Craigslist Albany Ny Garage Sales (2024)

1. Garage Sale

  • Sunday 2024-08-04

  • albany, NY garage & moving sales - craigslist

2. albany, NY for sale "garage sale" - craigslist

  • for sale · Rain or Shine Garage Sale, 8/16-8/18 1. •••••••••••••••. Rain or Shine Garage Sale, 8/16-8/18 · Huge Garage Sale 8/23-8/24 1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...

  • albany, NY for sale "garage sale" - craigslist

3. albany, NY general community "sales" - craigslist

4. albany, NY community "garage sale" - craigslist

  • Saratoga Springs. COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE ; East Greenbush. Multi-Family Garage Sale 6/1-6/2 9am-3pm ; LOUDONVILLE. NEIGHBORHOOD GARAGE SALE ; Troy. Brunswick ...

  • albany, NY community "garage sale" - craigslist

5. albany, NY for sale by owner "garage sale" - craigslist

  • Rain or Shine Garage Sale, 8/16-8/18 1 Rain or Shine Garage Sale, 8/16-8/18 · Huge Garage Sale 8/23-8/24 1 Huge Garage Sale 8/23-8/24 · HUGE LAKESIDE GARAGE ...

  • albany, NY for sale by owner "garage sale" - craigslist

6. albany, NY for sale "garage" - craigslist

7. albany, NY general for sale "Garage sale" - craigslist

  • Garage Sale. 2 Families. Friday 8/2/24 and Saturday 8/3/24. 9:00 AM to. 7/30·Clifton Park. $1 hide. Cocca Cola Storage bin 1. •••••••••.

  • albany, NY general for sale "Garage sale" - craigslist

8. albany, NY free stuff "garage sale" - craigslist

  • KIA Optima driver floot mat. 8/24·Village of Colonie. free hide. no image · FREE! 2 chairs, 2 end tables, 1 coffee table. 8/14·Brunswick. free

  • albany, NY free stuff "garage sale" - craigslist

9. albany, NY free stuff "Garage sale" - craigslist

  • free stuff · no image · FREE GARAGE SALE LEFTOVERS · Six garbage bags full of clothes and a double bed foam mattress top 1 · Bookshelf for Garage/Workshop 1.

  • albany, NY free stuff "Garage sale" - craigslist

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  • albany, NY household items "garage sale" - craigslist.

  • albany, NY household items "garage sale" - craigslist

Craigslist Albany Ny Garage Sales (2024)


What is the best garage sale day? ›

Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings are usually the best time to hold a successful garage sale. Consider scheduling your sale on the first weekend of the month—when people have just gotten paid and haven't spent all their fun money yet.

What do people look for most at garage sales? ›

Baby & kids clothing, toys, and gadgets sell super well as well as kitchen stuff (dishes, cookware, etc). Adult clothing can sell, but it's generally not as popular as kids clothing. If you don't have many of the best selling items, a garage sale might not be worth your time.

Does garage sale make money? ›

While you can certainly make money through a garage sale, it may be less than you expect. Garage sale shoppers are looking for bargains and will haggle over your prices, even if they were very low already. And if you have bad weather, you might get fewer shoppers and make much less money than expected.

How much cash should you have for a garage sale? ›

Many experienced sellers recommend having $100 in cash for your garage sale. Not only is this a good amount to get your sale started, but it also makes it easy to calculate your profit quickly.

How do I attract people to my yard sale? ›

Post your garage sale flyers around the neighborhood a few days before the yard sale. Make sure to place them in high-traffic areas like marts, parks, office elevators, and churches so people will see them. You can also ask your friends and family to help out.

Should you price items in a yard sale? ›

Set Prices in a Simple, Honest Way

Nearly new items can be priced higher, but used or worn items should be priced accordingly. Use round numbers that are easy to add up, like $1, $5, $10. This makes transactions quicker and easier for both you and the buyer. Remember, many garage sale buyers expect to haggle.

How to sell a garage full of stuff? ›

Post on Craigslist or other local community board a “Moving Sale” for $1 (you have to enter a price), but in that post the list major items for sale with individual prices, include general descriptions of the other stuff for sale (dishes and cooking sets, camping accessories, baby clothes, etc.)

What is the best time of day for a yard sale? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high. Depending on how many items you plan to sell, you may want to spread the sale out over multiple days.

How to display yard sale items? ›

Best to put everything on a table or hang it within reach. Dumping clothes on a sheet on the lawn, only looks like you haven't done laundry in a long time. Clean it, dust it or at least wipe it down. If it's clean and tidy it sells a LOT faster.

What is the best time of day to go to a garage sale? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high.

What is the best month to have an estate sale? ›

Winter Is Better for Sellers; Summer is for Buyers

Spring and summer are packed with garage and estate sales. Fortune favors the brave; if you have a sale during the winter you will surely see more people come through the sale. More people means more potential buyers.

How to negotiate a garage sale? ›

When you walk up with an item to negotiate on - have another item or two in mind that are at the same sale. If you reach an impasse on the price of the item - agree to pay what they are asking if they throw in the other item. You've given them a way to win - they got the price they were asking.


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.