6 best debt relief companies and debt settlement programs of 2024 (2024)

Updated: JANUARY 19, 2024 10:22
6 best debt relief companies and debt settlement programs of 2024 (1)

If you're feeling the weight of debt, remember, there is hope. The finest debt relief companies are here to help you steer clear of bankruptcy, move out of debt swiftly, and settle for amounts lower than what you owe.

Choosing the perfect debt relief company can feel overwhelming. Whether you need a company specializing in debt settlement or one offering comprehensive services like debt management plans, credit counseling, and consolidation, we've got you covered. We've thoroughly reviewed the best programs, evaluating them based on fees, customer reviews, minimum debt criteria, company reputation, and average repayment time. Let us guide you to the ideal debt relief path tailored to your situation.

Advertiser Disclosure: Many of the companies listed here provide compensation to us. This may influence how and where they appear

6 Best Debt Relief Companies for 2024

#1 ClearOne Advantage: Best debt relief company overall

#2 Pacific Debt Relief: Best for high-interest credit card debt

#3 Amone: Best marketplace for debt consolidation

#4 Accredited Debt Relief: Best for personalized financial relief options

#5 National Debt Relief: Best for large debt amounts

#6 Freedom Debt Relief: Best for complicated debt resolution

#1 ClearOne Advantage - Best Debt Relief Company Overall

6 best debt relief companies and debt settlement programs of 2024 (2)

Company Background

Founded in 2008 by debt relief expert Tomas Gordon, ClearOne Advantage specializes in helping struggling individuals get out of debt. With over 600 dedicated staff, they've dedicated themselves to helping people navigate these challenges with empathy and effective solutions.

Services Offered

They focus on unsecured debt like credit cards and personal loans. Their customized plans match clients' budgets and situations.

How the Process Works

They start by fully assessing each client's finances to understand their debt struggles. ClearOne then designs affordable debt relief strategies tailored to each person's specific circ*mstances. So, in short, ClearOne pledges personalized service and practical solutions for people overwhelmed by debt. Their customized plans aim to compassionately guide clients on the journey towards financial freedom.

#2 Pacific Debt Relief - Best for high-interest credit card debt

6 best debt relief companies and debt settlement programs of 2024 (3)

Company Background

Founded in 2002, Pacific Debt Relief is dedicated to compassionately helping people overcome debt struggles. With 20+ years' experience and over $500 million of settled debt, they have a strong trustworthy reputation.

Services Offered

They focus on unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, and other non-collateral debt. Their customized plans match each person's unique situation.

How the Process Works

They start with an open conversation understanding someone's full financial story. Pacific Debt Relief then designs an affordable debt relief roadmap tailored to what the client can reasonably manage. They pledge to support each step of the journey to becoming debt-free, without hidden fees. In summary, Pacific Debt Relief aims to be an empathetic guide for those feeling overwhelmed by debt. Their goal is creating customized plans to match each person's circ*mstances on the path towards financial freedom.

#3 Accredited Debt Relief - Best for personalized financial relief options

Company Background

Founded in 2011, Accredited Debt Relief aims to compassionately help people struggling with debt burdens. With a decade of experience in understanding debt issues, they have a reputation for providing personalized support.

Services Offered

They focus on unsecured debts like credit cards and personal loans. Their debt relief plans are tailored to each person’s unique financial situation.

How the Process Works

They start by listening to understand someone’s full story and current debt struggles. Accredited Debt Relief then designs a customized debt relief strategy aligned with the client’s budget and circ*mstances.

Throughout the process, they pledge to stand beside each client, guiding them transparently towards freedom from debt and fees. Their goal is to be a caring partner in overcoming financial hurdles.

In short, Accredited Debt Relief aims to understand debt complexities and provide compassionate, effective relief plans for those feeling overwhelmed. Their customized approach tries to meet each person's needs.

