6]
nice, there are also some good articles on this on www.eve-i.com
EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (25)
Armand Trimonte

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (26)

Posted - 2004.08.29 16:04:00 -[7]
You can also do what is probably the most devistating thing for a corp thief. Post his name on the forums as a corp thief. If as many people read these forums as I think that person will never get hired again. If that person wishes to continue being a theif he/she will have to make a new char. Possibly deleting there current one. Another solution would be to get rid of "alt" characters. Yes this will hurt the few people that actually use there alts for the intended purpose. But it would make corp theft harder and less appealing.

I have a Gallente love slave.

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (29)
Armand Trimonte

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (30)

Posted - 2004.08.29 16:04:00 -[8]
You can also do what is probably the most devistating thing for a corp thief. Post his name on the forums as a corp thief. If as many people read these forums as I think that person will never get hired again. If that person wishes to continue being a theif he/she will have to make a new char. Possibly deleting there current one. Another solution would be to get rid of "alt" characters. Yes this will hurt the few people that actually use there alts for the intended purpose. But it would make corp theft harder and less appealing.

I have a Gallente love slave.

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (33)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (34)

Posted - 2004.08.29 18:36:00 -[9]
EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (37) Originally by: Armand TrimonteYou can also do what is probably the most devistating thing for a corp thief. Post his name on the forums as a corp thief. If as many people read these forums as I think that person will never get hired again. If that person wishes to continue being a theif he/she will have to make a new char. Possibly deleting there current one. Another solution would be to get rid of "alt" characters. Yes this will hurt the few people that actually use there alts for the intended purpose. But it would make corp theft harder and less appealing.

99.9% of the Eve community do not check the forums (ok maybe exaggerated but you get the idea). How do you think Zeepo still gets by?
I've always owned Kehmor, cheap as chips off Ebay

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (38)

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (39)

Posted - 2004.08.29 18:36:00 -[10]
EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (42) Originally by: Armand TrimonteYou can also do what is probably the most devistating thing for a corp thief. Post his name on the forums as a corp thief. If as many people read these forums as I think that person will never get hired again. If that person wishes to continue being a theif he/she will have to make a new char. Possibly deleting there current one. Another solution would be to get rid of "alt" characters. Yes this will hurt the few people that actually use there alts for the intended purpose. But it would make corp theft harder and less appealing.

99.9% of the Eve community do not check the forums (ok maybe exaggerated but you get the idea). How do you think Zeepo still gets by?
I've always owned Kehmor, cheap as chips off Ebay

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (43)
Raem Civrie

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (44)

Posted - 2004.08.29 19:42:00 -[11]
Most corp thefts are done with alts, except maybe for the most high-profile ones (Battleship BPO thefts, etc) that require director access to pull off.
EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (47)
Raem Civrie

EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (48)

Posted - 2004.08.29 19:42:00 -[12]
Most corp thefts are done with alts, except maybe for the most high-profile ones (Battleship BPO thefts, etc) that require director access to pull off.
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EVE Search - Corp Theft and You (2024)


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