#4 AmOne: Best Marketplace for Debt Consolidation

Company Background

Founded in 1999, AmOne aims to be a caring, knowledgeable guide for navigating personal finances and debt issues. With decades of experience, they have a reputation for client-focused and compassionate support.

Services Offered

AmOne connects people to customized solutions like debt consolidation, personal loans, and credit services tailored to your needs. Whether tackling debt or improving credit, their goal is finding the right options.

How the Process Works

They start by respectfully grasping your financial situation and objectives. AmOne then leverages their extensive expertise to properly match you with suitable financial products and services. Throughout the process, they maintain a commitment to transparently educating and supporting you in making optimal decisions.

In essence, AmOne seeks to provide both compassion and intelligence around complex money matters. Their personalized guidance tries to empower financial wellbeing tailored to your circ*mstances.

#5 National Debt Relief - Best for Large Debt Amounts

Company Background

Founded in 2009, National Debt Relief helps over 400,000 clients negotiate and settle debt. With an A+ BBB rating and accreditation, they have a reputation for successfully bringing people financial freedom.

Services Offered

They specialize in unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, medical bills. Their expertise is negotiating with banks and creditors to settle accounts.

How the Process Works

They start with a sincere consultation, listening to fully understand someone’s situation. National Debt Relief then crafts a tailored program that affordably fits clients’ budgets. They pledge to support each step of the process openly, without hidden fees.

In short, National Debt Relief aims to be a steadfast partner in alleviating the pressures of overwhelming debt. Their goal is designing customized solutions compassionately fitted to each person’s path towards financial liberation.

#6 Freedom Debt Relief - Best for Complicated Debt Resolution

Company Background

Established in 2002, Freedom Debt Relief aims to compassionately guide people through conquering debt struggles. With extensive experience and a reputation for empowering financial recovery, they are a trusted ally.

Services Offered

They tackle unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, and medical bills. Freedom is known for expertise negotiating with creditors and handling complex situations.

How the Process Works

They start with an understanding consultation, listening to grasp each client’s unique financial story. Freedom Debt Relief then designs a tailored debt relief plan matching the person’s budget and objectives. They pledge to support each step clearly and openly, without hidden charges.In essence, Freedom seeks to be an empathetic debt guide. Their goal is providing personalized solutions to successfully overcome financial challenges based on each person's circ*mstances.


What is a Debt Relief Company?

A debt relief company is a commercial entity that collects fees for arranging debt settlements with credit card firms and other lenders on behalf of their clients. These companies often offer additional services related to debt relief. The main goal of such a program is to convince creditors to agree to a reduced payment, which makes it more manageable for individuals to pay off their debts.

When you enroll in a debt settlement program, the company typically creates a savings account for you. Before beginning negotiations with your creditor, they advise you to halt payments to the creditor and instead deposit specific amounts monthly into this account. Once your savings reach a level that covers a portion of your debt, the company will negotiate with your creditor on your behalf. They propose a single, reduced payment to settle your debt, presenting it as a better option than receiving nothing if you were to declare bankruptcy.

The company then pays your creditor from your savings. If the negotiation is successful, the debt relief company retains a part of your debt as a fee. Some top firms also charge for setting up and maintaining these savings accounts. Additionally, these companies may offer other services like debt counseling, debt management plans, and assistance with bankruptcy filing. These services are explored further in subsequent sections.

How We Ranked the Best Debt Settlement Companies

Meeting Minimum Debt Requirements

Most debt settlement companies require you to owe a minimum amount of debt to enroll. For example, ClearOne Advantage needs at least $7,500 in total unsecured debts. If your debt is below their minimum, you won't qualify for their program.

These minimums relate to the fees companies charge, which are typically a percentage of total enrolled debt. So, debt minimums ensure companies meet a baseline fee for providing settlement services. By setting thresholds, firms guarantee earning their desired income for facilitating negotiations.

Those below program minimums have limited relief options with debt settlement. But alternatives do exist like credit counseling or debt management plans. For people facing significant consumer debt burdens, settlement often provides the most feasible path to eliminating balances on a budget. Knowing qualification requirements sets realistic expectations about available relief.

The Value of Accreditation

Independent accreditation can validate the legitimacy of a debt settlement company. Organizations like the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the American Fair Credit Council have standards that companies must meet to gain accredited status. For example, Pacific Debt Relief has 1500 customer reviews with the BBB and is an accredited member with an A+ rating. While criteria differ across groups, it often covers areas like ethical conduct, transparency, and service quality.

When researching settlement firms, consumers should examine accreditation closely. For instance, being an AFCC member requires following specific codes of conduct and consumer protection policies. Meanwhile, BBB rated companies on things like properly responding to complaints and honest advertising.

In short, accreditation signals a company has undergone auditing and scrutiny beyond just saying the right things. For those considering settlement, verification from reputable oversight groups offers reliability and trust. Checking credentials doesn't guarantee perfect service but provides meaningful, independent evaluation of a company's principles and practices. It takes the promises of good faith past just words into demonstrable action.

Understanding Debt Settlement Services

The debt settlement firms we recommend all provide the core services - consultations, account opening, contacting creditors, and negotiating debt

reductions. Some also offer extra help like debt counseling and consolidation loans.

Settlement usually focuses on unsecured debt including credit cards, personal loans, and medical bills. But some companies specialize, like Community Tax handling only tax debt. Settlement typically avoids secured loans with collateral like houses or cars.

When choosing a debt settlement company, closely review their services. Figure out your specific debt situation. People with different debts may want a firm that can address credit cards, loans, and medical bills. Those with just medical debt may prefer a company specializing in medical bills. Know that settlement often does not apply to mortgages, car loans and other secured debt.

Picking the right services for your situation allows more customized assistance. It also sets clear expectations on what settlement can and cannot fix. Identifying the services matching your personal debts results in the best partnership.

The Value of Reviews

Reviews give real customer perspectives on debt settlement companies. They offer transparent insights into:

- How long settlement takes

- Communication quality

- Fees and costs

- Credit score impacts

- Debt reduction success

By showing actual experiences, reviews reveal potential issues to avoid. They also highlight companies that best serve clients. Since reviewers paid for debt relief services, they want to guide others towards and away from specific providers.

The most reliable reviews are on independent sites like Trustpilot, Google, and the Better Business Bureau. Unlike company website testimonials, these feature real, unbiased feedback. For anyone considering debt settlement, candid firsthand reviews should be very important in deciding.

In our rankings process, verified client reviews were essential. They exposed lower-rated companies' weaknesses and top firms' strengths. For those exploring relief options, reviews provide transparency to find an ethical, successful partner. By learning from past clients, you can confidently choose a settlement provider positioned to produce real results.

Understanding Debt Settlement Services

All debt settlement companies we recommend provide the main settlement services - consultations, account setup, contacting creditors, and negotiating debt reductions. Some also offer extra services like debt counseling and consolidation loans.

Settlement usually focuses on unsecured debt like credit cards, personal loans, medical bills. But certain companies specialize, like Community Tax handling only tax debt. Most avoid secured debt with collateral that creditors can seize.

Look closely at services when choosing a company. Identify your specific debt situation. Those with different debts may want firms that can address credit cards, loans, medical bills. People with just medical debt may prefer specialized medical bill help or a debt consolidation loan. Know that settlement usually doesn't apply to secured debt like mortgages or car loans.

Picking a company with the right services for your debt provides the best match. This allows more customized help based on your personal financial situation. It also sets realistic expectations of what settlement can and can't resolve.

Understanding Debt Settlement Fees

By law, debt settlement companies cannot charge upfront fees before providing services. However, some companies hide extra fees in the fine print. You need to carefully review any fees a company charges.

Trustworthy companies offer free consultations first to see if you qualify for debt settlement. If you enroll in a program, they won't charge fees until after successfully reducing your debts. Fees are typically a percentage of the debt amount decreased.

There might be additional fees for setting up accounts or added consulting. While extra fees aren't always bad, you should know exactly what they pay for.

Good companies tie fees to actual debt reductions and real value provided. Costs should match services, not pad company profits. By making charges clear and equal to the help given, ethical firms show they focus on client interests.

Carefully examining fees ensures no surprises come up. You can then choose companies offering affordable plans aligned to your budget and relief needs.

Alternatives to Debt Relief

Settling debts is one way to get debt relief, but there are other options too. Terms like "credit settlement," "debt consolidation," and "debt relief" are sometimes used in confusing ways. But they refer to different things.

Credit settlement is when you pay less than you owe on a debt. Debt consolidation combines multiple debts into one new loan. Debt relief is a broad term that includes different strategies that can help if you have problematic debts you are struggling with.

Other types of debt relief you could investigate besides settling debts include:

Debt consolidation loan

Credit counseling

Debt management plan


So, debt relief refers to different approaches to dealing with too much debt. Settling debt is just one specific debt relief strategy.

Debt Consolidation Loans

A debt consolidation loan rolls multiple debts into one new loan. For example, you might combine credit card balances, car loans, and other debts into a single consolidation loan.

Benefits include:

Making just one monthly payment instead of many

May have a lower interest rate

Predictable payment amount each month

Consolidating loans can make managing money easier. However, it may temporarily lower your credit score when you first get the new loan. But on-time payments can then help improve your score.

So debt consolidation loans bundle different debts together into one, which can simply the payment process and may save on interest costs. But research thoroughly, as they also come with risks.

Credit Counseling Plans

Credit counseling involves working with a professional debt counselor. They help come up with a plan to repay your debts more easily. The counselor will review your full financial situation - your income, expenses, and what you owe. They'll look at which expenses are essential or not. Then they'll create a debt repayment strategy for you. This personalized plan aims to help you get out of debt while still affording necessities.

Credit counseling itself doesn't negotiate with creditors or consolidate loans. But some agencies offer those extra services too as part of their debt help plans. The goal of credit counseling is to provide guidance tailored to your situation. This can make getting out of debt seem more manageable.

Debt Management Plans

Debt management plans are designed to help you take control of your debt. They are often recommended by credit counselors. These plans can include:

Financial guidance and education

Help communicating with creditors

Lower monthly payments

Settling debts for less than owed

For example, you may make monthly payments to an account. Your counselor would then negotiate reduced settlements with creditors, as part of your management plan. The goal is creating an affordable repayment strategy tailored to your budget and financial situation. Top debt relief companies aim to design realistic plans to fit your needs and get you back on track. So debt management combines various debt help services into one customized plan for paying back what you owe. Counselors help negotiate settlements fitting your circ*mstances.


Bankruptcy is a legal process to get rid of debt you can't repay. Filing bankruptcy stops collection calls and efforts. It can help if you have extremely difficult debt circ*mstances. However, bankruptcy should only be a last resort. It comes with long-lasting effects:

Stays on credit record for 10 years

Makes getting loans and credit hard

Can limit job opportunities

So while bankruptcy wipes out debt, it severely harms your finances in other ways for many years. Other debt relief options are usually better to consider first before something as extreme as bankruptcy.

The process involves legally declaring you are unable to pay back money you owe. It stops collections efforts. But bankruptcy destroys your credit and should only be used as an absolute last option if you have no other way out.

Pros and Cons of Debt Relief Companies

Debt relief companies can help if you have major debt troubles. But there are pros and cons to consider about the debt relief industry.


Get debt-free faster, often within 5 years

Save money on interest

Simplify multiple debts into one payment

Can improve credit score over time

Alternative to bankruptcy


Require having at least $7,500 in debt

Don't cover mortgages or car loans

May hurt credit initially

Might not settle all debts

Charge 15-25% of amount settled as fees

So debt relief services can accelerate repaying what you owe and negotiate reduced balances. But it comes at a cost and some risk too. Do your research to see if it makes sense for your situation. The goal is weighing if their debt help is worth high fees, temporarily lower credit, and potential failure to settle all debts. For some major debt struggles, services can be very useful. But they have limitations to understand as well.

Frequently Asked Questions:

When to Consider Debt Relief

Debt relief programs may help if:

You are falling behind on payments

You have lots of credit card, medical, or personal loan debt

Your credit score makes consolidating difficult

Over half your income goes to debt payments

You can't repay debts within 5 years without help

Bankruptcy seems like the only option

Debt Settlement vs Debt Consolidation

Debt settlement reduces what you owe by negotiating lower payoffs. Debt consolidation combines debts into one payment to simplify. One lowers amounts owed, the other focuses on easier payment.

Fees Charged

Companies typically charge 15-25% of your total enrolled debt. For $10K debt, that's around $2,500 in fees. Legitimate companies don't charge fees until negotiating a settlement.

How Long It Takes

Completing a debt relief program takes from a few months up to several years depending on your situation. Settlements often take 2-4 years, consolidation 3-5 years. The process duration varies case-by-case.

So, in summary - debt relief can help in certain tough debt situations, but programs take time to complete and have costs. Check if services fit your specific circ*mstances and debts you are struggling with.

Summary of the Best Debt Settlement Companies

#1 ClearOne Advantage: Best debt relief company overall

#2 Pacific Debt Relief: Best for high-interest credit card debt

#3 Amone: Best marketplace for debt consolidation

#4 Accredited Debt Relief: Best for personalized financial relief options

#5 National Debt Relief: Best for large debt amounts

#6 Freedom Debt Relief: Best for complicated debt resolution

This article was written in cooperation with medallionmediagroup

I am a financial expert with a profound understanding of debt relief and related services. My expertise stems from extensive research, hands-on experience, and a comprehensive knowledge of the financial industry. I've closely followed the developments in the field, staying up-to-date with the latest information and trends.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article about debt relief companies:

Debt Relief Companies:

1. ClearOne Advantage:

  • Company Background:
    • Founded in 2008 by Tomas Gordon.
    • Specializes in helping individuals with unsecured debt.
  • Services Offered:
    • Focuses on unsecured debts like credit cards and personal loans.
    • Provides customized plans matching clients' budgets.
  • Process:
    • Conducts a thorough assessment of clients' finances.
    • Designs affordable debt relief strategies tailored to each person's circ*mstances.

2. Pacific Debt Relief:

  • Company Background:
    • Established in 2002.
    • Dedicated to helping people overcome debt struggles.
  • Services Offered:
    • Focuses on unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, and non-collateral debt.
    • Offers customized plans matching each person's unique situation.
  • Process:
    • Starts with an open conversation to understand the client's full financial story.
    • Designs an affordable debt relief roadmap tailored to the client's capabilities.

3. Accredited Debt Relief:

  • Company Background:
    • Founded in 2011.
    • Aims to compassionately help people struggling with debt burdens.
  • Services Offered:
    • Focuses on unsecured debts like credit cards and personal loans.
    • Provides personalized debt relief plans.
  • Process:
    • Listens to understand the client's full story and current debt struggles.
    • Designs a customized debt relief strategy aligned with the client’s budget and circ*mstances.

4. AmOne:

  • Company Background:
    • Founded in 1999.
    • Aims to be a caring, knowledgeable guide for personal finances and debt issues.
  • Services Offered:
    • Connects people to customized solutions like debt consolidation, personal loans, and credit services.
    • Focuses on finding the right options for debt relief.
  • Process:
    • Respects the client's financial situation and objectives.
    • Matches clients with suitable financial products and services based on extensive expertise.

5. National Debt Relief:

  • Company Background:
    • Founded in 2009.
    • Helps over 400,000 clients negotiate and settle debt.
  • Services Offered:
    • Specializes in unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, and medical bills.
    • Expertise lies in negotiating with banks and creditors to settle accounts.
  • Process:
    • Starts with a sincere consultation to fully understand the client's situation.
    • Crafts a tailored program that fits clients’ budgets.

6. Freedom Debt Relief:

  • Company Background:
    • Established in 2002.
    • Aims to compassionately guide people through conquering debt struggles.
  • Services Offered:
    • Focuses on unsecured debts like credit cards, personal loans, and medical bills.
    • Known for expertise in negotiating with creditors and handling complex situations.
  • Process:
    • Starts with an understanding consultation to grasp each client’s unique financial story.
    • Designs a tailored debt relief plan matching the person’s budget and objectives.

What is a Debt Relief Company?

A debt relief company is a commercial entity that collects fees for arranging debt settlements with credit card firms and other lenders on behalf of their clients. These companies often offer additional services related to debt relief. The main goal is to convince creditors to agree to a reduced payment, making it more manageable for individuals to pay off their debts.

How We Ranked the Best Debt Settlement Companies:

  1. Meeting Minimum Debt Requirements:
    • Most debt settlement companies require a minimum amount of debt to enroll.
    • The minimums ensure companies meet a baseline fee for providing settlement services.
  2. The Value of Accreditation:
    • Independent accreditation from organizations like the BBB and AFCC validates the legitimacy of a debt settlement company.
    • Accreditation signals that a company has undergone auditing and scrutiny beyond verbal promises.
  3. Understanding Debt Settlement Services:
    • Core services include consultations, account opening, contacting creditors, and negotiating debt reductions.
    • Some companies offer extra help like debt counseling and consolidation loans.
  4. The Value of Reviews:
    • Reviews provide real customer perspectives on debt settlement companies.
    • Independent sites like Trustpilot, Google, and the BBB feature unbiased feedback.

Understanding Debt Settlement Services:

  • Debt settlement usually focuses on unsecured debt (credit cards, personal loans) and avoids secured loans with collateral.
  • Services vary among companies, so it's crucial to choose based on your specific debt situation.

Debt Consolidation Loans:

  • A debt consolidation loan rolls multiple debts into one new loan.
  • Benefits include making one monthly payment and potentially having a lower interest rate.

Credit Counseling Plans:

  • Involves working with a professional debt counselor to create a plan for repaying debts more easily.
  • Credit counseling provides guidance tailored to your situation and may include additional services.

Debt Management Plans:

  • Designed to help take control of debt, often recommended by credit counselors.
  • Can include financial guidance, lower monthly payments, and settling debts for less than owed.


  • A legal process to get rid of debt you can't repay.
  • Should only be considered as a last resort due to long-lasting effects on credit.

Pros and Cons of Debt Relief Companies:

  • Pros include getting debt-free faster, saving money on interest, and simplifying multiple debts into one payment.
  • Cons involve having a minimum amount of debt, potential negative impact on credit initially, and fees charged by companies.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • When to Consider Debt Relief:

    • If falling behind on payments, have significant credit card, medical, or personal loan debt, and other options seem challenging.
  • Debt Settlement vs. Debt Consolidation:

    • Debt settlement reduces amounts owed by negotiating lower payoffs, while debt consolidation combines debts into one payment.
  • Fees Charged:

    • Companies typically charge 15-25% of total enrolled debt, and legitimate ones don't charge upfront fees.
  • How Long It Takes:

    • Completion times vary, with debt settlement often taking 2-4 years and consolidation 3-5 years.

In summary, the article provides detailed insights into reputable debt relief companies, the services they offer, the ranking criteria, and alternative debt relief options.

6 best debt relief companies and debt settlement programs of 2024 (2024)


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